How We Became Prisoners of the New World Order & How We Reverse It

Dismantle The Beam Project is about understanding the logistics and planning of the New World Order.  The title is drawn from the idea that I’d like to reveal what the black project “Project Bluebeam” is exactly and if and when the proposed initiation of a faked global invasion by off world beings is real or fiction.

“If you fight with monsters for too long, you become a monster” – Billy Bob Thornton “Pat Candy” Our Brand is Crisis

Recent headway has been made in areas of investigation which is leading me towards better solutions to the world’s problems.  All of my articles while they express my opinions of the problem also show the solution to the issues.  To date, not one person has effectively refuted any of the findings.  I get the usual trolls, however, since they’re mostly kids none of which are experienced in the days older generations were, it’s clear that the research I have conducted is seen by the power elite secret societies, and most anyone with knowledge of the occult world to say something educational in support.  I have not received any notice with solid proof or evidence that I’m incorrect.

John Mills, my amusing morning coffee friend, helped me understand many things regarding the secret societies, geo political game players, and shed light with angles uncommon in the circles of knowledge based individuals working towards a solution to defeating the New World Order.  While chatting that morning, he was unaware that I committed his fresh quote to memory.  It is now an election year in which John during a light political conversation regarding one of the candidates says, “Nobody has ever diagnosed wealth for what it is – Mental Illness”.

Pyramid quote


So many who need to believe in ‘something’ are sucked into a rigged game of social engineering.  As for us. . . We Think! – Charla Gene

Dam Radio Show 2016

 On The Beam Radio Show Archives




john adams crop


Dismantle the Beam Project’s companion site

John Adams declared tyranny by saying; “May none but Honest and Wise Men ever rule under this Roof.”
The definition of “rule” is one of a set of explicit or understood regulations or principles governing conduct within a particular area of activity, interest, expertise or an aspect of society and life distinguished and unified by a particular characteristic.  This goes against working for the people.  If presidents were advocating instead of ruling, we would not managed under the same European Aristocracy as it seems we have since the beginning because Adams was the Vice under the first.

High Frequency Health thumb

My origins happen to be in the health and wellness areas of research.  Please visit Veritascures to see treatments and cures for diseases as well as nutritional advice – an extension of my published book HIGH FREQUENCY HEALTHHigh Frequency Health covers a wide range of nutritional and disease related issues including the best diet philosophy, natural treatments for cancer, diabetes, Hepatitis C, AIDS, and so much more.

This reference guide places particular emphasis toward the healing modalities associated with alcohol related problems, reactions, and solutions.  Addiction is curable in the respect that a person can be restored to an original condition.  A life do-over.  Because of this, one who has had a life long battle with and addiction, this person can become a child again and not have the addictive “program” even the propensity to develop craving still exists.



“The more ‘I’ solated in cyberspace humanity becomes, the more psychologically disturbed is its reality” – Lee Bracker


Go to Feature Stories


“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it” – Adolf Hitler




“The Internet is just one big rumor” – Celina


NEW  Will the real shill please step forward?

Once friends, I was threatened with a law suit and with my life.  First the suit to make money and then the kill to satisfy his sick needs and agenda to be the last standing representative of humanity left on his planate veritas Earth.  Listen to audio recordings he feels should be private or else Im in violation of his rights. I recorded his criminal confessions for publication to stop him from committing murder.  I tried and I failed to bring him to the light. In profiling, when someone is angry when called a liar, it means they really are.  This man revolted when called one for other reasons.

Robert Bassano color


NEW  My God, they’re trees after all

  giant tree stump 5

The new understanding of our ancient past is revealed.  What we all have known was hidden in plain sight and what has happened is more validation regarding Bible codes being authentic.  Our world crippled by a gigantic flood, The Great Deluge, resulted in our existence on the remains of the deceased trees of God’s original creation.  There were no stones before the the flood, but living organsims that connected man with the world consciousness.  The spinal cord severed world wide limits our ability to be connected as a unit of humanity and is why we lead perilous lives.

Who actually reads beforeitsnews?

selfie danae ringelmann

Danae Ringlemann thinks she’s doing a good thing with super fund raiser website Indiegogo, however, she’s just as much indoctrinated as the rest.  If Obama is part of the support team, then it makes sense why Indiegogo pushes surveillance technology. The point of this article has more to do with solving a problem on our end by taking one of their 1st place award winning fund raising projects, creating one exactly like it regarding it’s structure, but implement a different outcome based result.  It promotes contrived education about government while a new one teaches what they’re really doing.  Fabulous idea, terrific answer to a national problem, and a way to show that Danae isn’t all together straight in the head.

Interview with Jim Fetzer Gotthard Tunnel connection

goat on hoover dam

I speak with Jim Fetzer off air with updates to my investigation regarding Hoover Dam and the conCERN about ipetgoatii, the 2001 reference to Baphomet, the signature of the same at the Gotthard Tunnel occult Satanic conduct that spooked the audience and people worldwide, and share what may be the ultimate intent by the PTB – destruction of the remnants of the old world of Antediluvia in which our mountains may be pyramids in rubble.

Atlantis Rising Interview: Neo-Formation Theory of the Grand Canyon

Atlantis Rising Magazine recorded interview in preparation for an article post to be published in 2016.


.Swiss watchmaker, CERN, now world leader in soul snatching

Swiss Cern watch bw

New information brings to light a use that the blackhole watch may have an additional more sinister purpose. This concept dovetails with the known theories regarding soul snatching machines, or mechanisms, and which may be the device used globally that at the time of mass extinction, the entities yearning to harvest human souls have the ability to capture a soul using this device. The same components also integrated within personal electronic devices like portables and cell phones covers more bases. People are psychologically attached to these electronics and harness them at close proximity to the surface of the body.

Tyranny by the 2nd Presidency

john adams crop

John Adams declared tyranny by declaring; “May none but Honest and Wise Men ever rule under this Roof.”  I take that as an insult because it’s not about being wise or honest… it’s the word rule I’m concerned over… that’s what they did in Europe and what we ran the Hell away from to find a sovereign peace of existence.

Architecture embodies Light – Blueprint in Unas

Ceiling Pyramid Unas 2

The ceiling of the inner chamber of the Pyramid of Unas near Cairo, Egypt, expresses a detailed organized series of five pointed stars arranged in a columnar and row pattern. These are the threshold barriers of the light body. The misinterpretation would be that the depiction is a map of the night heaven of stars. If it were, we’d see something similar to a photo copy of what the eye sees as the pattern of the constellations and positions of the stars. Since it appears not to be a representation of the stars, then it represents something else.

What is Black Goo? Interview with Miles Johnston

Miles Johnston bw

Miles Johnston and I speak to the topic of Black Goo. I felt that because he had contacts with people that discuss the concept of this material, I had the need to learn what he knew with the hope I could meet with people that could shed more light on the subject for the reason, this material is what I suspect as being the component necessary for completing the mechanism I think is the Doomsday Machine – Hoover Dam.

Vanishing point space warp phenomena

cuniform 1

Both the Flat Earth and Sphere earth communities are hoaxed by science, NASA, and all those affiliated with secret societies including the infiltrators into Flat Earth. The astronaut, if indeed exceeds the altitude of the ISS, sees a plane morph into a disc and then a hemisphere because human visual capabilities are limited to the vanishing-point phenomena. This video demonstrates in part that no intentional video augmentation took place by NASA or the private sector regarding what is seen out the portal windows.  What they don’t show is kept secret. What they stage is obviously video fakery, but not what HD cameras capture beyond their lens refracting properties.



Who is Supreme leader Snoke? John D. Rockefeller of course

snoke john d rockefeller compare

In analyzing films for their occult messages, I have not found a relationship as remarkable as the one embedded in J.J. Abrams character conceptualization for Starwars – The Force Awakens 99(2015).  Not knowing what to expect and as usual am very much surprised at what I find; in this case there is an Illuminati Icon serving as the ultimate villain.

Caduceus = Transhumanism


The winged symbol is found on most every marketed product worldwide.  It is found in government, the military, and as logos on the cars we drive.  It’s also found to represent medicine.  Like the 5 pointed star, so too is the symbol of the wings.  How then has it come to represent the human genome project related to sexual reproduction?  We turn to the phrase most everyone knows as a person, a women in particular, with legs spread apart.

“Alien” agenda spelled out in HUNGER GAMES

underground reptilian Alien compare

Who is “they” and where in the plot lines of any of the four films were “they” arriving with a absolute desire to remain without contest?  Katniss Everdeen kills the ultimate evil while the equal party is torn to pieces… who then is in power or who isn’t yet exiled?  If it was so important that the audience had to hear this as a final goodbye to Hunger Games, why isn’t the hero the actual leader?  This is because that which cannot be removed must be that which has utter control over humanity – Alien races.

SPECTRE’s occult theme is Alien based

blofeld's eye

SPECTRE indicates that the the first scene in which James Bond partakes in the dress of the Day of the Dead among the parade participants is indicative of the end game played out by the NWO’s desire to destroy humanity. In this film, they show us what their weapon will be – a meteorite.


Crop Circle Identified as a Primer Field

magnetic bowls cropcircle

Can a CERN diagram (European Council for Nuclear Research) be related to this Crop Circle?  If so, will it help the Flat Earth Theorists with more evidence that our world is indeed a flat disc based on a Primer Field?  Experiments demonstrate that opposing electrical fields in the form of bowl shapes arranged as illustrated create a plasma field that can be compressed from a spherical shape into a disc.  If our world formed this way, then it would not be surprising that a unique compression took place as seen as a universal model that shaped our galaxies as well.

Chase Bank Logo is the Pyramid Khufu

Chase logo khufu composite 2

The Chase Bank Logo has been argued by occult analysts of symbology to resemble the Swastika.  The center square is a Freemason occult geometric shape.  Based on my ongoing study of ancient civilizations including pyramids and the relevance of them to corporate interests, I had remembered one particular episode of Gilligan’s Island titled “The Secret of Gilligan’s Island”.

Virgin Sacrifices involved euphoria mushrooms

virgin sacrifice 1

Were young virginal girls willing to sacrifice their own life, or forced into volcanoes in these ritualistic acts against humanity.  What prevents a father, or a whole tribal community from rebelling against this practice?  We are brought into this world by God, but not destroyed or fate decided by man.  There had to have been a drug that would induce willingness among tribesmen that would circumvent God’s intention.   A euphoria mushroom called Dictophora that only grows at ancient lava flow sites.  It is claimed that by inhaling the aroma of the fungus causes a spontaneous euphoric orgasm with women.  Could this have been how a spiritual movement across the members of the tribe be achieved?

Bridge of Spies – Friending Russia

rudolf abel self portrait

Bridge of Spies based on true events in which a Russian spy is exchanged for an American spy plane pilot is actually a propaganda stunt to further connect US citizens with the idea that joining forces with Russia will be acceptable when World War III is officially announced.  Occult themes include a very obvious Freemason symbolic placement in East Berlin as the walls go up, a Nazi youth movement reference, and worse, that Tom Hanks is being once again used to ‘bridge’ the gap between Russia and the United States for future engagement during war time against the Chinese and their alliances.

The Intern

about the fit

I took in Robert DeNiro’s “The Intern” and for once, get to see a no frills wholesome family movie without the baloney we typically have to sit through. From the beginning, I was already trying to analyze what would happen next to find myself overly conditioned to think the worst. For example, I’m thinking Robert DeNiro was going to go toe to toe with the prospective CEO of the company he was interning for and get the position as a climax event of the plot. That never happened. I was delighted to realize that sometimes it’s best to sit back, relax, and just enjoy any moment I’m in.  But, I’m a conspiracy theorist at heart and so….

Closest evidence that 9/23 represents a neo 9/11

Pixels 23911

If one were to conclude that the map of Gotham City rolled out on the war room table in the film THE DARK KNIGHT RISES is conclusive evidence that an operation was to take place at Sandy Hook – from one operation linked to the next, then perhaps this frame grab from the movie PIXELS is no joke.  The frame shows a score tally of 239110.

Freightliner guilty party if Hoover Dam is destroyed


The proof is held as a pdf file somewhere at Freightliner under lock and key.  Stew Webb claims insiders know the Death Ray is real and was used to bring down the Trade Center North and South Towers.  Shia LaBeouf starred in a stargate reference film with an entirely different theme in which this technology was warehoused within Hoover Dam.  He ingeniously discloses a clue in Hollywood that validates the whistle blower’s account for the theorized real life DARPA project “Death Ray”.  Freightliner Trucking Company is puppeteered to showcase the end game on the downstream side of Hoover Dam.  Are there more targets?  In the first week of August 2015, a new presentation was staged and projected on the Empire State Building.  This time it is, Kali, the goddess of time,creation, change, preservation, and destruction.  The symbolic gesture is a message that natural life on earth is marked for extinction.

