
New Discoveries

magnetic bowls cropcircle


Does this crop circle explain the PRIMER FIELD theory of magnetism?

torus 4

CERN primer fieldCan a CERN diagram (European Council for Nuclear Research) be related to the above pictured Crop Circle?  If so, will it help the Flat Earth Theorists with more evidence that our world is indeed a flat disc based on a Primer Field?

(Above) The doughnut shaped torus field is an emf expression that surrounds the earth and living organisms.  This stable electromagnetic field may also be the companion force now understood as a Primer Field.

Experiments demonstrate that opposing electrical fields in the form of bowl shapes arranged as illustrated create a plasma field that can be compressed from a spherical shape into a disc.  If our world formed this way, then it would not be surprising that a unique compression took place as seen as a universal model that shaped our galaxies as well.

What concerns me about the Flat Earth theory, Earthica, is not the fact it may be flat, but flatearthers making a fanatical stink about it without the smoking gun evidence. They require reasonable proof.  I’ll find your proof if you wish – just say the word” – Lee B.

CERN primer field 5Not surprising will be the skeptics who disprove the flat earth concepts claiming lack of convincing evidence.  While many questions arise as to the importance for proving the theory, the argument is that it seems nothing of value benefiting mankind would avail.

flattened earth space view

It is assumed that because CERN is developing destructive technological devices against humanity, perhaps there should be meritable reason to establish a framework by which the “Powers That Be” attempts to refute this case for flat earth complicates their hiding of the truth from those of us outside their circles of secrecy.  A solution to this issue is to support the flat earth theory regardless of one may believe for the reason, it could test “science” forcing it to yield and expose itself as propaganda.


Astonishing laboratory experiments demonstrate proof that forces other than the torus field are at work

Published on Dec 17, 2012 In this first of three video series argues that the currently accepted theories established by the scientific community are not exactly correct.  The whole of physics, astrophysics, mathematics and conceptual out of the box fantasies by our entire industry of science is shaken to its core with this fundamental theory defining the forces governing all matter. (Note) The author of this video does not directly advocate the Flat Earth theory in his documentation.  The inclusion of the documentary suggests scientific evidence that supports the Flat Earth theory.





“Poet,” by Simon Donovan and Ben Olmstead, East Helen Street and North Warren Avenue.

This sculpture ‘marker’ Is a 6-foot-tall head that glows blue at night.  It incorporates metallic cutout letters… perhaps the symbolic reference to Babylonian babble.

The task to survey as an investigation into Project Bluebeam has led me down a very winding road.  The two year study involving the proving and or to disprove the theory that Hoover Dam is earmarked for destruction was intriguing.  It resulted in finding out that just maybe, “Spark” “AllSpark” and “Sparks”, which was Jodi Foster’s nickname in a Stargate film “Contact”, has to do with the spark of life and various other things to Blue Beam.  It is still a mystery for the reason both are different black ops agendas, however, all that the secret societies do are tied into the same.  

It is located at the easternmost stop of the streetcar route.  It’s tilted back and the man’s head is tilted back looking upwards to the sky with a soon to be erected reader board as if it’s streaming the words.  The head is modeled after Tucson poet Richard Siken — Donovan is quick to point out that it is Siken’s bald pate and distinctive nose as well as his poetry that are behind the choice.  The bust is meant to be representative of all poets — and the flow of words.

Poet_sculpture_letters-7791“Blue LED lights give it that blue glow at night.”

Helen Street Stop Poet

Here’s an email to a friend I wrote:  “Charla, I poked around called not only the poet it was modeled after, but the two collaborating artists. Nothing came out of it, but I will bet you that if I dig deep finding the people who approved the piece, that I’d get the answer that it is a project Bluebeam reference. Now, they wouldn’t admit, but I’d be able to tell just by who it is I would have spoken to and all that. The questions I had answered were as follows:

“Pretty and calming is what they desire us to become so as not to revolt.  Like the fluoride in water and baloney sprayed from chemtrailing, it’s all about paralyzing us into submission. I love blue, but my choice is for a technicolor world to view.   They’re not treating mental states, they’re grooming humans to adopt blue as the hue of choice. Most films are beautifully filmed with color, but in the end product just one big 2 hours of blue with red and orange highlights and shades of grey. Prison color schematics.” – Comment
blue street lamps1. Is the ‘bust’ of the head pointing to any star like Polaris? The answer was, that it’s looking at an electrical marquee reader board that has poetry written on it.  The ‘reader board has not yet been installed.

2. Why the letters? Answer, poetry. But, I think it’s Babylonian by the nature of what Bluebeam entails… the onset of all languages being broadcasted during a faked alien invasion, etc. And, it probably really is pointing at an important star cluster beyond what it’s supposed to be apparently looking at.


3. Why blue at night? Answer, led lights match the Link Electric Rail-car transit system. I answered that myself only because that’s why the system changed and that the Rondstadt Center which is linked to the electric streetcar system was repainted.”.

