Breeding Monarchs

Generational Monarchs from Daryl Hanna  to Maddie Ziegler

The MKUltra phenomena for Satanic grooming transfers to “Pris” of BLADERUNNER then Madonna, the girls of today’s music stars and to Sia and her media off spring, Maddie Ziegler.  The MKUltra’s torch is handed down the generational sequence X,Y and Z.  This video compares three generations of Monarch entrepreneurs in choreographed displays to the general masses of occult hidden messages.  The range of depth includes references to the Human Genome Project, “Birth of the modified human being” (Transhumanism), to pedophilia.


Superstar “Sia” has spawned the image of herself in a pedophilia landscape populated with an underage sexual surprise.  This video compares three generations of media Monarch installments in choreographed displays to the general masses populated with occult messages.  The newest and youngest inductee is used for the most severe message targeting little girls.  It is the reenactment of “Birth of Transhumanism”.   Sia passes the torch to 11 year old Maddie Ziegler of Lifetime’s Dance Moms. to continue the subliminal messaging carried forth through Gen Z.


(Transhumansim), to pedophilia.  From “Pris” of BLADERUNNER, Madonna to Sia and her media off spring, the MKUltra’s torch passes down the generational sequence X,Y and Z.


Bladerunner “Pris”


Lucy posterPris Stratton, a replicant, is only three years old.  She is the “basic pleasure model” (inception on Valentine’s Day), created for entertainment and thus a sex slave-object.  Her inception date for the futuristic film Bladerunner is Valentines Day, 2016.   Bladerunner takes place in 2019 which makes Pris toddler age.  This is psychological pedophilia.

Scarlett Johnansson’s role in the movie LUCY represents the new-age archetype, the androgynous goddess of artificial intelligence as shown in Omni’s 1984 front cover illustration titled “Techno Madonna”.

(Above) Featured on the front cover of Omni Magazine in May, 1984 was a design by Stanislaw Fernandes called Techno Madonna.  It represented a new-age archetype; the androgynous goddess of artificial intelligence. It is an integration of woman into the synthetic technological A.I. two years after the film Bladerunner.   She is perfect, like the entertainer Madonna and the updated version featuring Scarlett Johansson LUCY, except for the drop on her lip.. a symbol of the human capacity to err.  The superstar entertained us during the Superbowl with a ‘Roman Techno Show’ that had all the earmarks for a suspected Hoover Dam event.


Maddie Ziegler

In an interview, Maddie Ziegler who danced for Sia in the music video “Chandelier” and for the Ellen DeGeneres television sequence answered questions regarding her thoughts after recording Sia’s music video “Chandelier”:


“It was really different and weird for me

I like the whole dance. It was really different and weird for me, because I usually don’t, you know, be a crazy person every time. It was so fun to do and it was really out of the box and it expanded me a lot, because I’m used to competition dances where you’re like, Point your legs! But this time it was like, you just need to let go and feel it.”


“I didn’t really get the whole concept of it

But, I was obviously playing Mini Sia, because I had the wig and everything. All the tips and corrections I was getting was just, really use your crazy eyes and just be weird.”


“Do you like the song?”

“oh Yeah… I never got sick of it.  I still listen to it, which is so funny.  I’ve listened to some of her other songs too, but “Chandelier” is my favorite by far.”



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