Rocket Man and the secret space program to Mars

Bernie Taupin and Elton John

At first glance, “Rocket Man” might not seem like a song worthy of very close critical attention.  Catchy and fun, yes, groundbreaking and original… maybe not so much. “Space Oddity” by David Bowie, after all, had accomplished the whole space opera thing quite adequately three years before Elton John.  The slant with Elton is that he was matched with a song writer most likely influenced by members in the secret societies to build lyrics they desired to plant with generations to follow enticing them to accept the fate of humanity.  “Mars is cold as Hell” –  Taupin.  Hell is supposed to be burning hot.

Prickly Ash For The Treatment of Senility Did Work!

Mr Holems finding prickly ash 2

Is the movie MR HOLMES thwarting our intellect with deception?  Yes is my answer. The clue is that the film is a faithful adaptation of Mitch Cullin’s 2005 novel “A Slight Trick of the Mind”. What it’s doing is tricking the mind of the viewer.  The audience is lead to believe that Mr. Holmes was accurate in saying that the natural remedy was worthless, however, his mental faculties brought back and the fact he is the world’s finest evaluator of mysteries to solve them, it is in the very last scene that he rejoices. This is a statement in my opinion that he knows that the effect of the medicine from the Prickly Ash taken subcutaneously was the answer.

Trumpet Sounds Heard All Over The World

Experience for yourself the natural like sounds of world witnesses with video cameras contrasted, or juxtaposed, with the special effects incorporated in films such as JURASSIC PARK, WAR OF THE WORLDS and CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND.   Yes, perhaps the conditioning for grooming the masses using trumpet noises that will link Project Bluebeam, or the theorized “Faked Alien Invasion”, disclosed privately to Carol Rosin by Werner von Bruan began as far back as 1977… if not further?

Interview with Sgt. Greg Ford – Assassination of Philip Marshall

Greg Ford skype image

I ask about the circumstances revolving around the execution of conspiracy novelist, Philip Marshall, who worked as a CIA pilot during the Pablo Escobar ‘Hunt’ that ended in December, 1993.  The importance of this information relates to the 2011 shooting that occurred in January of 2011 when two of the Escobar trophy kill shot portrait were noted as being at Safeway on that day.  Next up for interview is Wayne Madsen to capture his impression as well as seek more avenues to the answers regarding the Safeway suspected shooter and the shooting in Tucson, Arizona.

Underneath INTERSTELLAR – A film analysis of the occult

hugo-hitler-Brand compare

The film INTERSTELLAR tells the audience that human beings are the cause of the disintegration of society, the Earth, and humanity.  Interstellar’s cast of character’s within the new NASA that thrives secretly talks of “They” without making the reference to Aliens, or off world dimensional beings.  The trick was to assume that we travel to the future to change our destiny as if we are the cross dimensional beings.

Safeway Shooting four year anniversary 1/2/2015

Thank you for your sacrifice 1

It is unknown if Jared Loughner was alive.  There are no records of incarceration at the Springfield, MO., Prison system leading up to his plea of guilt August 2012.   Listen to the Interview with A. True Ott and independent investigator, Lee Nevins Bracker, identify three other suspects, Joe Zamudio and two Delta Squadron 7 assassins, alleged in what may be a true agency operation known as ‘Operation Safeway’ by the authorities.

Breeding Monarchs

Breeding Monarchs marquee

From “Pris” of BLADERUNNER and Madonna, to Sia and her media off spring, the MKUltra’s torch passes down the generational sequence X,Y and Z.  This video compares three generations of Monarch entrepreneurs in choreographed displays to the general masses of occult hidden messages.  The range of depth includes references to the Human Genome Project, “Birth of the modified human being” (Transhumansim), to pedophilia.  

Disclosure from Disney’s PLANES: Fire and Rescue comes Armageddon

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Anthropomorphizing automobiles, trains, ships and now PLANES has become a Disney specialty.  In the film Planes: Fire and Rescue, there is no references to Smokey The Bear forest dwellers… just trees, canyons, and a river.   Significant clues to the Illuminati disclosure as to an Armageddon ““The world wasn’t on fire, wasn’t it…” in which the context inferred as to a imminent global inferno were.

World headquarters may not be where you thought. Israel transfers operations to Saudi Arabia by 2018

Why is it that our cities are in the process of dilapidation while they thrive?    The primary countries that border it have been taken over through war like occupations and the countries of East Africa have been poisoned with destitution, famine, and destitution for decades.  Once the New World Order is in place, it seems all operations will be centralized there with Israel acting as the North Western Mediterranean Sentinel.  Dubai is positioned diagonally South East on the land mass.   Now ask yourself, of all the countries with a world’s domination of oil reserves, wouldn’t it have been this parcel of land most salivated over by the US of A power players?

Lucy = Lucifer – Analyzing the film Lucy


Lucy’s character played by Scarlett Johannson is the embodiment of decades of scientific evolution for that revolution in which it is our destiny according to them that we genetically modify, or morph, into self-proclaimed gods. Lucy says, “I am God, watch me kill these guys.” and at the end of the film when she integrates into an old fashioned mainframe computer, within a second of Morgan Freeman’s query as to where she disappeared returns a text to his phone showing “I am everywhere”. This happens after Lucy goes back in time to pass all knowledge to “Lucy” in her very ancient habitat depicted as the missing link.

Mike Adams and Chris Kitze Exposé


Before It’s News seems to be a website where breaking news is brought to the public and considered authentic journalism.  While many contributors work especially hard to bring fresh news to the world, I’m one to also show the solution.  According to BIN there is no discretion as to what is valid and not.  Find out who is behind the decision making, what the general policy is, and how ludicrous and highly dangerous it really is.



Comparative Analysis: Real Steel, The Iron Giant, C3PO & the Mars robot head

real-steel-01 horizontal line

The analysis of the Hollywood film REAL STEEL reveals a common thread trait that has remained intact for decades.  It happens to be the overall basic feature characteristic style and form of a robot’s head that has its origin found on Mars.  On Mars, a photograph clearly shows the head of a robot lying on the ground with the same look as all animated film robots do that portray fighters, fighting for others, or are militaristic such as THE IRON GIANT and C3PO of STARWARS.



Analysis of Eleanor Roosevelt’s famous Quote

“Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” – Eleanore Roosevelt

This sounds plausible on the surface.  It even is a seemingly soothing proposition.  That is what it is designed to do.  It is a verse that confirms one’s notion that gossip should be kept at a minimum and that a focus on great ideas is paramount to self-fulfillment.

To know why there is a flip side to her famous quotation, we must learn the basics of our 32nd President and 32nd degree Mason.

All Summer in a Day


Ray Bradbury wrote a compelling short story that revolves around school children living on the planet, Venus, in which it rains for seven years straight before the sun peeks out for only an hour, and then disappears for another seven years.  PBS aired a short after school special entitled the same, only the ending was altered to show the incredible compassion of a child for another peer.   The CHEMTRAIL program has dessicated our atmosphere, created a condition of global “dimming” and the opposite of what we see in Ed Kaplan’s adaptation. ELYSIUM: The movie motives “Obamacare and open borders”

ELYSIUM: The movie motives “Obama Care and open borders”

Elysium facial markings 2

“Elysium” Starring Jodi Foster who commands Homeland Security 141 years into the future, demonstrates today’s power elite’s desire to pass the free health care program “ObamaCare” through the naturalization of South American countrymen and women and children with the power to vote on their behalf and for their agendas.    This is the danger posed by La Raza and the propaganda spilled into the minds of the destitute that there is a miracle of healing just around the corner.  The opposite is true, however, and it is by design that actors including Jodie Foster are working for the benefit of themselves… not yours.  Foster is an employee of the Elitists from age 3.

Helical Fun

Helical model screen grab

The Helical theoretical model of how our solar system works is three dimensional as opposed to the two dimensional plane of the Heliocentric model.  It happens to the be the true model complete with vortexing, stargates (I add that), and that explains what black holes are.  Before DjSadhu and I complete the model as a video representation, I’d like you to view an edited version of both his video renderings with music I chose in a preliminary cut of what our presentation on black holes is.

Local restaurant’s strategy to enrich themselves one last time

Bruegger's University area

A general manager allegedly agrees with a Pima County Sheriff’s suggestion, it seems, to remove me from a bagel restaurant.  The management was delighted to serve me, or so it seemed because he was smiling until the sheriff ordered me to move as far away from him as possible while inside the store as he sat to sip coffee.  What happened was, I was asked to never come back.  I asked why.  I was told I was asked to leave several times.  If that happened, why was I served so graciously by staff and subsequently by management?  The same manager that had asked me to leave several times before?  Lies.  And so, I have that recorded and readied material for my documentary segment on poor business ethics with proprietors of free WI-fi  establishments.

I’m going to pick a fight” William Wallace


Like Jan Brewer denying me medical AHCCCS for being single and white, I was denied the right to obtain an indigent economy bus pass privilege by the top echelon transportation official in the community I reside.  I stood before him in a real condition of destitution.  It’s a matter of “POLICY” he said.  Apparently, the policy is that a shelter volunteer or minimum wager whom merely hands out a form that one signs is policy.  Ludicrous.  John Zukas couldn’t even figure this out.

It is water ‘they’ want


I feel while all natural resources are being gobbled up, sequestered… just plain stolen, it happens to be fresh water that the earth has that is being earmarked for a mass planetary harvest of a natural resource.  How can water be removed from a planet?  Could a stargate accomplish this task?  How do you bring water to a stargate?  Well, you create one at a river.  Hoover Dam perhaps?  We see grand water vacuums in the film Oblivion and also in other various places and forms.

Education or compliance?


A coalition of GMO companies, including Monsanto, is trying to brainwash our kids into supporting genetically-modified crops. The “Council for Biotechnology Information” has written up and widely circulated the book Look Closer at Biotechnology, biotech propaganda in the form of a children’s coloring book, handed out for use in schools.

Dead Beat equates to Mortgage


After the Gabrielle Giffords shooting in front of a Safeway shopping market “Congress on Your Corner” event (also known as the Congress On Your Corner Massacre”), an election took place in which a man, Marshall Home, ran against an Illuminati.  The aftermath was just one of the ugly missions by the Elite that took place in the year 2011.

2013 Oct shutdown means big NWO movement

I have sinned

Bill Clinton erred during a public announcement regarding his NOT signing a budget bill in 1995.  What he said is something not one person outside the circles of knowledge understood.  He said that even because he couldn’t agree on a budget agreement, that the people could.  This declaration, one that told us plainly that there is a true Constitution affording  “We The People” as the authority, was actually a misstep against the powers that be.  It is why he was put on the personal discrediting chopping block resulting with the Monica Lewinski sex scandal. This time, the current president is doing his job without a ‘skip’.

3D Mapping on buildings – The grooming for a faked alien invasion

Serge Monast, a whistle blower from Canada, was killed for disclosing Project Bluebeam.  The project described by NASA rocket scientist, Wernher von Braun, is a simulated alien invasion using digital mastery against a chemtrail atmospheric screen.  New 3D mapping on solid surface technology is being showcased before our very own eyes.. a display of intrigue with a morbid agenda hidden in plain sight.  3D image mapping moves the false reality into a new playing field where it is currently the staging ground for consumer advertisement as well as entertainment to groom people to accept its presence.

Who are the legitimate radio hosts?

Alex Jones joker resized

Are you sure you’re listening to people with real intentions?   Ask yourself if after 3 or 4 hours of on air time if there’s a solution presented to solve a problem, or problems racked up in their shows.  The answer is most likely “NO”.  Alex Jones has never come up with viable solutions for if he did, and with the mass amount of followers, something like impeaching a defunct president would have happened before a second term.  Think about it… prisonplanet has made millions of dollars selling survival products..  where is our solution?  His happens to have been a terrific generation of revenue and a bunch of excited followers who keep buying his rhetoric.


Jeff Flake poised to kill 5,000 jobs – Tucson affected

Flake Carmona text

Unfortunately, Flake being a member of the GANG OF EIGHT is using the summer recess to sell immigration reform as his national defense plan while cutting 5,000 military jobs at Davis Monthan AFB in preference for foreign nationals looking for free handouts.  The irony is not lost on the residents of the area, who have seen the illegal entrants change over the years from poor people looking for opportunity to hard core drug runners taking advantage of a country who lost all interest in national defense.

Hunger Games: Catching Fire and more

Hunger Games II auchwitz entry

The “Kristallnacht”, or “Night of Broken Glass,” was a war waged against the Jews of Germany 75 years ago, the same as the annual Hunger Games, bringing them to their knees.  As many as 30,000 men were arrested and many sent to concentration camps.  To get out, one must agree to leave Germany.   This is the theme of Hunger Games.  An imprisonment and its conditions ruthless unless those that agree to relinquish their sovereignty submit to the will of power.