Satanic ties


Aleister-Crowley-mago-negroThe poet the sculpture was modeled after, Richard Siken who, is from Tucson and writes about many things that would indicate to me that it’s part of the human genetics reproductive agenda and that’s why it’s there near UMC and the UofA.  He is bald.  The “Engineers” (Anunnaki?), and the Thurn from the film John Carter were bald.  In John Carter, there is the reference to Project Bluebeam “The ninth ray isolate”.

Above portrait of Richard Siken, the poet the sculpture was modeled after.  Why is his appearance similar to Aleister Crowley, a (sick) Satanist?

Why select a local writer who not only is unknown, but has the striking similarities of Aleister Crowley?  Hmmm?

(From Open Culture)  Perhaps no one single person has had such widespread influence on the counter cultural turns of the 20th century as Cambridge-educated occultist and inventor of the religion of Thelema, Aleister Crowley.  And according to Crowley, he isn’t finished yet. “1000 years from now,” Crowley once wrote, “the world will be sitting in the sunset of Crowlianity.” The self-aggrandizing Crowley called himself “the Great Beast 666” and many other tongue-in-cheek apocalyptic titles. The British press dubbed him “The Wickedest Man in the World,” also the title of the above documentary, one of a four-part BBC 4 series on famously sinister figures called “Masters of Darkness.” Crowley is perhaps most famous for his dictum “Do what thou wilt,” which, taken out of its context, seems to be a philosophy of absolute, unfettered libertarianism.

It’s no surprise that the particular treatment of Crowley’s life above adopts the tabloid description of the magician. The documentary—with its ominous music and visual effects reminiscent of American Horror Story’s jarring opening credits—takes the sensationalistic tone of true crime TV mixed with the dim lighting and hand-held camerawork of paranormal, post-Blair Witch entertainments. And it may indeed take some liberties with Crowley’s biography. When we’re told by the voice-over that Crowley was a “black magician, drug fiend, sex addict, and traitor to the British people,” we are not disposed to meet a very likable character. Crowley would not wish to be remembered as one anyway. But despite his pronounced disdain for all social conventions, his story is much more complicated and interesting than the cardboard cutout villain this description suggests.  Crawley called himself a poet.  His raunchy, hysterical poetry is frequently amusing. Most people found his overbearing personality unbearable. Crowley traveled the world conducting magical rituals, writing textbooks on magic (or “Magik” in his parlance), founding esoteric orders, and interacting with some of the most significant artists and occult thinkers of his time.

Neo Nazi rail system?

sunlink 1

Of course.  Cities are connecting their rail systems to Federal buildings, medical establishments, and suspected FEMA camps.  Tucson, Arizona is a prime example.  The blue head may just be the symbol for final extermination.

Richard Siken, the model for sculpture that has unusual ties to film characters such as the Thurn in John Carter, Gabrielle Gifford’s husband, Mark Kelly, and the list is seemingly endless, is not directly connected to the secret societal agendas.  The relevance is peculiar, however, for the reason why spend all that money on a local writer?  It is said that his features and his bust represents all poets. 

Tucson, Arizona, is the city which rolled out a very large program to install a two part ‘script’ as we called it during the Gabrielle Giffords investigation.  On the surface, it was about pinning the shooting suspect, Jared Lee Loughner, with the full responsibility psychotic mental issues and behind that, to do with removing our right to have weapons.  This was done ingeniously to push the Health Care Law and skirt around the inability to make Legislation that completely paralyzes our 2nd Amendment.  Ask anyone and they’re certain to say “he’s crazy”.  I’m not talking about regular folks reading the regular news… I’m talking about many in the truth movement.

kelly-alien-compareOne month prior to this catastrophic event that rolled into several other shootings – The Batman Shooter happened next – Gabrielle Giffords helped to spearhead a rail system that links all the now consolidated medical centers.  Almost four years later, a sculpture was placed at the beginning of this rail line.



Ancient Civilizations hunter, Michael Tellinger, has shifted his efforts to doing the right thing with the Ubuntu Movement project he’s spearheading.  This enormous effort has taxed him in which he has offered his help to me while I push the search forth for an answer to Earth’s ancient history.  By finding more proof that the underground living quarters found by G.E. Kincaid in the first decade of 1900, I’m convinced that together, Tellinger and I will compile a complete story as to how the world’s “missing link” truly came about, thrived, and disappeared leaving us with the puzzle of life.

A slight problem prevails, however, and this video discussion explains that there are forces within the truth telling venues, particularly with a small time radio show pundit aligned with evil promoters of love and to be cautious.  I was surprised that Michael didn’t remember Michael Vara.. perhaps the odd broadcast of ill sentiment and low frequencies prevented Tellinger from forming a memorable experience.  I would suspect it is because Michael Vara has no interest and therefore isn’t a challenge to a guest… we love challenging hosts that ask the interesting questions, not the mundane.


Click image:  Michael Vara of LNM has flagged my Vimeo account of almost 100 documentaries I had made unrelated to this one so many times that they cancelled the entire account.  Vara, because he doesn’t want anyone to know that Michael Tellinger could care less about his show, let alone even remembering being on it, understands that media shills cause a “dangerous” problem in truth telling.  Vara, an internet media liar, will most likely flag this archive.  My recommendation?  Download and re-upload so that the truth be spread about latenightinthemidlands.
Tellinger Marquee


Why do I sound presumptuous.. perhaps downright vicious?  Well, Michael Vara, Sherri Kane, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, Ryan Gable, Mario Perales, an entire army of minionites are proposing a law suit against me with a non-compelling argument that I work for a government paycheck, am interested in shutting down their operation, and all kinds of ludicrous insinuations.  They are confirmed that I sniff glue based on a drunk driving charge?  It’s like being called a pedophile when caught urinating in an emergency making sure nobody sees on the side of the freeway, a bush or tree perhaps, but the cops seem to want to watch your pee pee and charge you on it anyway.  Vara and Kane would say that person, based on their charge, are working with the Vatican to traffic underage children.  It’s that bizarre.

Watch this investigative compilation (marquee ‘Mark of the Frequency Beasts’ below) accurately profiling Sherri Kane, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, and Michael Vara as to their insistence that provocateurs against their unfounded claims are ‘Trolls” is false.  They use slanderous and deceptive practices in order to guard against anyone learning the truth.  Sherri Kane, Dr. Leonard Horowitz and Michael Vara of 528 Revolution and LNM Radio Network, in their own words, illustrate the self-incriminating chaos generated through mass internet media.  Given their habitual deceptive practices, I have examined how they manipulate their supporters, advocates, and listeners by employing a barrage of disinformation, slander and deception.



Michael Vara had openly and on air invited that this video be sent to him personally so that he would post it directly to his site.  A truther would have done so, however, he instead had the video removed from my YouTube account.  He said as you will hear in the beginning, “…I’ll post anything you do because nothing you say can hurt me…” Obviously, while I never said anything harmful, it was what he had said and done that hurt himself. 


New Age Religion Media Trolls – “Troll Triad template for what’s to come”

I first contacted Sherri Kane and Michael Vara during my independent investigation into the false flag event known as the Safeway Shooting.  It involved Dem. Rep Gabrielle Giffords and Judge John M. Roll as key targets where one was sacrificed and the other murdered.  With six mortal casualties and 13 suffering gunshot woulds, it was a blow to the head that ended Judge Roll’s life.  A media psyops had been underway spearheaded by one Edward Chiarini who had set up a website that remains today as the most ludicrous crime investigations analysis there is.  I flushed him out as well as Mike Adams of with this new analysis of the Love frequency scam involving posers portraying goodnicks.

Sherri Kane-Dr. Leonard Horowitz-Michael Vara-Alternative News Lies-NWOCSIBy using their non-evidenced based theories and false listener/supporter statistics they refer to as, “528 Revolution” & “LNM Radio Network,” Sherri Kane, Dr. Leonard Horowitz and Michael Vara create the same masks of deception parallel to the 1939 classic movie, Wizard of Oz.  The goal of this report is to educate those who’ve become intoxicated with blind faith by allowing the Tri-Marks of Deception and Beasts to behave in heinous malevolent and covert ways. All facts, events and themes presented in this film are not intended to harm Sherri Kane, Dr. Leonard Horowitz and Michael Vara, but serve to educate their supporters and listeners to begin questioning their hidden agendas.


Sherri, Leonard and Mike realized that I meant business regarding truthing

They claim copyright infringement, but they’ll lose big time.  They post my picture, so why not theirs?  Babies.  All I did was interview people.. they instead call me names and insinuate I’m a cointelpro with guilt by association with others who are associated with others on down the line to ridiculousness.  Babies.

Dr. Leonard Horowitz lost three cases against the people who have given me absolute permission to post their copyright content after Leonard failed his suits.  Morons.  Vara posted and removed a video on top mine that he made realizing he incriminated himself on a multitude of levels.  Another moron far dumber than a dull bent nail.  Death threats, lies about his minions, lies about personally posting anything I do that can’t hurt him seems to be his status quo.  So, let’s get down to business evaporating these counterproductive individuals and clean up the truth movement.  Let’s rock!