Sentinel Peak may be an ancient pyramid


Within a stone’s throw west of Tucson, Arizona, stands an unusual 883 meter tall “hill” which is part of a group of hills known as the Tucson Mountains.  Orion’s star pattern did not work and I put the idea on the back burner.  Until now.  unlike most of the rest of the Tucson Mountains which are composed primarily of much older volcanic rocks that were largely produced during a single enormous eruption.  It appears that Sentinel Peak “A” Mountain is separate and different.


The toroidal field and re-birthing therapy explained


Separation complex reversed with water re-birthing.  Davida Taurek demonstrates the re-birthing therapy showing precisely how it is done with a subject and surrogate mother. (pardon my negligence having not placed an active link.)  To view the exact therapeutic water re-birthing procedure, view Davida Taurek’s demonstration by clicking here.



After Earth Is The Boy Scouts Version of HUNGER GAMES


The film AFTER EARTH is the youth super soldier program in action targeting the adolescent male yearning for purpose and a cause.  In this film, a young boy looks to appease the acceptance  a supersoldier father and become one himself.  To most, this appears to be a family affair riveted in a past drama regarding an aggressive alien tragic accident perpetrated upon an innocent family member, but the truth is, the theme happens to be the spawn of instruction for our future militia who do the bidding of their superiors to fulfill their purpose.

Flushing out cointelpro agents, Douglas Dietrich and Michael Aquino

Aquino Dietrich

A complex military abduction and mind control operation took place weeks before and during the conference.  There is a follow up damage control occurring over a month out and I’m willing to bet it was me MILAB (military abduction program) was by far the most fearful of.  It is because I hold the key to deprogramming the controlled mind.


Supersoldiers Tyler Clark and James Rink – Pyramids & Stargates

Universal soldier article avatar

I attended the Super Soldier and Mind Control Summit Conference in Henderson, Nevada near Las Vegas on a weekend in May 17-19.  The experience was phenomenal complete with an astonishing military abduction for tissue sampling and distortion of thought to several in attendance.   The positive outcome was the opportunity to interview new friends in this circle of spiritual warrior-ship. James Rink and Tyler Clark are two gentlemen of the gentleness of nature of whom I had the pleasure to interview extensively on and off record.   We covered psychotronic warfare, deep underground military bases S1-S4, area 51-54, astral projection into these bases, military abductions, and the Milab of all including myself off-balancing the conference experience.

Beyond Bread – Discrimination and lies caught on tape

Randi screengrab

Little did the Vice President of a local Tucson based restaurant know that I was recording a track for a documentary that will be posted by week’s end.  I was surprised at how clear my microphone picks up and didn’t think of it until just now as I’m setting up this article.  This person lied to me, wouldn’t produce evidence as to his accusations when I questioned as to which particular customer complained of me when he stated “customers are complaining” and worst of all for this man, the video capture clearly shows that I was located at the wi-fi lounge and that I was completely alone until he decided to go after the most wrong person anyone can encounter.

Lost continent hidden in plain sight-Atlantis?

lots of pyramids

The lost continent Atlantis is in question. Nobody can verify this with exception to the Smithsonian Institute as one example. Nonetheless, be it or not, it is more important to keep hunting lost cities and continents in search of our ancient history in an effort to gain answers as to the illuminati’s intentions.

The Kaibab Plateau which is located in central Northern Arizona displays a mysterious majestic city. Mysterious as it is; it certainly is epic in size and proportions. While this city is officially referred to as a series of natural monuments, they are in fact precisely arranged (placed) pyramids and structures aligned to the star and nebula pattern of the constellation Orion “The Hunter”.

Proof that pyramids exist in the Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon topo map - dot pattern

So, you thought that just three stars of Orion, the belt stars, is significant proof the Giza pyramids of Egypt were arranged for a reason?  Let me show you the entire system and the whole of the nebulas that are plotted right here in Arizona.  All of them.



A Stargate Is Born

A friend at coffee asked what I was up to these days.  “I’m thinking I’ve locked into what Hoover Dam really is meant to be.. it’s a Stargate!”.  After explaining it, she asked if I had seen the first Transformers movie.   “Well, I don’t watch ’em unless I need to,” I said.  “Well, I think you better ‘need to’ see it because it takes place in Hoover Dam.  The main character has a shirt on that, from what I remember, spells out STAR”.  Before she finished, I was running out the door to rent the DVD…


A glimpse into Bomber Row.. “Alcatraz of the Rockies”

James Parrillo color snap1

On a Thursday, twenty eight days into July, 1994, one young man stood alone as the rest fled from a Greenpeace action against Whalers.  He was shot down as the only person injured and who subsequently faced almost 30 felonies.  James William Parrillo was sentenced to 19 years imprisonment in America’s most secure Supermax Prison located in Florence, Colorado.  He was isolated from people for two decades.  James became close friends and next door neighbor to the infamous ‘Uni-Bomber’, Theodore “Ted” John Kaczynski.  Both were highly educated men sharing two things in common.. they both held PhD’s and treated with cruel and inhumane punishment.

Special  True healing technique hidden in plain sight

water therapy image

If modern medicine learns that water re-birthing properly done will completely refresh the brain’s neural network to factory settings and allows an individual to fully heal, they’d fold over night.  At first, I thought I sat on the cure for extreme eating disorders and was anxious to get the method therapy out ASAP, but realized it also the is also a solution for all psychological problems.  I waited.  And then a miracle happened.. I realized that the re-birthing concept  extends far and beyond in all aspects of healing.  The ancient practice of re-birthing, which is not a cure on it’s own, is the EFT therapy first administered that leads to full health recovery using conventional practices already in use today.

Government funding to acquire right of way in downtown Tucson


Their plan is to at some point convert this bus terminal into a train depot of some sort.  They will connect an intricate rail system that is a light trolly at first, but their aim is to connect rails all the way to medical and morgue as well as prison housing.  This is a future neo Nazi construction project.

It is believed that the University of Arizona may be behind this project in a deep dark rabbit hole.  The reason for this thought is that if there is a terminal conversion with train rails, it will be for continued access of the light trolley that would be largely used by students ‘on the surface’.

Loughner was not the ‘Lone Wolf’ shooter the news lead you to believe

Pima county sheriff3

In April of the year 2011, I met with Ed Chiarini.  Chiarini is also known commercially as ‘Dallasgoldbug’ who hosts a website titled  His website has been suspected as being a psychological disinformation operation.  This “psyops” has the intention of confusing the intellect of the readership that traffics the site.  During this initial face to face meeting, I showed him my comparison of an agent who was photographed at the site where Gabrielle Giffords had been mortally wounded on a Saturday, January 8 of the same year.

chiarini description

He was not impressed, however, he impresses you with disinformation for two years.  Chiarini continues to implicate innocent people and victimizing them without a shred of evidence.  Hopefully, this youtube documentary will shake you into consciousness.

Judge Roll’s witness warns of a corrupt sheriff and militant surgeon

Joe image crop

Judge John McCarthy Roll had irritated many elected officials in Pima County as well as on Capitol Hill for his ‘For the people’ rulings on matters that otherwise cripple the Constitution.  He presided over a media blacked out case involving over 300 companies versus the Environmental Protection Agency in a potential 150 billion dollar class action payout to Pima County residents if the case had been known publicly.  The key witness for the EPA survives the eight year litigation only to have all hopes melt away when John Roll was assassinated and a replacement judge, one who may work for the global elites, take his place. Judge Raner Collins continues the case in complete secrecy from the world.. in particular the residents of a community battered by insult after insult.

V for Vendetta’s Steven Fry paves the way for Piers Morgan’s civilian disarmament platform

 Piers Morgan in Dubaicrop

“The British are coming! The British are coming.. and they’re here to stay!”

Both are television personalities postured for gaining the trust of the masses for an end means shared by themselves – different phases and timelines – same strategy.  One show pundit, Steven Fry, is portrayed in fantasy film land as a meaningful person while Pierce Morgan is a real life television psyops agent working over our minds.  Indeed, we live in an “in our faces dream land”.  These two individuals are uncanny ‘on-spot look-a-likes’.

Christina Taylor Green-Mad media hero makers sell us on shoddy memorials

Ibeam front page

Memorials that mean something come from the heart.  Christina-Taylor Green was disrespected by becoming a national hero through sacrifice and remembered merely as a symbol of a fallen nation without any solution for her generation’s future.  The memory of her was disgraceful — a heap of junkyard metal.  Like Judge Roll, she actually represented a realistic direction for a disillusioned Z generation.  As John McCarthy Roll was to justice, this little girl was a potential servant; one to revitalize a nation.  Christina exemplified the desire to enrich through productivity. Perhaps she would have made a true president.  These altruistic mind sets are a disgusting threat to the New World Order.  They’re unflinching when it comes to knocking off children in their own pools of blood.

Cure for mind control starts with a simple treatment


If a globe full of people under the influence of mind control, even riddled under a sea of psychotropic drugs designed to quell the masses keeping us under the influence, a human rebooting of mind and body could theoretically snap most everyone out of the hypnotic controls they have been conditioned to throughout a life time.

That’s 7 billion people. Could it be that this is the key natural approach the secret societies fear most?

1/4 Arizona undergoing military logistics planning

shooting at fence

There are over 600 miles of rusty fence along the southwest border separating Mexico from the U.S.  When the military industrial complex completes it’s logistical installation intended really for military operations, they’ll roll out over 600 miles of razor wire atop the fence you see to the left.  While Janet Napolitano, Raul Grijalva, and the Obama administration oppose the bill that allows Border Patrol free reign,  I don’t buy it.  They kill babies.  They are banking on it in a rewrite.

Star Wars Unmasked

prelim stamp design star wars

The combined efforts of Reagan’s Star Wars military industrial complex and the Lucas film franchise public spin is validated by recent disclosures of the Mayan artifacts and odd activity of the sun.  The common thread apparently is the isosceles triangle.  I suspected that the true Stargate is really the sun, because it is a star, and that Hoover Dam is a merely a SUNGATE – a conduit by which travel to our solar system’s STARGATE by way of the wormhole. The possibility that they can mess with the Sun by weaponizing Hoover Dam is more than plausible.

12-22-2012 Loughner’s Judge definitely in on it!


Larry Alan Burns fingers Jared Lee Loughner.  He puts him away for life.  None of the evidence is brought before him (yes, that’s correct.. uh huh, sure) and he becomes a writer for the Los Angeles Times telling you and I that Jared was the only one there killing people in Tucson.  We know that not to be true.. how could he not?  Burns like the rest are following a hand me down script from off shore banking and other conglomerates that had begun long before he in a round about way said, ‘guns should go and mental health installed IMMEDIATELY’ because of the sick guy I put away.  Truth is, Larry is just as sick as the rest of the bastards that are playing us for fools.   We need our assault rifles to protect ourselves from the wolves that are taking them away.

11-2012  Nazi sympathizer Sarah Palin in ‘Iron Sky’

The film “IRON SKY’ contains more corruption than meets the eye.  The student of occult symbols can find them everywhere.  She’ll immediately see that the Neo-Nazi resurgence is alive and well in Iron Sky.  It takes a keen sense and a vast knowledge base to also find that IRON SKY is directly affiliated also with the movie makers of Promethius and that this has to do with not just the moon, but with Mars.

10-20-2012 The Case Against Mike Adams “Health Ranger”

I followed Mike Adams “Health Ranger” from nearly the beginning.  I learned most of my basics from this man who I considered a hero at the time I was a budding student of the NWO.  I’m not quite certain, in fact I am sure, there’s nothing Kosher about his business dealings, ethics, and his actual alignments with dangerous corporations.  This is my first article that begins the onion peeling that leads to an epic fail on the part of the deception.  Adams is a tiny minion of a much larger beast.  Unlike my work to date, I ask that naturalnews, not their attorneys, show proof that I’m astray with details alleging Adams to the secret societies, GMO operations, and a former vice president..

10-17-2012 Star Trek says “Human beings are the true illuminated ones”

In the universe of Star Trek, the Prime Directive ‘dictates’ that there can be no interference with the internal development of alien civilizations which is the most prominent guiding principle. I’ve come to discover that this is actually the prime directive observed by the real off-world alien civilizations salivating at the chops for a piece of earth’s creamy pie.  They have to wait until we do ourselves in by imprisoning ourselves before they begin the massive theft of earth’s prized possessions.  Andrew Basiago is on a quest affording mankind the opportunity to save itself by taking back technology from the power elites and putting it to use that restores our world to an original condition.

My story 10-12-2012 Gurdjieff solving a crisis then and now

(Wiki) George Ivanovich Gurdjieff (1866 – 1949) was an influential mid-20th century spiritualist who taught that the vast majority of humanity lives their entire lives in a state of hypnotic “waking sleep.” I was prodded to study this man’s work, but with resistance. Something prevented me from appeasing my friend annoyed that I refused to learn.. that I had to read every word of his to ‘get it’.  Much bothered me, but when Naomi Tickle, a world renowned character analyst confirmed after I sent her photos said, “I also see he is under a lot of stress in nearly all of the photo’s. Who is he??”  I engaged in a research tactic.  What I found surprised me.. but it wasn’t his teachings I learned from.  It was the process by which I research that reveal more about me and an investigation into the Loughner case.  While studying Gurdjieff the way I did, I think I found a true killer. A case reopened?