Michael Tellinger works with Lee Bracker to solve ancient world history

Click image to play video:

Tellinger Marquee


The end result was finding that Sherri Kane had all along convinced Michael Vara that I was a counter intelligence agent working in support of the NWO when, really, they are in defense of it through the diabolical undermining of Dr. Leonard Horowitz.  Speculated as a ‘quack’, the doctor does not practice medicine and does not implement the knowledge passed to him through educational institutes, however, he utilizes the research people outside the conventional platforms have done, misconstrues it, and passes it along in his version to validate what is wrong.   Visit Dr. True Ott’s pages that reference the topic of frequencies:  528 is the Frequency of SATURN/SATAN — NOT OF CHRISTIAN “LOVE” 

To understand what the 432Hz frequency is in contrast to the 528Hz tone, visit  Why Christians and “Worship” Teams Should Tune all Instruments to 432 hz and Abandon 440 hz

A stone’s throw west of Tucson, Arizona, stands an unusual 883 meter tall “hill”

This geological landmark is part of a group of peaks known as the Tucson Mountains.  I had never suspected it as being a more than a possible ancient pyramid until earlier this year.  I had just concluded research in which an ancient series of pyramids and structures within the Grand Canyon’s “Monument” area align with Orion’s star pattern.  Although the Tucson mountain range that is geologically older than Sentinel Peak have no star pattern matches as of yet, there is circumstantial evidence indicating that A Mountain may be a construct as opposed to being a naturally formed – attraction.


I spent a number of hours discussing with University professors whether or not the logic stands – Was this mountain formed from magma projectile spewed in a constant straight lined direction from the Catalina Mountain range? The Santa Catalinas are approximately 15-20 miles due North of the city, and downtown Tucson, where Sentinel Peak “A” Mountain is located.  “We go by what we’re taught… no, there is no true substantiated evidence A Mountain was created by a volcanic eruption from the Catalinas”.  I asked a student, “Yup, I’m just going through the motions to make a paycheck when I get outta here, bro.  You’d be hard pressed to change the curriculum”.


Joe image crop

Orion’s pattern did not work of course and I put the idea on the back burner.

The geology of Sentinel Peak as described by the AZGS is dominated by 20 to 30 million year old (Ma) volcanic rocks, unlike most of the rest of the Tucson Mountains which are composed primarily of much older volcanic rocks that were largely produced during a single enormous eruption.  It appears that Sentinel Peak “A” Mountain is separate and different.

Back in my “ancient days”, I ran up and all around that mountain.  I was in pretty good shape.  Little did I know that I was cruising an ancient pyramid, or so I now think.

I studied with Joe Blankinship before his passing late December, 2012.  He was highly knowledgeable regarding pyramids.  His teachers were those of the highest standing in world research and publications on the subject and when combined with his vast knowledge of minerals, gold in particular, that made my education much more valuable.  It’s how I managed to discover that the Monuments of the Grand Canyon are not natural.  I asked Joe if he felt that Baboquivari Peak in Arrivaca, Arizona (image to the right), had ever been mined for gold and if it was an ancient pyramid as I had regarding Sentinel Peak.  Interview with Kyle Dayton Part I  &  Part II

Sentinel Peak

A-Mountain-Tucson composite

At first, before conducting research, I felt that the “A” never represented Arizona or the University of Arizona.. it’s the NASA insignia “A” shape. How I sense this is because it should be a “T” for Tucson.  Under research, however, Wikipedia with no citations tells the history as it may have happened.

A“The idea for the “A” began in 1914 after the Arizona team defeated Pomona College in a big football game.  A civil engineering student on the team convinced one of his professors to include the project of creating the “A” atop Sentinel Peak as a class assignment.”From what I know about engineers, it is possible that the young man was influenced either by secret society members in a fraternal order or his father with the idea so that the letter “A”, and not “T”, be used.



This would be difficult to prove which means I’ll accept that the story is true.  What confuses me is what is reported as Sentinel Peak as “Not a volcano” although it is made with volcanic rock in layers.  The text reads that Sentinel and Tumamoc peaks are unlike and younger than the rest of the Tucson Mountains.  I suspected Baboquivari Peak in Arrivaca (side bar image), Arizona before moving on.



A big mountain made of volcanic rock is not a volcano?

“Sentinel Peak is made up of a series of volcanic rocks that represent different types of volcanic activity, though the mountain itself is not a volcano.”

The question is; How can a pyramid shaped object that is not a volcano be made of volcanic rock?  I feel that if it was a volcano, then I’ve lost the theory and that it would be difficult to prove without a star pattern match. The reference may have meant that Sentinel Peak is not an ACTIVE volcano.


Could alien races have built different kinds of pyramids?

ancient-aliens-pyramid-hd-wallpaper theory goes beyond in saying that if volcanoes are in fact pyramids built by an alien race with different methodology, that it was the Vulcans that used geothermal activity to create them.  In the film AFTER EARTH which is a story about creating supersoldiers in a very distant ‘Earthly’ future, Jaden Smith who is the son of Will Smith must climb the top of a volcano.  Are volcanos alien creations that use geo-thermal energy to power… something?

The free thought process went on by suggesting that a secret military base exists underneath.  It would be accessed both at the Carnegie research facility 1/3 of the way up and from the network of underground tunnels that link Raytheon, The UofA, Davis Monthan AFB, and so on.