10-11-2012 Who’s the leader in “The King’s Speech?”

George W. Bush had help getting elected president at the turn of the millenia.  It was my favorite movie of all time.. at the time.  Forest Gump was the vehicle by which you and I would allow such an imbecile such control over the world.  It is quite possible that “The King’s Speech” about an impaired prince is the same.  Was it Giffords who upon resignation couldn’t even utter a single word (other than the same repeated multiple times on 20/20)?  Can it be someone we don’t know as of yet..?

9-20-2012 Banderas in bed with Gates in “The Skin I Live In

mapping the body eye of horus

The cure for Malaria is the “Miracle Mineral Supplement”.  Jim Humble originated and perfected the formula made from sodium chlorite and acetic acid and can be made in your kitchen.   It is 100 percent a parasite killer which means it is a cure.  Bill and Malinda Gates, however, are dead set on keeping their depopulation agenda on course and most likely have a vested interested in “The Skin I Live In”.  While MMS is well known in Europe, this Spanish film denies that a natural cure exists.

9-19-2012 She saved her unborn child from a Constitutional Monarchy

A mother’s bold and courageous defense against tyranny saves her unborn child from the clutches of the child protective services of the UK.  Her story is one you must learn and share as a defense against the US invasion “Conquer & Divide” tactics of the secret society war on the world.   Meet Ian Joseph, a true spiritual warrior and your best friend when you’re children are under attack.

8-26-2012  Fred Rogers indoctrinates Gen-X

Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood was created and hosted by Fred Rogers in 1968 during the start of the X Generation of toddlers who would grow into the parent and grandparents of Y and Z Generations.  Why name an owl (Molech) “X”?  I can think of thousands of names.. X?  The program ran 33 seasons (A High order Freemason).  Our forefathers revolted against aristocracy and yet in television and film, favor dominated our fantasies for ‘royal’ wealth, materialism, and desire to be ruled under slavery.  King Friday The XIII of ‘Land of Make Believe’ may be a clue that there are 13 families of the Illuminati.

8-20-2012   An Ultimate War Ship Slated to Patrol Our Borders

This ship may well be the only part of America and ‘her’ sailors many people around the world will ever see.” – Ray Mabus

This thought line by Mabus that Americans will ‘not be seen’ may be indicative for what is to avail US citizens under martial law decrees that would result primarily from a major catastrophic event either on American soil, or otherwise.

8-12-2012  How the Rockefellers blocked the gold CURE for addiction

OPIUMCUREfor veritas

There was a cure for addiction prior to the Great Depression and Prohibition years. It was a homeopathic treatment that had a documented 94% success in removing the cravings for drugs and alcohol. The dynamics of allopathy under the influence of John D. Rockefeller created an organization that would reject natural remedies that up till now is 77 years old.

This is the story of how the Rockefellers blocked the gold treatment, which is a cure. Otherwise they wouldn’t have done it. They set-up their Temperance Societies flagship pawn, Alcoholics Anonymous, as a corporation run in reverse to conceal the truth.

Just so you know, I put great effort into solving this riddle.  While others have written eloquently about Keeley’s cure and for the record, I admire AA for it’s spiritual side, I see FULL well how they duped Bill Wilson into thinking he was the bomb.  The Rockies are so slick.. and they still are pulling it off!  When you look at Alcoholics Anonymous and the mind control, that’s the power of it.

7-28-2012  Batman and James Holmes-Media fraud and the Hollywood ‘tell’

Jared Loughner was forced into a guilty plea on August 2nd, 2012.  This comes a day after an author of a book announces its publication regarding the crime scene.  The closure of this case hinged on a decision most likely made because too many witnesses claim that the Aurora theater 9 Batman Killing Spree, say that an operative other than James Holmes was shot and the mission aborted.  The Tucson trial of Jared Lee Loughner will never be and the evidence sealed away as damage control for the botched Colorado massacre.

7-22-2012  “SPACE” A smear campaign against Steven Greer

Steven Greer wanted what JFK was partially assassinated over.  That is to disclose the presence of extra terrestrials on our world and defeat the secret societies in some way.  Greer has been criticized on two fronts – the propaganda machine as well as from the same disclosure ‘friends’ of the Eisenhower Brief demanding community.

7-11-2012 Silent Running-Our Food Supply Lost

This film makes the statement back in 1972, when genetically modified food was being created, what direction and what the fate of our food supply would be in the future.  Monsanto plays an important part in real life funding and direction in films of this nature.

7-11-2012  War Horse-A Government Issue (G.I.) message

War Horse is a film that creatively forces the belief that wartime is acceptable.  War is not.  It is created for ulterior motives and we are placed at great risk for our lives.  Unless we submit by working both sides of these wars, we are killed.  In War Horse, they show us that if we obey, work hard, do them those war favors, look the other way, service to them… then our lives will be spared.  But, only spared if lucky.  This article will show how that is so.

7-6-2012  Hugo.. Project Paper Clip’s new child indoctrinate into NASA

Because the Hitler Youth Movement is alive and well today, it is no wonder that Hugo’s hair style directly emulates the appearance of Adolf Hitler. 


7-1-2012  Roger Waters “Goodbye Blue Sky”

“goodbye Bluesky” is the song description of Project Bluebeam’s simulated invasion of off world beings that will mask a real one on and under earth’s surface. It tells also of the genesis of the synthetic human being rebirthed as the ordered genetic code out of destructing chaos initiated by the powers that be.

6-27-2012 “Fantasy” Earth Wind & Fire is inviting you to ‘trip’

Maurice White, like many, wrote lyrics that until now have not been adequately analyzed for its intent.  I see it plainly, however, the entertainment stars who are positioned are compartmentalized so much so that while they are given subtle ideas from the producers and handlers, they have no clue as to what they create.  Fantasy, it seems, is an invitation for the near future transport of human beings for the genome processing plant on Mars, maybe, and the production of mindless workers who will not know any better than what is seen today.  The lure is stimulating, however, people will not be aware that it is a trap to accept passage on space missions off planet earth.

6-15-2012  The Anunnaki are demonized in Promethius

The true story behind Ridley Scott’s Hollywood ‘tell’ is simple.  It is the subtle undertone, or the notion that the Anunnaki who created the first people on Earth had been been attacked by the Reptilians.  It suggests that there indeed is an active ongoing war for possession of three inter system things.

The picture you see of a synthetic man, David, holding the earth represents the New World Order’s interest in dominating over mankind.  It is a complete control of the earth and its inhabitants.

6-10-2012  Search for Project Bluebeam converges at Hoover Dam

An analysis of three films; Mars Needs Moms, John Carter, and Cowboys & Aliens. These are three relevant films that interweave elements regarding real life plot lines using Occultic symbolism and deep Hollywood ‘tells’.   The secret element that is threaded  into the woven matrix in all three  is extremely complex in concept, highly intricate, and elusive.  I felt that to analyze each  film independently couldn’t do the job as well as one complete composite, and still it is massive in scope.  I beg you to try..


5-22-2012   NSA ‘Fortress’ Adjacent To Suspected FEMA Concentration Camp

What’s this?  How cute.  Gabrielle Giffords and her husband Mark Kelly.. a 33rd degree Mason incidentally.  Correct me Mark if I’m wrong, are dolling out cafeteria food to federal agents of war.  These service people are fed plenty and you and I pay for it.  Meanwhile, Mark gave your donated money to the southern Arizona Food Bank to build a services center within the facility that gives food to the needy.  This year, they ran out of food to make gift boxes for the Thanksgiving Holiday.  Why in hell was Gabby at the Air Force Base instead?  The answer was that we are being militarized and she’s a part of it.  Forget the well wishers who gave to her while she recovered.  She’s pissing on you.

5-18-2012 Major Event Prediction Countdown is 2 days away

Prediction was wrong for May 20.. thank goodness, but it’s not over yet



5-15-2012  Oro Valley Is Mission Control for Pima County



5-13-2012 Royalty has always hidden their alien form:



5-9-2012  True danger… The Girl Scouts Salute

Updated 5-14-2012 – The ultimate weapon against the three finger salute.. if used against our better judgement.





5-8-2012 Isabela Mercedes Celis: A Ritualistic sacrifice linked to another Tucson False Flag operation




Robert Bassano Disclosing fraud - NASA and the ball earth psyops

Robert Bassano – (was a) Dam Operative disclosing fraud, NASA and the ball earth psyops

The case of Counter Intelligence Operative, Robert Bassano – Medellin, Columbia

As of today, August 14, 2016, I decided to make this page public on Dismantle The Beam Project after retiring it on as a result of Mr. Bassano threatening to process me through the court system under some sort of bizarre conditions relative to federal legal standards and guidelines according to Military civilian laws. I can’t understand it nor am worried for the reason, what Robert expresses in the following conversation is daunting. You’ll note that while he has made claims as being contracted by the military as a CIA operative under special provisions, he’s crossed the line with them with the belief Bob Knodel has conducted far worse. That just isn’t so. Bassano should be held accountable for being rogue, malicious and homicidal with implications he’s admitted working with others to do his bidding. I see elements of Charles Manson in him and that is a concern. Bluff or not, he is humanities nemesis and I’d like those learning of this to not obey contrived laws regarding privacy, but understand that people like Robert need help.


Private conversation in which Bassano threatened me, my life, if I divulged his technology or his scheme to commit mayhem.


This conversation is intended to educate him to his being culpable if anyone should suffer a loss and that nobody, including myself, held accountable. This a spiritual war and the fact that none of it considered detrimental within a peace movement is a matter of denial. Bassano doesn’t deserve credit for anything other than infuriating those around him, he has absolutely no regard for life, and by turning a cheek to the important work he does in favor of passive aggressiveness under delusional thinking is not necessary nor a matter of entertainment. He will kill you if you cross him, or not. It’s best to ask him to pack his bags and leave the internet, and retire his youtube channel. If he enters the United States, I have people watching and if anyone is injured, he’ll be rendered by his own superiors.

Bassano has shared the ideas and concepts of the technology he claims can kill humanity remotely and in mass numbers. Whether this is authentic or not is up for question, but it is his intention to draw millions of dollars in revenue selling it to the powers that be. I will not discuss the particulars although several of his acquaintances are aware. Once I learned, I was put to the test as to what to do with Bassano. Do I cross him and never learn more, or stick with it to understand his ulterior motives, goals and if he were to realize his project with a working prototype of his own. A heart attack machine far superior to what is available to DARPA today.

In response to his recent disclosure as to what he intends to do with me, I’m releasing what he has said in the past following:


Bob Knodel “Globebusters” anchorman of a Flat Earth radio probram writes:

Aug 8, 2016 I hope you [Lee Bracker] get everything that is coming to you as a result of YOUR shillery! It turns out that it is YOU that is the SHILL, nor Mark or Patricia! You are a TOTAL PIECE OF SHIT! Pick a video, any video – jackass! YOU will be exposed for the LIAR you are! Bob

Aug 9, 2016 I don’t know if you are paid to set everyone against each other or if you are just fucking insane but I do know that I STILL don’t want to have anything to do with you! You are a total piece of shit either way and you thinking you have it all figured out is hysterically laughable! You are a moron Lee and you are delusional to the point where you should be institutionalized! I will be sure to let everyone in and out of flat earth exactly what you are up to. I had a long talk with Robert Bassano about you tonight and he also shared (as in forwarded to me) your correspondence with him. I have it all Lee and you are going down in flames you fucking sorry piece of shit! Now kindly go fuck yourself while I alert the entire community to exactly what you are up to. Sincerely, BK

As a result of Knodels replies first week of August, 2016

Having received Mr. Knodel’s hate maill on the 8th and 9th of August, 2016, I asked Knodel’s co-host of globebusters, Jeran Campanella’s, permission to review my conversations in an effort to demonstrate my purpose for containing Robert Bassano. Jeran Campanella was uninterested nor cared to thank me for intervening between Bassano and Knodel. That’s the sign of a good friend? I sent Knodel the full audio recording in which Bassano would not cease his desire to cripple a family by threatening to end knodel’s career and or ultimately render Cami Knodel a widow and son Jaren fatherless, and go down his list with conspirators to do the same with “the rest”. My job is done.


Meeting Bob Knodel in February

I interviewed Bob Knodel to share with him new concepts to the Flat Earth model according to my findings.  I had done the same with multiple Flat Earth personalities and researchers.  As a result, my ideas were never considered for airing, I was not contacted in return, and not one media personality seemed to care that fresh material was available for listeners to acquire and use in their evaluations of the circular stalemated discussions that hindered the movement’s progression.  I had no intention of going on air if they didn’t want it, but the knowledge of the material was not mentioned which led to an inquiry of my own as to why.  I found that the model Mark Sargent established was necessary to remain without interference.  Simple as that.