Other suspects in the United States

fotolia_1051341_XS - Copy

mountain-motelTenderfoot Mountain is sometimes called the “S” Mountain by virtue of the fact it contains a large S near its summit. The S Mountain is a Salida landmark and serves as the base for many activities, such as jogging, hiking and biking. During the winter holidays it is decorated with numerous lights. The mountain is just east of the Arkansas River.



The 2013 Super Soldier and Mind Control Summit II was the impetus for a documentary I created designed to flush out more counterintelligence aside from Douglas Dietrich and Solaris BlueRaven.  The video was pulled within 24 hours of release.  It was decided to produce a video that did not prove the controversy


It was one that is focused on my research regarding the secret society secrets – Pyramids and Stargates of Arizona.  the result of the time spent with these fine people was my understanding of how deep mind control’s grip on the innocent is.

Tyler Clark & James Rink

In our interview with Tyler Clark and James Rink, I convey the message that there is a solution to the attacks by mind control programs like that which converged on the summit in which several people reported being abducted.

Don Mitchell

Don Mitchell is my new friend and technical adviser.  With his help, I finally could put two thoughts together driving a long sought after resolve to the mystery surrounding what GRAVITY is.  Soon, I’ll publish my theory with the hope I can prove it using a sensible theorem.  If not, I’m sure it is the meal ticket for scientists all over the world.

Above: An 1:30 minute interview with Tyler Clark and James Rink with a commentary interview with technology specialist, Don Mitchell Just before I was asked to leave the Super Soldier and Mind Control Summit II held in Henderson, Nevada May 17-19, 2013.  It was there that I realized a new “Law of Attraction” that explains just about everything that has to do with ascension, gravity.. the works.  It is a secret hidden right before our eyes and I found it.

Alara Blackwell

Alara Blackwell is a supersoldier who I had interviewed at the UFO Congress Conference earlier in March, this year 2013.  I asked if she would like to take part in a study involving several other people with varying psychological, bio-mechanical, and health problems.  She was receptive during the interview, but for personal reasons elected to place the idea on hold.  You may view our time together discussing the protocol with her acknowledgement at the time we conducted the interview.   I tried to approach her at the second conference where I had met James and Tyler, but she avoided contact with me for unknown reasons at the time, however, it is suspected that the mind control program MILAB interfered with our successfully crossing paths.



A mysterious majestic city

Companion article: Proof that pyramids exist in the Grand Canyon

lots of pyramids lensThe Kaibab Plateau located in central Northern Arizona showcases a mysterious majestic city epic in size and proportion. While this city is officially referred to as a series of natural “Grand Canyon Monuments”, they are in fact precisely arranged pyramids towers and temples aligned to both the star and nebula pattern of ORION “The Hunter” and Pleiades constellations.

This appears to be a great city of a “lost” continent hidden in plain sight. There is neither folklore nor definition of it, although, Egyptian and Asian artifacts have been found. Some of which swiped under the guidance of the Smithsonian Institute. If giant Nephilim skeletons were recovered, only the inner circles of the secret societies would know. The city is veiled in secrecy using deceptive language and tactics as a device for keeping the general population from understanding what the “Monuments of the Grand Canyon” truly are.


The topographical map of the National Park shows the high elevations of the monuments named after Egyptian and Asian Gods, etc. G.E. Kincaid and the Smithsonian Institute said that what was underground and within the canyon walls were an ancient habitat, however, the astonishing correlation of stars of two constellations are undeniable.
Monuments align Orion and Pleiades
We view these features called monuments as if they were organically and arbitrarily crafted by a stream of water. A tempestuous Colorado River, our text books claim, carved the famous Isis Temple, Tower of Ra, Buddha Temple and Cloister including many more as if millions of years were taken to achieve. The theory that natural water erosion sculpted the Grand Canyon simply cannot be accurate.


A water sculpted canyon. Now that’s a ‘wonder’


The Monuments embedded within this great chasm is now confirmed to be a set of pyramids and structures defining a city of such enormous expanse that it very well could have been the metropolis of a lost continent populated with an antediluvian civilization. The antediluvian period begins with the Creation according to Genesis and ends with the destruction of all life on the earth except those saved with Noah in the Ark, and possibly disguised by the knowledge of the secret societies. This city is a remnant of an ancient continent. It remains a mystery, however, the notion that it may even be the infamous and highly sought after lost continent of Atlantis is certainly plausible, it most likely is a companion pyramid array not unlike what would be found at the 19th leyline node, Atlantis, or the first node where the great pyramid Khufu stands exactly in the center of the earth plane.

The hypothetical “Lost land” known as Lemuria might be considered by some, however, the legend and theories regarding Lemuria are more rooted in fictional hearsay than would lend more research for revival here with the identifying location as a reasonable manner the city within the canyon. The opposite may be true as further research takes place in which more may be revealed.


I’m very surprised Cayce never ‘channeled’ this mysterious city under scrutiny.. could it be his alien friends are the secret keepers of knowledge? I hate bringing it up because people revel in his abilities, but I have a feeling he was conned in many ways by the entities he communicated with passing it off to the people.

West Java, Indonesia perhaps

In the case of the sunken continent of Atlantis, it has always been thought of as an entire parcel of of land surrounded by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. World renowned cosmic channel, Edgar Cayce, verifies this although skeptics and others have postulated otherwise.

One professor, the late professor Arysio Nunes dos Santos, suggests Atlantis is in the location of the newly discovered pyramids found on West Java, Indonesia. Other volumes of published materials produce mostly conjecture, however, without an honest look at real evidence. They are valiant efforts.

The likely truth is that a world flood did occur covering much of the topography of the land and seas in which when had mostly receded, Atlantis remained submerged and not sunken at all.  Or, the waters that were added to the down pour of the waters from above creating the destructive force killing all life and devastating all constructs on the surface created a ‘sink hole’ effect in which the mythical place we call Atlantis did actually sink.


giza ailigned belt starsThere is proof now that pyramids do exist in the Southwest United States. They do reside under an ancient seabed which establishes that they are all coordinated and line up precisely with the major stars and nebulae of the constellation Orion “The Hunter”. The same has been established with the great pyramids of Giza in Egypt. The difference is that all of the stars and nebulae of Orion match with the canyon Monuments with clarity.

The Grand Canyon with all its pristine beauty is neither naturally formed or organic in nature. This unique area at the Kaibab Plateau is indeed a widespread chasm that could not have possibly been carved out by a tumultuous river which is narrow by comparison. A simple observation of the angularity about the Monuments shows that they are devoid of sweeping curves on the stones. This logically demonstrates that water did not spend enough time sculpting smooth forms .


(Above) Ava Leigh Stewart investigates negligence and secrecy surrounding the mystery of Isis Temple asking if it truly is a pyramid.


Is the historic record genuine?

If geologists, archaeologists, scientists of all areas agree that the mighty Colorado River in it’s strange but rather small in scale and configuration could form this canyon, then perhaps our geological historians are accurate. I agree that a river or series of them did cut vast areas of earth from the South to North rim and then on over to Nevada and down. I’ll buy the argument that simply because these are ancient structures built of hardened earth and that the soft was swept away over millions of years and so on has to be that simply because I’m showing proof these are aligned to stars. I would have to also think that if we washed away all of the soft earth over the entire continent that we’d find the whole of our astrological system in the form of intelligently crafted pointed buildings. After all, what else other than a globe besieged by water could bury so many archaeological finds throughout the world? I do not believe that over time earthly renovations due to tropical storms, even hurricanes, tsunamis, and volcanic activity could have buried modern in ancient times cities.

There is evidence that mighty pointed formations are found in other canyons. And, they are also stepped and blocked. Blocks are angled at 90 degrees and these angles are seen in the Grand Canyon almost every yard of the way. This means that rivers did etch away doing its beautiful carving of the Great Deluge sediment from the original engineering constructs.

If this is absurd, then there’s room to suggest that there may have been an alien intentioned agenda at large. Perhaps there were massive ore harvesting projects aimed at stealing enormous caches of treasure, in particular, GOLD. A mining project as large as Massachusetts perhaps.


An Alien archaeological dig

atlantisheaderIf the historical record is wrong that a river the width of the Colorado River could have snaked its way completely and everywhere around these monumental features, then there must be an explanation as to how this massive ditch be created. The river could have been wider or several as opposed to the single one we know today, however, if there is an explanation, it would have to be alien inspired.

This great gorge may actually be an ancient geoforming project on the largest of scales known on planet Earth. The intent, obviously Alien, was to remove the softer ancient seabed sediment and earth that had engulfed the city. This occurred most likely during the flooding of the planet as told in Biblical terms regarding Noah and the story of the Ark.

This city then became an unearthed treasure trove find by off-world interests. Perhaps those who competed, or even battled against the Anunnaki of Nibiru (Planet X). Their goal perhaps for conquest over the megalithic cache of gold – primarily – that to a person living today be incomprehensibly vast. For you see, the Monuments of the Grand Canyon may have been completely covered – layered – in gold. The temples were filled as well as ordained with silver, gold and platinum. Aluminum was also a valuable metal. This city could very well have had the appearance of a scaled up, way up, version of the most ornate crown of jewelry.


Why was this alien archaeological dig conducted?

A scene In the 2011 film Cowboys and Aliens in which an alien spaceship arrives in Arizona in 1873 to mine for gold, a unique technology was used. The scene to the right depicts a unique liquid streaming of gold as it rises as if drippings along a string up from the depth of the canyon into the alien ship.

cowboys and aliens gold extractionTo plunder and harvest gold of coarse. A project of this size had to have been to liberate the treasure from a whole city the size of, well, the Grand Canyon. Alien ‘Pirates’! Once the city was revealed, some incredible technology had to have been implemented to strip the precious metals from the massive Monuments. Perhaps a complex smelting process was used. The gold then off-loaded to other locations on Earth or off-world. Hollywood, as always, gives us a “tell” in a alien related film in which an unusual method is shown how an alien intelligence extracts gold from the earth. This is relevant for the reason it is taking place in Arizona, the location of the mining, or excavation, is in a canyon, and that it is being conducted by aliens. Furthermore, a war is taking place all because of gold.