First call  2-17-2016


Second call 2-18-2016



Meeting Robert Bassano in April

I met Robert “St. Bobby” Bassano on a panel that Flat Earth jockey, Jonathan Cristopolas. “The Morgile” who had done shows with Bobby Knodel and Jeran Campanella of Globebusters youtube hangouts in which I made it a point to meet with, stay connected, and make certain that my team would be supported by excellence in research.  I later learned that Robert is his alias name.



Examples of Bassano’s work



Bassano in context with humor

This isn’t about being serious 100% of the time. Since this dam radio show contains compelling content, we obviously are serious It is vitally important to understand that sensationalism is not the intent of the venue.


“Lord Steven Christ” is an internet troll with delusions of grandeur and a God complex who we felt required an education about what’s necessary and not in the world of truthing.



The breaking news – Ancient Giant Trees existed

8-6-2016 Robert on the new phenomena sweeping the Flat Earth circuit – Ancient giant tree remnants; stones were once living organisms and not part of God’s original creative design.


Robert Bassano: “Lee, they [Bob Knodel of globebusters flat earth youtube community program] are talking about you right now!”

Lee Bracker:  “Robert, I have time and started listening to Bob’s show (Globusters 8-7-16) to see that at the get-go, he’s supporting Patricia and Mark saying, “people say they’re leading FE astray, but I don’t see it… I just don’t see it”. Then, they go into quelling the masses including a stand off on Lori and Lawrence who are complete buffoons to begin and end with.

What’s going to happen is that the FEers are all going to address the Bible for further proofing which will lead them to the Christian based book Mark Sargent never promoted by the same person he hijacked a patented product for another purpose to mislead. That puts Sargent into the corner of the ring in which if he decides to go another round. He’ll fail miserably revealing his masonic repulsion to the Bible. He’s too weak to go the full lie. He can’t fake it for it jeopardizes his secrecy and alliance to Satan/Lucifer/Devil, and remain sequestered in his pay per stay venue of secrecy and revenue generation. Bob is protecting the both of them out of sheer denial and that’s something that will eventually come out. Hopefully, a change takes place in which he’ll renounce Pat/Mark/Sasha/goofs in GB and so forth influence. He’ll protect them until he can’t handle opposing camps – Bible vs Luciferian theology. I know for a fact Bob and the others haven’t listened to my conversation with Ivan because I answered to the most logical and probable with the methodology I used what they asked throughout the show.

I answered all of it Robert. When he spoke of my work regarding the Grand Canyon, his lack of understanding put my work second. A shame for the reason I did prove the monuments of the Grand Canyon calling them pyramids. It’s now clear that they were living beings self created by the seeds planted by God and that they were not man, alien, or both made. They were tree pyramids. Remembering that a pyramid is a power generator with a fire in the middle is the light source of the laser defining the stars – a direct perpendicular line from the ground up to where the star is fixed however it is fixed. First there were trees, and then there were the lights. I did it Robert.. and Manes Russy brought me the final piece of the puzzle that forms the entire picture.”


On August 1st, Dismantle The Beam Project in association with is proud to present the work of Manes Rysy vision.  I had tried to describe our antediluvian landscape, but now have the complete as can be picture.

I said all mountains were pyramids, but I was in error!  Yeah!

I love to be debunked.  In the case of proving that the world wide flood did occur, I’m correct in my opinion based on the findings within the Grand Canyon, however, there may be a twist.  This new ‘feature’ happens to be what may be ancient trees.  The Trees of Knowledge?  The 5 miles high water added to the Earth during the flood would certainly wreak havoc upon a fragile natural habitat even as epic as some of these trees may have been.  Broken at their bases leaving stumps, many of the buttes, mesas, and lopped off looking mountains are testament to this idea hidden in plain sight, but the mystery behind pyramids we’re taught are mountains prevails.  The fact that many mountain peaks exhibit four or five and even six distinct sides that mount to a peak are easily identified around the world.  And so are these trees.  My God, what a wonderful world this was.  Apparently, we thrive on the graveyard of once was as a sort of punishment, a reminder and guilt by association, to that which brought anger to the creator.

I spoke with Sarujio Valente, a Flat Earth proof specialist in avionics and engineering in a description of what the giant tree phenomena is.  Both of us being engineers, my attempt to reverse engineer ancient history continues with these preliminary discussions.


The spectacular new addition for Antediluvialogy and the Antediluviological Age of the Earth comes to us on August 1, 2016. Manes Rysy’s There are no forests on Flat Earth Wake Up clearly shows the simplicity of what we should be understanding when viewing a butte, mesa, or mountain. This is the moment of truth and one I hoped for to explain just what it is we’re existing with having done proving a Great Deluge did occur and that I half-way explained what I felt were unnatural “stones” in various forms.

giant tree stump giant tree stump 5 giant tree stump 4 giant tree stump 3 giant tree stump 2 giant causeway Devils peak Devils-Tower-Photo-by-John-Haig-980x654

I submitted an article to BIN,, to which not more than 18 people viewed it based on the headline.  Was it not sensational enough without over embellishing, sensationalizing, deceiving?  How far must one go to peek interest?  My conclusions are that the thousands of people who venture to this website commonly referred to as disinfo, tabloid, and so forth are the cream of the crop examples of thrill seekers lusting for doomsday news.

indiegogo view count


Page and Zuckerberg make way for spy czar Danae Ringelmann with full support by Barack Obama source

Danae Ringelmann along with Eric Schell and Slava Rubin are rivals to Kickstarter. Those that follow are CircleUp, GoFundMe, Gust, RocketHub and Innovational Funding crowd funding services with a particular intent to supplement NSA intrusion into our lives.  From drones to GPS luggage and ice chests, portables, home surveillance systems that don’t protect you, but allow the feds access into your home, etc., Indiegogo is part of Big Brother’s installation of the all seeing eye into the public domain.  They get you to do it to yourself and set up NSA intel hubs in your community to handle the feeds.

selfie danae ringelmannDanae Ringelmann, a former Wall Street analyst partnered with Barack Obama’s Startup America is geared to assist innovative entrepreneurs to offer crowdfunding to them by 2012 after 90 commercial rejections.  Ringelmann makes certain the world knows she was told “no” to gain your admiration before getting the chance to launch the crowd funding idea.  Make no mistake… unless there is government support for an on the surface asset to the people is in reality their asset to imprison, destroy, neglect, control and defraud.  It is my contention that the 91st investor to say yes was Barack Hussein Obama himself.  After all, what other explanation could there be for continued success?

StartupAmerica obamaThe front end gimmick is that “anyone can reach out for help for free”.  Does “Obama Care” sound familiar?  Sponsored projects that flood the announcement mailers and advertisements for Danae’s enterprise don’t just include, but are always featured and are direct assets to spy technology developed and distributed by the people themselves.  This is Popular Mechanics in disguise.  The gimmick entices quick rich schemes that lures both the investor, a pledge and donation, and the entrepreneur alike into the self-administered attachment to the Orwellian design of control, tracking, monitoring and worst of all, invasion of everyone’s privacy.

“Ive learned that if you have to be obsessed with something, be obsessed with the problem, not the solution. – Danea Ringlemann”

The following commercial is July 5th’s, 2016 headlining crowd funding project for Indiegogo.  No, I wasn’t hung over from last night’s firework parties, but do feel that same feeling as if I fell off a two story building.  It is not the typical Big Brother device that keeps you safe while making sure a gun is always pointing at you, but the educational device that keeps our children absent of knowledge.  The interested party to this project in turn delivers the propaganda directly to their offspring without any effort by the public educational system.  They got us indoctrinating ourselves.

What is the solution?

Copy their model and post one that educates using truthful information.

I would like someone to contact me and help analyze their funding project, reverse engineer it with a step by step follow through. When reconstructed with the same framework, an educational venue with truthing in mind, the conspiracy analytics angle as the curriculum, would properly service humanity.  They did the work, it is a perfect shell, and once we’ve got our funding project to rival it on a side by side comparison, the obvious funding project is the expose on the fraud below.

The point is showing how absurd Indiegogo is for pretending to be of service to humanity.  Who knows, maybe it’s time to create an online university for truthers.  If you gag at the example below, you’re not alone.

I had felt an expose targeting Indiegogo was important to disclose over one year ago when I had interviewed, Katherine Albrecht, top echelon activist against government spying.   As the founder of CASPIAN Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering, I asked Katherine what she thought of Indiegogo.  We agreed to produce a video documentary on the topic of crowd funding as it relates to spychiping.





MTV call


Mainstream television’s iconic show MTV is interested in covering conspiracy theories for the mainstream audience, and not one person visiting the website was interested.  If I could I would, but I’m twice the age they’re seeking.  Yet, beforeitsnews being the mecca for conspiracy gurus like yourselves, gets millions of readers and traffic and is nearing a billion in traffic presents an issue.. are you all chicken?  I spoke with MTV casting agent, Marcial Rios, to evaluate their authenticity as well as validate the call for their mainstream media network that reaches vastly more than we can do in our independent alternative forums.  Without an intention of confounding the truther movement, why not give Marcial a call and see if you can get the opportunity to speak for us all?  The following video audio interview explains what they’re looking to do.
The truth is, most everyone aspiring to be truthers are far from being truthers.  Living in fear, paranoia, selfish interest in the end of the world with no intention of fixing the problem and thinking everyone is out to get them is the reason for no shows.  “Others should, but I’m not stepping up to the plate” is the common consensus and reality for independent network news affiliates and owners, hosts, guests, readers and viewers alike.


NOW CASTING: True Life: I’m a Conspiracy Theorist

If I fit within the demographic, I’d be interested in appearing nationally at risk of the content I deliver distorted and out of context.  The probable case is that MTV is driven by the occult (just maybe?) to which there’s really no possible way I’d get air time.  But, because the opportunity is here for someone half my age to chance it, unless someone under my advisement goes, someone else will be chosen to botch it all up.  It’s why I felt lucky to have been asked for advice so that I could engage in a possible damage control situation in which the New World Religionists and cooperative companies such as MTV establishing this religion have no choice but to cancel the show.

[Rios bio] It’s no secret that governments hide things from its citizens, but how far do you think one will it go to cover up the truth? Conspiracy theories abound that bring into question what we think we know about both history, and the measures being taken to control the future.

Are you concerned that the government is adding fluoride to the water supply as a means of mind control, or that the vapor trails left by planes in the sky are actually chemicals? Are you a cautious consumer, that’s always on the look out for subliminal messages in movies and advertising?

Do you have trust issues with the government that stem to those you’re closest to? Have you gotten arrested while protesting or demonstrating against false information? Maybe you’re actively fighting the government to bring the truth to the masses? Are your potentially polarizing truths making it hard to form new relationships or sustain the ones you have?

No matter your beliefs, MTV’s Emmy-award winning True Life series wants to hear how they’re affecting your life. If you appear to be between the ages of 16 and 30, email us at and tell what makes you a conspiracy theorist. NOTE:  Please include your name, location, phone number, your conspiracy theory focus youtube or facebook page, and a recent photo of yourself.

Marcial Rios



Baphomet and blocks BatmanvsSuperman ipetgaotii

Jim Fetzer having been introduced through a mutual friend, asked if I would speak about the reality of Jade Helm 15 and what black operation is being heavily guarded.  The segment aired in 2015 and was the first public disclosure regarding the Hoover Dam and CERN prognosis.  I maintain a communication with Jim and  update the continued results and findings of the ongoing investigation. Following is our latest conversation on the 6th of June, 2016 disclosing the connection  between the controversial Gotthard Tunnel ceremony and CERN at Hoover Dam. Source



The plan is quite simple

Mountains are the remains of pyramid structures destroyed at the time of the Great Flood. We exist on the rubbled remains, precious minerals are mined from these ancient structures, the tunnels burrowed through the base of these ancient pyramids are logistical preparations for completely leveling them (scaled up version of sticks of dynamite), all video games are designed to automate people into carrying out the mission of not only mass extermination by ourselves, but also destroying the world.

It can be prevented so long as each and every person debunks this theory with quality evidence. Once you see this, you’ll want to personally evaluate the video phenomena, MineCraft yourself. If you have children, you’ll campaign against them obsessed with playing unless the world you want for them is worse than it is now.


Jim Fetzer had myself on as a guest discussing evidence that Hoover Dam is earmarked to either be an earth based gate portal to the sun, a Stargate, decommissioned by destruction or rendered inoperable due to lack of water, or both.  My position was that Hoover Dam and the fact that CERN’s particle collider project is at the heart of JADE HELM II is the main thrust for the government operation.  The trucking company Freightliner debuting it’s flagship Daimler autonomous driving transport vehicle with the help of OSKNY Marketing and technical support to produce a visual projection on the dam is key to understanding the dynamic of the retrofitted construct and what its actual function will be.