Some precious metals negligible

Orion overlay monuments Grand Canyon half size

There is a question as to how and why there is more gold in California, Arizona, Colorado, and Mexico. In other words, areas surrounding the Grand Canyon. It could have been that the use of so much water, possibly the result of the melting of polar ice during one of the ‘ending of an ice age’ (our last one?) in order to hose down the Kaibab Plateau; that the overflow with the surge of residual mineral debris flowed as a widely spread film of water dispersed over vast areas. A prospectors delight and an explanation for the California gold rush heyday.



Who knows, maybe I did find the real Atlantis or Lemuria. To me, I wouldn’t care if it was me to do it since I’m disgusted more having been lied to by the powers that be. I’d rather expose them for the atrocities regarding education than anything else. People publish books on where they think these lost continents are. Fine, but not my gig. I prove my theories when provable no longer calling them theories or of the conspiratorial variety. I say when I’m just thinking thoughts ‘theorizing’. Eventually the right thing comes along.

I felt it prudent not to claim that “The lost continent of Atlantis and its major hub” has finally been identified for the reason it is more important to understand history has been undeniably changed.. it is more prolific. It means geologists have been denied the truth.  It means also that the whole of the sciences is entirely disingenuously wrong.  Ultimately, it means that like the Giza Plateau is not unlike this lost continent area we learned is a Grand Canyon may be be officially re-titled, “The Great Pyramids of Kaibab”.  I don’t believe anyone outside the secret societies had ever contemplated an examination of the Monuments of the Grand Canyon which means there’s a bigger secret and perhaps that is that an undocumented “lost continent or city” has finally been revealed for research. I invite all to take a good look at this and really press on the Smithsonian Institute to disclose the truth. They must know for they are responsible for secretly taking artifacts from the area and all that business.

I theorized some thought provoking ideas not meant to be taken literally. Nothing has yet been proven other than the so-called Monuments of the Grand Canyon absolutely match Orion’s star patterns. This means it is no longer a theory that an incredible city existed. Incidentally, that big gully isn’t the only one. We had toyed with the fantasy of two major lost continents, Atlantis and Lemuria, in a tunnel visioned view of our world before the great flood, but a reality seems to be that the entire skin of this planet was populated with pyramid cities. Orion isn’t the only constellation either that one could line ’em all up with – the whole sky; both northern and southern hemispheres.




Knights Templar, the Illuminati, their museums and foundations & the matrix of secret societies all know

By the year 1936, a brand new Pyramid was built right before the eyes of 6 billion people.   It was named after a president that few wanted it named after.  Hoover Dam was the greatest engineering feat ever accomplished at that time in modern history.


Most think it was designed to be a hydro electric power plant, but the truth is, it was much more than met the eye.  Nobody knew but for the circles of secrecy that this construct was destined to be a Stargate.

While researching utilizing many investigative approaches, I had to ascertain why this massive project was uniquely designed with overkill of occultic symbols from the design layout itself to the art and details as well as its location.  What I discovered is that the Grand Canyon itself may also have secrets.


What people did know was that Arizona’s first governor, Hunt, preferred pyramid shaped tombs for he and his wife.  He died two years before the dam was officially completed. There was another person who died in the year 1936 when the dam had been completed.  Reclamations Commissioner Dr. Elwood Mead whose last project, the largest of its kind in the world, so happened to complete the lake mead water reclamation project with his very own death.

Grand Canyon topo map - dot pattern

“There are many categories of 7 wonders of the world. I wonder about everything which means there are many sets of several hundred questionable things I ‘Wonder’ about.   The Canyon” itself is deemed a natural wonder by some decision making body I’m unaware of. while Hoover Dam is an architectural one, the ‘monuments’ are by definition architectural, sculptural and plain ‘intelligently crafted’ constructs completely foreign to nature, hence should be architectural.. if the secret societies who guard the canyon’s secret did not mask the true history, its ‘alien equation’ history and the historical ‘cover/ would be compromised.”

Grand Canyon topo map - Orion text


Grand Canyon topo map - Copy

Nothing qualifies the Grand Canyon to be a “Natural Wonder”

By definition, the ‘Monuments of the Grand Canyon’ are not considered natural features, but a deception that they are.  This is why the national park is incorrectly a natural ‘Wonder’.  It should really be an ancient architectural one.  This is why the secret societies call them wonders.. they keep us wondering what they truly are.


n   1)  A statue, building, or other structure erected to commemorate a famous or notable person or event.  2)  A statue or other structure placed by or over a grave in memory of the dead.  Syn:   memorial – cenotaph

(Wiki), The word “monumental” is often used in reference to something of extraordinary size and power, as in monumental sculpture,  but also to mean simply anything made to commemorate the dead, as a funerary monument or other example of funerary art.  The word comes from the Latin “monere,” which means ‘to remind’ or ‘to warn.’ The term is often used to describe any structure that is a significant and legally protected historic work



n    A monument erected in honor of a dead person whose remains lie elsewhere.

(Wiki) A cenotaph is an “empty tomb” or a monument erected in honour of a person or group of people whose remains are elsewhere. It can also be the initial tomb for a person who has since been interred elsewhere. The word derives from the Greek: “empty”, and taphos, “tomb”. Although the vast majority of cenotaphs are erected in honour of individuals, many noted cenotaphs are instead dedicated to the memories of groups of individuals, such as the lost soldiers of one country or empire.


It took ten minutes.  Now I have to look at Monument Valley, Sedona, and anywhere natural features are considered ‘monuments’

George Hunt cropped


While it is known that Egyptian and Asian underground cities existed deep beneath the River bed that are accessible, but now cordoned off by the US government, I needed to know why the ‘monuments’ of the Canyon strangely were named after Egyptian rulers.  Could they be more than natural features?  Where they aligned to the stars.  I set out to see if my assumption would yield hard facts.  I thought it would take months.

George Wiley Hunt, 1st governor of Arizona, is entombed with his wife in this pyramid before it had turned into state park overlooking the Phoenix, Arizona.

Using logic, I felt that the star system ‘Orion’ before working with Pleiades would be the first place to begin for the reason the belt stars of  ‘The Hunter’ lined up with the great pyramids of Egypt. It would be probable I would stumble into something.  And so I did and it took all of ten minutes to do.  All the stars line up….. pretty much by design.


Grand Canyon topo map - Orion1

The Grand Canyon lines up with Orion, but what is it about the Pleiades that inspired the occult?

Pleiades?  It may very well be there too.  Hoover Dam commemorates the Seven Sisters with a terrazo tiled floor design featuring Alcyon, the brightest star in that system.

Many thanks goes to the University of Arizona’s main library for their extensive archive of maps and also the Planetary Sciences / LPL high definition image and archives department curator, Maria.


Proof the ‘monuments’ cannot be officially be considered natural wonders

AlcyoneIn November 2006 the USA Today in conjunction with Good Morning America revealed a list of ‘New Seven Wonders’ as chosen by six judges.  The wonders were announced one per day over a week on Good Morning America.

An eighth wonder was chosen on November 24, 2006 from viewer feedback  If viewers only knew the truth.. experts certainly don’t, but should.  One of the many existing lists was compiled by CNN and included the Grand Canyon and its ‘monuments’ as a natural wonder.


The USA Today Magazine Panel

Sylvia Earle

Sylvia Earle, is a marine biologist and Time magazine’s first “Hero for the Planet.”  Earle is also a National Geographic Society explorer in residence and has led sixty expeditions with over 6,000 hours of underwater research and exploration.  There are pyramids under water, so why hasn’t she reported on them?  Fail.

Bruce Feiler

Bruce Feiler, author of of best-seller “Walking the Bible and Abraham: A Journey to the Heart of Three Faiths”, Feiler is a self-proclaimed “theological tourist” and has visited over sixty countries on five continents.  I haven’t left the city limits of Tucson to realize the facts.   Fail.

Pico Iyer

Pico Iyer,  has authored over eight books, including “Video Night in Kathmandu” which is considered one of the best travel books ever by USA Today.  Iyer has twice been a ‘Fellow of the World Economic Forum’ in Davos, Switzerland.  And yet, he fails as well. Wonder if he travelled to the canyon.  Fail.

Holly Morris

Holly Morris, wants you to think she is one of these ‘global explorers’.  These are cruise ship opportunists looking for a good time.  She directs, hosts, and executive produces “Adventure Divas” which is a PBS documentary series that profiles innovative women around the world, Morris also is co-founder of Adventure Divas Inc.  Hmmmm, another one of them elitists.  Fail.

Johan Reinhard

Johan Reinhard,  What?  A high-altitude archaeologist?    Never heard of such a thing.  Reinhard is a National Geographic Society explorer in residence.  He discovered the perfectly preserved “ice maiden” Inca mummy on Peru’s Mount Ampato in 1995, among other finds.  I think these are ‘accidental stumbling or tripping over’ finds.  The credit is due to someone who figures out the existance of these ‘finds’ and then finds them.  Big fail.

Neil deGrasse Tyson

Neil deGrasse Tyson,  is an  Astrophysicist at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City as well as director of the Hayden Planetarium.  Tyson has explored star formation, exploding stars, dwarf galaxies and the structure of the Milky Way.  This then is the biggest failure yet.  He of all of them should have known that the star pattern of Orion is a perfect non-coincidental alignment of the monuments of the Grand Canyon chasm.  EPIC FAIL.