How To Make Dynamite not to make it

We wonder whether nuclear devices will be used at a future time of war or destruction. Because a nuclear explosion is radio actively catastrophic, there is a bio degradable alternative that has been accepted for centuries. To destroy earth the more difficult, but ‘bio safe’ method is over time. To accomplish it, you must be tricked into carrying out the act.


Most all occult related ceremonies involve Guinness Book of World Record achievements. This decade: Freightliner’s projection on Hoover Dam, Pat Tillman By-pass bridge, ipetgoatii projection, Gotthard Tunnel, and the list goes on.





As of June 10, 2016, Proof the Grand Canyon Monuments Are Ancient Pyramids had reached 188,000 views. 1/5 million people are now contemplating the prospect that has been described by science as natural formed are questioning the educational status quo as well as the limitations and purposeful silence by some well known researchers.


Atlantis Rising Magazine interview

Rob Resetar bw

The following is an interview between myself and journalist, Rob Resetar of Atlantis Rising Magazine, took place addressing the star alignment phenomena within the Grand Canyon regarding the neo-formation theory. For the first time, a print publication will take place to help support the question as to the likelihood that a great earthly flood did indeed occur.  I explained to journalist, Rob Resetar, how the monuments of the canyon aligned to the high altitude markers of fourteen buttes considered to be constructs intelligently fabricated simply because they are officially called monuments.  Much like Monument Valley, so too are that which are assumed natural in the canyon referred to in the same manner.  A monument by definition is not a natural construct.





Valery Uvarov bw
Valery Uvarov Pyramids of Russia

Dr. Valery Uvarov is the head of the Department of Palaeosciences and Palaeotechnology of the National Security Academy of Russia, and has devoted more than fifteen years to ufology as well the study of ancient civilizations.

I speak with Valery about new concepts involving pyramid design, structure, & possibilities in engine design. We have become friends bound by a commonality rare in research understanding that can only be understood by genuine truthers. Our acquaintances worldwide so happen to be the same.  We are united and on the same level of research that is not muddied by popularity and revenue generation. My sensitivity that encompasses the integrity in research is easily accepted by people like Valery Uvarov and Klaus, Semir Osmanagic, and others with just as equal reciprocation.

Note:  Rarely do I duplicate other people’s articles.  I’m making an exception for Jason Koebler who did an excellent job researching this issue.  Thank you Jason. Source


Written by

Jason Koebler

Staff Writer

May 6, 2014 // 09:40 AM EST

Yosemite National Park raised a few eyebrows this weekend when park officials suggested—using some pretty dubious legal framework—that flying hobby drones in the park is illegal. But the park isn’t the first to try to make up the rules as it goes along: Nearly three years ago, a famous drone pilot was illegally fined and had his property confiscated for flying a drone over the Grand Canyon, in what has become an important free speech issue.

The incident underscores a larger national problem being played out between entrepreneurs, model aircraft enthusiasts, and state, local, and federal governments. People like flying drones, for both leisurely and commercial purposes, and often the most interesting places to fly them are in big cities or pristine nature.

The Federal Aviation Administration isn’t keen to allow drone operators unfettered access to the skies, but doesn’t have the proper legislation or regulations to stop drones from flying under guidance similar to model aircraft. Instead, the FAA tried to finagle existing aircraft regulations to apply to drones, even when they clearly don’t.

It’s a situation where technology and the hobbies of the people have far outpaced government rules, and, rather than actually legislate or go through the proper channels and procedures to ban or limit drone use, authorities confiscate and fine first, then attempt to apply regulation later.

Long before Raphael Pirker became the first person to be fined by (and to subsequently beat) the FAA, he ran into trouble with rangers at Grand Canyon National Park. In December 2011, the Swiss drone pilot, one of the most well-known in the world, was taking footage of the Grand Canyon using a small, Styrofoam drone.

Park rangers approached him, demanded he ground the drone and that he delete any footage he took. Pirker turned over his drone’s memory card, but only after rangers threatened to obtain a search warrant to seize it, according to a citation report. Pirker was fined $325 and issued a ticket for violating a federal code that prohibits “delivery or retrieving a person or object by parachute, helicopter, or other airborne means, except in emergencies involving public safety or serious property loss, or pursuant to the terms and conditions of a permit.”

What’s happened to that footage, which Pirker planned to blast out to his tens of thousands of YouTube subscribers, is anyone’s guess. But it’s clear from the citation report that US government officials wanted it deleted to make sure it never hit the internet, where it would “invite additional individuals to replicate these prohibited flight maneuvers within Grand Canyon National Park,” according to the citation report.

In short, park management confiscated Pirker’s footage, not because it was explicitly illegal, but because authorities were concerned that sharing the footage would inspire more people to fly drones.

The problem with Pirker’s incident, and the subsequent drone-prohibiting rule that Yosemite National Park has just announced, is that it’s based on a bunch of nonsense, as law professor Greg McNeal explains over at Forbes.

For one, the National Park Service specifically defines “aircraft” as “a device that is used or intended to be used for human flight in the air, including powerless flight.” Then, there’s the “delivery” bit.

“Did the drafters really intend to regulate delivery, where the thing being delivered is the delivery vehicle itself?” McNeal wrote.

But that’s how the park is arguing it: In a Facebook post, the national park wrote that “the drone itself is the object being delivered.” McNeal suggests the argument is “ridiculous.”

Charles Warren, an environmental law attorney at KramerLevin who has studied the statute, said the rule is almost certainly legally invalid.

“Certainly the park service wants to protect the park, but without additional regulation or law, it’s difficult to rely on this and not have it overturned when challenged,” Warren told me. “I don’t see a regulation like this being effective in prohibiting drones. There’s no apparent legal basis for it.”

That’s the sense Pirker got as well. The Swiss native fought the National Parks Service in a series of emails he shared with me after being initially being cited. Months after Pirker was initially ticketed, the Grand Canyon National Park changed its rules to expressly mention that “operated an unmanned aircraft, including radio controlled aircraft, model aircraft, and aircraft operated by first person video is prohibited in Grand Canyon National Park.”

The fact that the park rules were changed after Pirker’s incident, as well as the emails exchanged between Pirker and US District Attorney Patrick Schneider (who was assigned to Pirker’s case and initially told the park ranger to seize the footage) suggest that the park knew that, at the time, Pirker violated no regulations.

The emails and initial citation also show a district attorney who admits that Pirker’s property was improperly held as “evidence of a crime,” but who shows reticence to return it because of the possibility that it would encourage others to fly in national parks—an implication that pretty clearly becomes a free speech issue.

After handing over the SD card and leaving the park, Pirker started emailing Phillips and Schneider in an attempt to get his memory card back. In one email, Schneider says that if Pirker returned to the United States to fight the $325 ticket, he would face a possible conviction subject to six months in jail, a $5,000 fine, and would also consider trying to charge Pirker with disorderly conduct and lying to a park ranger, who Schneider says warned him a day prior that he was not allowed to fly his drone. Pirker eventually agreed to pay the fine, after being told by a law enforcement specialist that doing so was not an admission of guilt.

Later in the exchange, a law enforcement specialist with the National Park tells Pirker that he can pay the fine without admitting guilt, which would have theoretically allowed him to get the memory card back. “In the District of Arizona, the payment of a collateral forfeiture amount is analogous to the payment of a civil penalty and is not an admission of  guilt nor a conviction,” the specialist wrote. Later in the exchange, she says that the card would be returned to him within a week:

Pirker says that his card was not returned, an inferior, blank replacement was.

The card was retained as evidence of a crime,” Schneider wrote. “A substitute was sent to you.”

That’s a sentiment that Schneider echoed to me when I spoke to him this morning. “He had a card sent back to him. His was evidence of a crime,” he said. Well, what was the crime then—what was he delivering with the drone? What legal authority did the park have, at the time, to ban drones? “There were plenty of charges, I’m not going to argue the case with you,” he said.

I asked him if he thought the regulation, as written, was sufficient to ban drones from national parks.

“It’s not about the laws, it’s about whether it’s legal to fly an unmanned aerial vehicle, it’s a question of whether it endangers the public depending on what else is around or if they’re harassing protected animals. There are tons of different potential violations. Is there a specific provision on hand that says it’s illegal to fly it? I don’t know,” he said. “You know how many millions of people visit the Grand Canyon each year? There’s thousands of tourists standing there at any one time. When you’re told you can’t do that and refuse to comply, there are any number of violations that may apply or may not.”

I asked a lawyer, who is familiar with the case but is not yet legally involved and so wished to stay anonymous, whether there was any basis to keep the confiscated card.

“If a person was cleared of a ‘crime,’ what basis is there to keep the property? They could make a copy if they need to maintain evidence for some future purpose, but they don’t,” he said. “Why keep the video footage and replace the SD card? To prevent other people from being inspired to do the same thing. Keeping the video seems to me to have absolutely nothing to do with the alleged violation. If someone flew an unauthorized manned flight over the Grand Canyon and a passenger took photos of it, would they seize the photos? Of course not. The alleged violation was the flying of the drone, not the taking of video.”

And that is the problem with drone legislation at the moment. There are few rules, and they are fuzzy, overly broad, and not based on actual existing regulation or law. Flying a drone in a national park, when done recklessly or without common sense, may be stupid. It may be unsafe. It may be annoying. But it’s not illegal, not without the proper legislation or regulatory rule making.

If the Department of the Interior wants to ban drones in the parks, they can do so—after going through proper regulatory channels; namely, by making a proposed rule and allowing the public to comment on it. Until they do that, these rules and these citations are evidence of government overreach, plain and simple.



The Video TRUMP PROTESTERS DON’T WANT YOU TO SEE!! (The Plot to Murder Donald Trump)

C.Ervana reaches millions of people with her expose documentaries.  On the surface, her work appears to be against the NWO paradigm, but underneath each piece discloses a psyops.  Her latest piece has reached 1/2 million views in a matter of days.  The video supports Donald Trump and the World Order’s agenda for building a Mexican financed wall.

If Ervana sincerely opposes Trump although claiming not to take a political position, maintains that a vote must take place regardless of the opponent, not a lesser of evils, but equal or more so than Trump.  Otherwise, Ervana would have as a truther voice an opinion for or against Hillary.  Saying nothing is safe, and safety is part of the logistics of and protocol of disinformation.

comment for trump post .

The largest manufacturer of Swiss watch movements is CERN

The number one ranking watch manufacturer, Google, using Swiss developed watch movement that uses black matter to draw blood from the human body. Developed at the CERN laboratory in Switzerland the global surveillance corporation, Google, fulfills both miniature and extra large models former dubbed the “Vampire Watch” and the latter, the Doomsday Clock.

Google has patented a “needle free” Phlebotomy device

Whether it be the hand, a pocket and tucked anywhere at all times on the person, the probability that a human being is permanently integrated is by conditioning and ignorance. This is the hidden Mark of the Beast. Analyzing blood for medical purposes is the gimmick, but as the for the psyops, it is to mate the young and old, wealthy and poor, with the machine. It could not be more clear that extracting the soul from the human body perhaps via the blood constitution is the agenda. To understand this, no authentic testing will be conducted just as cell phone towers had no oversight nor any studies conducted to assess environmental and bio hazard repercussions of an EMF grid as epic as today’s repeater tower phenomena. If this device completes a blackhole condition, the entire body or just the soul is consumed and or sent through a portal.

Swiss Cern watch bwGoogle has patented a “needle free” device that has been dubbed by Gizmodo as “the Vampire Watch.”  The device uses hyper speeds to suck blood out of your body (literally) and into a negative pressure barrel. Google describes the device as a particle accelerator that you wear around your wrist. The accelerator opens an “aperture” into your body and removes a small quantity of blood without you feeling anything. Some people might think a device like this would be good for anybody suffering with Diabetes or other types of diseases that need frequent monitoring…however, there are many things about this device that should be investigated.

Soul Snatching?

New information brings to light a use that the blackhole watch may have an additional more sinister purpose. This concept dovetails with the known theories regarding soul snatching machines, or mechanisms, and which may be the device used globally that at the time of mass extinction, the entities yearning to harvest human souls have the ability to capture a soul using this device. The same components also integrated within personal electronic devices like portables and cell phones covers more bases. People are psychologically attached to these electronics and harness them at close proximity to the surface of the body.

C.Ervana has been publishing documentaries that are in alignment with the investigation I have conducted since the year 2012 regarding Hoover Dam.  What she discloses is a theory that has merit on one level, however, on the more sinister, may be the missing link as to what Hoover Dam’s retrofitted black hole technology really is. Could Hoover Dam be all three; a Stargate earth based portal, Sunlight cancelling mechanism, and a booster to a wearable device that creates a doorway to Hell to a human being?  Ervana does analyze my findings which leads me to believe she’s a counteragent for the simple reason, she makes no effort to add or subtract from her work, nor credit Lee Bracker for showing what she’s not publishing.


The scaled up version of the wearable device

It can be more diabolical… CERN’s technology involves the examination of the structure of light in an attempt to manufacture it. It involves both the absence and presence of the light body form. Dark matter, or black goo as it has been coined, collected from both the space exploration projects dating back to the 1950s and the recent deep drilling ventures thanks to British Petroleum.

The pyramid ‘fire in the middle’, Hoover Dam, is a construct designed to pull black/dark matter from the deep and used for nefarious purposes to which C has brilliantly found the scaled down version of an application of that which monitors the dark aspects of the human body. This is in addition to the monitoring of blood content. It may be a device that also installs negative entities into the body constitution. Control. This is a physical attempt to push people unwillingly into the New World Religion. Can Hoover Dam retrofitted with CERN technology work as hub controlling center for use with and as a booster to the devices human beings would at first volunteer wearing to when all of humanity is required to wear one at all times?

Aerial hoover dam transition SG1 overlay

Like HAARP, Hoover Dam may indeed have always been planned to be not only the doomsday machine, but one that ends your life by creating a portal in which your existence is determined by the unique imprint of your DNA. You would disappear within this CERN black hole.


Mind Control & wearable technology

The soul is what they want to harvest. I wrote an entry that displays above. Destroy the body, take the soul… what the beings of the underworld want is to exist here, and the only way it seems to accomplish this feat is to obtain a soul. A bodily possession by an entity most likely relies on paralyzing the soul, or harnessing to it. A person lowers to the low level an entity needs to transport through a natural blackhole condition… the technology developed makes this unconditional.  Whether entities existing in our realm, or from the underworld, it is the Vampire Watch that is your portal, literally, to Hell delivered directly from the largest Swiss Watch Maker ever in existence, CERN.




john adams crop

John Adams declared tyranny by saying;

“May none but Honest and Wise Men ever rule under this Roof.”

X the owl lived in the center of the Neighborhood Of Make Believe.  Out of tens of thousands of name choices, why the letter X of the known occult symbolic references?  Moleck the owl?

The definition of “rule” is one of a set of explicit or understood regulations or principles governing conduct within a particular area of activity, interest, expertise or an aspect of society and life distinguished and unified by a particular characteristic.  This goes against working for the people.  If presidents were advocating instead of ruling, we would not managed under the same European Aristocracy as it seems we have since the beginning because Adams was the Vice under the first.

X the Owl

Of interest, Disney began the re-education program reversing who controls the United States using animation for children with stories that included Cinderella, Snow White, Robin Hood, and many others.  Roger's and his trolleyGeneration X that began in the early 1960’s with television programs for children including the 32 seasons of Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood that installed the neo rulership by a king as the actual manifestation built into the American Dream.  This dream was nothing more than bringing back imperial control and dominion over the rights of the citizens of the US using the diabolical psychology of reverse thinking.  A false reality becomes real.

Fred Rogers was wise and honest to the children of Generation X.   That doesn’t mean that the show fell under that umbrella.  It the genuine appeal of the man was the bait that drew us all into the illusion that it was okay to reinstall British rule over the whole of an empire that would someday crumble to the foundation.

“One of the greatest gifts you can give anybody is the gift of your honest self. I also believe that kids can spot a phony a mile away.” – Fred Rogers


King Friday XIII

King Friday the Thirteenth is a point of concern.  Bad luck coupled with a ruling family and a prince born by the second season of the program that looks surprisingly similar to British Royalty.  “Wise and Honest Men” can mean anything and vicariously equate to anyone.  Fred Roger’s may never have known how compartmentalized he was.  It is the fabrication of ideas dressed in childish stories that are the masked veil of status quo prevailing in our very disillusioned world… and we trust it now as we did way back in 1800 when John Adams declared rulership.

castle sketch disney tall

king and queen


Predictive Programming  Which one of these two real life princes will have something to do with world order?

The Problem was simple.. the psyops is so specialized that even children are convinced what they’re learning is important for one reason, it’s accepted by their parents and the society in which they exist.  One in ten million children can see through the matrix of deception.  If you understand the dynamic, then you may be one of the very selective few.     Source


Prince Harry William and Tuesday compare



The light body is three dimensional, not parallel rays

The ceiling of the inner chamber of the Pyramid of Unas near Cairo, Egypt, expresses a detailed organized series of five pointed stars arranged in a columnar and row pattern. These are the threshold barriers of the light body. The misinterpretation would be that the depiction is a map of the night heaven of stars. If it were, we’d see something similar to a photo copy of what the eye sees as the pattern of the constellations and positions of the stars. Since it appears not to be a representation of the stars, then it represents something else.

If light does not exist as straight path radiation lines, but instead something of the characteristic nature of three dimensional outpouring of light from a concentration point out and then back in on itself as a subsequent concentration point a distance away from the source, then the pattern may be a cross-section of the light body.  The form at which light exists may be radiant light that twists with an inversion at each intersection or ‘compass’ point which is represented by the center of each star within the matrix pattern of the whole of light body, and the negative space represent the absence of light.

The pyramid of Unas, Saqqara, The interior walls are inscribed with the Pyramid Texts. These inscriptions can be divided among some 750 utterances and 2,300 shorter spells. Egypt. Ancient Egyptian. Old Kingdom. 5th dynasty. Saqqara. (Photo by Werner Forman/Universal Images Group/Getty Images)

pentagrams close up

What explains a reversal of the direction of stars above as opposed to below the horizon? Perhaps the center crease of the inner vault explains it. If pyramids are actually buildings that mimic the beginning and ending of light, and that within it’s interior as well as exterior, the light takes on it’s sweeping curvilinear form, it would be logical to interpret the buildings we call pyramids as receiving and broadcasting antennas, or amplifiers of light in which the plane orientation of the material act as resonating mirrors. If the sky is creased by the transiting sun, then perhaps North is inverted from South.

Light exists in a vortexing configuration from planar geometrical division fields

Ceiling Pyramid Unas overlay

Ceiling Pyramid Unas closeup

I’ll try to explain with simplicity. Keeping in mind that the visual limitation due to vanishing distances have a threshold of whatever the power of vision is, your eye would have a particular range and a telescope/binocular device further, both mechanisms natural and machined can only see objects in their proportions within the spherical range of your POV. We stand on a plane surface that bisects the sphere, so we’re looking within the confines of a hemispheric range.

The vault in Unas are two planes imprinted as the cross-section of light

There is a node at the Bermuda Triangle, Hoover Dam, node 19 is probably where Atlantis is in the center of the Atlantic Ocean, and node number one happens to be the great pyramids of Egypt. These are points that either receive full body light, or the negative aspect of light in the 3D “flower of life” geometry. That’s why these areas are energetic or lethal. I think lethal because the areas where people go claiming the beauty of vortexes are not on Ley lines nor the nodes, but where there is emptiness according to the grid as if in the center. Look at the ceiling of the pyramid of Unas. It’s filled with a pattern of five pointed stars. Why not hieroglyphs? Why is the ceiling 45 degree angle upward ‘planes’? Those stars are not the stars of the night sky, but the 2D light code of the actual 3dimnsional body of light. How do you like that? Makes sense when one can follow the logic.

Beyond the threshold, objects of straight lines begin to vanish in 3D where you can only see the surface visibly before it disappears right and left of you. The further distanced from earth you go the more curved the apparent straight line horizon appears. On the surface, it curves, but toward you what you would see although it looks like a straight line horizontally. If you stood beside an infinite wall perpendicular to the earth plane, and rise up at a 45 degree angle, the distance upward that appears to be a straight line to the horizon will curve as the horizon curves… go way out into what we call space and you’ll see to apparent spheres, or hemispheres because it’s opaque when they’re actually flat planes in perceived warp.  We only have one plane as a frame of reference which is why I threw in the intersecting plane for contemplation. The plane that Flat Earthers attempt to map as the blueprint of Earth is simply a 2D projection screen capture of light that is expressed in 3 dimensions, but the fractals go in and out, dark and light, and is why the square we detect by a sun casting light, but the light itself has the characteristic of excluding light as well. The corners are clipped out. The body of light is shown to us mapped as a 2D representation we call the Ley line grid pattern of earth.

Ley lines nodes


The 3D form of light in Dendera temple

The pattern design in the Dendera Temple of the sky goddess, Nuit, of this ceiling seems likely to be arranged as an elevation style depiction. The temple is located about 2.5 km south-east of Dendera, Egypt. It is one of the best-preserved temple complexes.

Ceiling Pyramid Unas - Dendera Temple


I have a feeling that the Egyptians used the pentagram symbol of the geometry of non light, darkness, in their observance of the dark forces. If the geometric pattern of the sun is hexagonal, something is awry.



Both the Flat Earth and Sphere earth communities are hoaxed by science, NASA, and all those affiliated with secret societies including the infiltrators into Flat Earth. The astronaut, if indeed exceeds the altitude of the ISS, sees a plane morph into a disc and then a hemisphere because human visual capabilities are limited to the vanishing-point phenomena. This video demonstrates in part that no intentional video augmentation took place by NASA or the private sector regarding what is seen out the portal windows. What they don’t show is kept secret. What they stage is obviously video fakery, but not what HD cameras capture beyond their lens refracting properties.





“I’ve got a bad feeling about this”- Han Solo


snoke john d rockefeller compareIn analyzing films for their occult messages, I have not found a relationship as remarkable as the one embedded in J.J. Abrams character conceptualization for Starwars 2015. Not knowing what to expect and as usual am very much surprised at what I find; in this case there is an Illuminati Icon serving as the ultimate villain.  The profound clue happens to be the theme “First Order”; a dead giveaway.  In the case of the seventh film, “The Force Awakens”, I was startled awake to find that tyranny being doled out by the the Supreme Leader “Snoke”is unquestionably modeled after the face and persona of John D Rockefeller Sr.


Hollywood stamps their iconic figuresheds as a visual imprint to the viewer with all their movies.  Some icons are human as well as alien.  The film LUCY, Iron SKY II, and Hunger Games clearly showcase a reptilian feature because the industry is reptilian driven.  War of the Worlds was modeled after the Grey Alien species as was it’s director’s predecessor project that began the amazing lure to invite Grey Aliens as entertainers into our homes, E.T.  If David Icke was right about the Illuminati families having Reptilian genetics, well then, we now have a film that exposes that as a fact… or close to it.

Who Is the real life Supreme Leader Snoke?

Title Card:  “Luke Skywalker has vanished. In his absence, the sinister FIRST ORDER (NWO) has risen from the ashes of the Empire (Rome/NAZI Germany) and will not rest until Skywalker (United States), the last Jedi (Superpower), has been destroyed. With the support of the REPUBLIC (USA), General Leia Organa leads a brave RESISTANCE (Sovereign Man). She is desperate to find her brother Luke and gain his help in restoring peace and justice to the galaxy. Leia has sent her most daring pilot on a secret mission to Jakku, where an old ally has discovered a clue to Luke’s whereabouts…”

snoke john d rockefeller compare 2Snoke is introduced vaguely in Star Wars: The Force Awakens only through a hologram that exaggerates his physical presence.  He’s inexplicably in charge of The FIRST ORDER, presumably responsible for reassembling the resources of the Empire after the fall of Emperor Palpatine, who by the way had a striking familiarity with a Pope, and the second Death Star.

It is unknown who the character Snoke is, whether he had any involvement behind-the-scenes in the first six Episodes of the saga, and why he’s heavily disfigured remains all unanswered unless we understand that the cinematic character illusions are to disfigure the source of the models they mimic making them unidentifiable.  Again in this analysis, it’s thought to be the likeness of John Rockefeller, father of the fall of the United States and the fact that it is known that the Illuminati families orchestrate chaos, world wars, and conduct the business for off world beings as instruments against humanity.  John Rockefeller is deceased, however his legacy remains in the form of fictional stories brought back to life by the idea of modern technology, holograms, and the notion that they yearn for immortality.  They do this all while operating behind elusive, however very obvious, ‘Snoke Screens”.


             Dialogue exchange translated to the protocol of the 
                        New World Order "FIRST ORDER"

               Kylo Ren 
     Your son is gone. He was weak and foolish like his father, 
     so I destroyed him.

[Divide and conquering the American family - divisions in trust, anger with 
 fathers, easily convinced to kill immediate family]

               Han Solo 
     That's what Snoke wants you to believe, 
     but it's not true.

[the problem with the truth movement is showing the past compared to the 
 present - masses in denial]

               Kylo Ren
     No. The Supreme Leader is wise.

[government incentives, handouts, promises and the 
 illusion of the American Dream provided by elected officials]

               Han Solo
     Snoke is using you for your power. When he gets what
     he wants, he'll crush you. You know it's true.

[government incentives, handouts, promises and the illusion of Americana 
 provided by elected officials]Flat Earth & corporate insignia?


Flat Earth & Corporate Insignias?

A common point of speculation is that Snoke could be Darth Plagueis, the master of Palpatine who was named dropped in Episode III – Revenge of the Sith. In that film, Palpatine describes his old trainer with some choice words, include “wise” that was also used by Kylo Ren to describe Snoke. “Darth Plagueis was a dark lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise. He could influence the midichlorians to create life. He had such a knowledge of the Dark Side, he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying.”

straight horizon compareThe up and coming conspiracy theory that the secret societies can no longer contain the fact that the World is not round.  The mountains of evidence to prove otherwise what has been standard out weighs the little that NASA can prove the world is a ball.  Since it is shown that the horizon is in fact a straight line vanishing phenomena, it is seen in the movie The Force Awakens that this is indeed a fact.  No, the planet is not Earth, but it is filmed on earth and shown as a round sphere in space, but with straight and concave horizon lines that do not indicate a convex curvature AT ALL.  The point being; what we’re taught and shown as comparisons considered fiction, are really truths and I believe they ultimately decided to hint at Rockefeller, John D Sr., in the final character concept decision that evolved from a snake head idea, to a human.  Rockefeller’s father was a snake oils salesman I do recall.

The winged “W” has an occult corporate placement in film today as noted with the form of the letter across several very different films. Promethius, Iron Sky and Wonder Woman.

wings compositeIn the area of conspiracy theories, many jump to ideas that make hardly any sense.  For example, 2015’s speculation that a horrific event was to take place on September 26.  The reader can spend hours pouring over the numeric calculations, scripture notes, Bible prophecy, tsunami, volcanic and earthquake occurrences on the same month and day, however the obvious is true about September 26 is apparent.  That was the day John D. Rockefeller landed his very first job to which he was so grateful, considered it more important than his very own day of birth.  The corporate tycoon celebrated “job day” every September 26 from 1856 on to commemorate his entrance into the business world.

The uniform worn by General Hux is modeled after the uniforms worn by Nazis mixed with some naval influences.


saudi protected

Rey mentions a place called Liwa Outpost. It is a nod to the Liwa Desert where the planet Jakku is filmed in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.  The First Order, or the real life New World Order, is in my opinion headquartered in the Arab Emirates.  Israel is a front to mask the reality that the stealth operation for world dominion is reflected in the films Mission Impossible and StarWars The Force Awakens.

Alien References

 maz kanata yoda starwars

Maz Kanata alien compareMaz Kanata plays a role that emulates the wisdom of Yoda from the first Starwars movie.  Her character is representative of what is thought to be the consensus appearance of the Zeta Reticulan features known as the Grey Alien.  reptilian hand on R2D2 adjustedThe alien elements tie in with the montage scene Rey visualizes of an arm reaching out to R2D2 with strange reptilian appearing finger and nails.  This is observed predominantly in the installment of Iron Sky II coming to theaters in the year 2016, in 2014’s movie Lucy.

From fiction to reality

The third Death Star “Starkiller base” shares the same 1 to 10 size ratio to that of Earth and Jupiter in a comparative relationship scale.

deathstars compared to earth and JupiterThe unusual pronounced ‘fannies’ that were depicted by the robot armies in past StarWars installments were noted in actual characters acting as military officials of the First Order.  The posture is a protruding derriere as if advertising for homosexuality.   The idea that energy is drawn from the Sun, and that was in the dialogue of the script, into the planet weapon for recharging has a unique similarity to the conclusions arrived regarding Hoover Dam and CERN.  If what is happening in film may be the real life equivalent in Arizona and Nevada.  The ‘tell’ with that is enormous in which the trucking company, Freightliner, disclosed the slogan “10x to the sun and back” with a slide image of CERN, the Sun and Earth.  The 9th ray isolate concept first brought about in Disney’s Mars movie John Carter was integrated into StarWars The Force Awakens as well.  When screen images are available, I will include them to show the relationship of the radiating line patterns to the planets.


albano fallen angelRx actually represents “synthetic reproduction”

rx mort petle

Two intertwined snakes around a knobbed bird winged pole happens to be the mark used to denote human transformation. It is not the symbol that healers of ancient times would have adopted.  In fact, before the contrived arts, there were no such symbols for the reason, the medicine person in your village didn’t even have a door to hang one on.  The caduceus and are two significant suggestions in support of the many “Marks of the Beast” symbols of the secret societies.  I’ve searched, but cannot seem to locate a convincing explanation as to where and how the meaning of the term “Spread Eagle” comes from and yet, we find spread eagle wings in every facet of life.

Caduceus is a winged staff with two snakes wrapped around it. It was an ancient astrological symbol of commerce and is associated with the Greek god Hermes, the messenger for the gods, conductor of the dead and protector of merchants and thieves.

In addition, I looked for the original understanding of what the eagle wings above the intertwined snakes of the Caduceus only to find myself at dead ends. There is a common thread idea that brings the two concepts together in meaning which makes no sense if thinking in terms of what our perception of medical care is, but when transhumanism having to do with the concept of malevolent nature of the Fallen Angels and what they’re intended  purpose for driving mankind into oblivion is then brought into question.


Assuming that the term spread eagle stands for sexual intercourse and that augmenting human DNA for subsequent offspring as a result of sexual intercourse, the relationship between ‘mad medicine’ and the phrase spread eagle then becomes a logical deduction.  Otherwise, what does healing have to do with snakes, staffs, birds and sex?  Nothing, as it has to really do with the transhuman agenda of these so-called fallen angels.

Having knowledge of the healing arts I’ve concluded that nothing at all representative of health regarding the caduceus symbol.  Eagle wings, snakes around a pole with a knob have no meaningful association to herbs, energy modality healing practices and the human body.  Nowhere in the Hippocratic oath is there mention of this symbol.

caduceus tshirt ferris beuller 1

Wiki The caduceus is the traditional symbol of Hermes and features two snakes winding around an often winged staff. It is often mistakenly used as a symbol of medicine instead of the Rod of Asclepius, especially in the United States. The two-snake caduceus design has ancient and consistent associations with trade, eloquence, trickery, and negotiation. Tangential association of the caduceus with medicine has occurred through the ages, where it was sometimes associated with alchemy and wisdom. 

Above and below:  “Cameron” in the film Ferris Bueller’s Day Off wears his ‘destiny’ shirt.  The son of a doctor, his life is of the controlled nature.  The character’s shirts change throughout the film plot always depicting the wings of the Fallen Angel “Detroit Red Wings – Gordie Howe”.

The Wikipedia rationale makes it clear that a mistake has been made by the American Medical Association who has approved the use of the caduceus for all of it’s effects and those effected.  We’re to assume the AMA is headed by highly educated board of decision makers in which there are no mistakes made and those that do injure and kill people through approved practices and chemistry, treatments, and negligence are forgivable.  There is no mistake when most anyone with the understanding that western medicine is fraudulent takes Wikipedia’s explanation above into consideration in the context the industry of medical madness actually performs would sound as follows:

caduceus tshirt ferris beuller 2

The caduceus is the traditional symbol of Hermes and features two snakes winding around an often winged staff. It is used as a symbol of non-natural medicine commonly referred to as Rockefeller’s ‘traditional’ medicine, instead of the Rod of Asclepius, especially in the United States, for the reason the two-snake caduceus design has ancient and consistent associations with trickery. Deception is the craft of the Illuminati.  Tangential association of the caduceus with medicine has occurred through the ages, where it was once associated with alchemy and wisdom and now has the meaning relating to human trafficking, trade, and negotiation over a human beings DNA.

Symbol of transhumanism – ℞ stands for reproduction

The symbol still exists, but only on prescription drugs.  It’s ancient origins come from the meaning “to take… as in recipe”. 

The modern use of the caduceus as a symbol of medicine became established in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th century as a result of documented mistakes, misunderstandings and confusion. (I referred to the Wikipedia description for the reason the website is moderated by the establishment as a clear example as to what people are indoctrinated to believe).


batman-v-superman-dawn-justiceThe winged symbol is found on most every marketed product worldwide.  It is found in government, the military, and as logos on the cars we drive.  It’s also found to represent medicine.  Like the 5 pointed star, so too is the symbol of the wings.  How then has it come to represent the human genome project related to sexual reproduction?  We turn to the phrase most everyone knows as a person, a women in particular, with legs spread apart.


Psyops from the health networks

UntitledMike Adams “The Health Ranger” owns and operates one of the largest so-called health related websites in the world.  His transition from natural philosophical views to pure scientific methodology is clear with his descriptions in graphics.  From website development to video productions to the shirt he is wearing in his laboratory, Mike Adams is in support of the genetics program with his refusal to abandon the soybean market.

Is this shirt a mistake on his behalf.  Perhaps.  I understand the symbology of the secret societies in which I classify myself as a researcher with in-depth reverence against that I’m sensitive to what I project.  Adams is insensitive.  If not guilty for leanings toward the destruction of earth, he sure is for not being well researched.

Sexual Reproduction

The snake/bird/staff symbol makes no sense to humans unless we’re talking about modifying the code of life, DNA

“The winged imagery etched in stone goes as far back as ancient Egyptian times.  This the time in which a major shift occurred world wide in which crazy symbols appeared when before that, nothing of the sort was evident.  Why is it today that we have pyramids and hieroglyphics sprawled all over the world?  Why is the all seeing eye on everything including your money?  This all comes from Egypt in which Pharaohs cloaked themselves so as not to be viewed by the masses.  Aliens in disguise.  Winged fallen angels?  What exactly is the altar and why is the root word synonymous with change?” – Anonymous

ancient carduceusThe introduction of the caduceus and the fact that it has not ever been considered to be replaced is a secret society planted idea.  This idea is rooted with the fact humanity is under augmentation.  We are being fed genetically modified food, prescribed synthetic agents for internal use, radiated, magnetized, and contaminated with EMF frequencies to the point our DNA is over time being changed.  The purpose is overwhelming, but the simple matter is that it is a contrivance perpetrated by non human intent.  People are under this entity’s influence which I believe to be off world beings.  Aliens.  Sound ludicrous?  If so, then continue paying money to view science fiction on television and the movie theaters where the mind is filled with alien ideas.  Don’t get me wrong about science fiction not having it’s place in entertaining our imagination… that alone is fabulous, but when events take place that were shown but a few years earlier to the event nobody thought possible, then there’s the answer to as to disclosure.  It won’t be long before our government leaders are given the green light to officially disclose their presence and the contrived excuses for their protection.


Mental imprints by Hollywood

The film PROMETHIUS subtly discloses the creation of man by the genetic programs introduced on Earth by the Niburians, or Anunnaki.  In the opening sequence, we see an Engineer sacrifice himself while seeding the planet in a sort of spontaneous genesis.   The story line of Promethius does little to explain the element of DNA transmutation, but the actions, props, and forms of the alien characters emulate the symbols relating to human reproduction and modification. BELOW Comparing similarities across Hunger Games, American Dollar Bill, and the Girl Scouts of America eagles.  Pictured symbolically are the Fallopian tubes clutching sperm  which are depicted as arrows.  

This is not a casual activity for reclining or even a common yoga position.  It means to most one thing.  When once the symbol for medicine used to be a mortar and pestle, we are left with this arcane staff with an eagle perched on top and two snakes intertwined as if, yes, a figure symbolizing the double stranded DNA.  Medical help has very little to do with altering human genetics… it had to do with satisfying a nutritional deficit, mostly. (Below) Both 2012 films Promethius & John Carter illustrate something called the “9th ray isolate”.  We see a mechanized version of the concept as a uterus.

interior reproductive chamber w felopian tube portals

 arrows and eagles

Walandcorp compare


reptilian catLionsgate Films makes movies that announce New World Order Agenda messages.  The Hunger Games franchise is loaded with them.  Important here is a focus on the alien intrusion against humanity and this planet.  At the end of the fourth film and part 2 of what appears to be a Mockingjay series embedded in a quadrilogy (so damn confusing)  is a simple phrase shared to an infant by the hero, warrior, leader…. slave.

John Carter (Disney) uses symbols as background and makeup design which crosses over in many films.

“… one day I’ll explain to you why they came and why they will never leave…”

John carter circ de solie logo compare - Copy

Who is “they” and where in the plotlines of any of the four films were “they” coming with a absolute desire to remain without contest?  Katniss Everdeen kills the ultimate evil while the equal party is torn to pieces… who then is in power or who isn’t yet exiled?  If it was so important that the audience had to hear this as a final goodby to Hunger Games, why isn’t the hero the actual leader?  This is because that which cannot be removed must be that which has utter control over humanity – Alien races.


We find two profound alien entities represented

Like media manipulation, terrorism, ancient Roman “Bread and Circuses”, nationwide imprisonment, work camps, forced subservience, perpetual war, hints of the dissolve the Reichstag and call for a new parliamentary election.  It’s a bold statement about the unforgiving nature of war and rebel insurrection that takes place largely underground or in dangerous urban ruins.  This is what we see in film today.  We also are shown both the reptilian and alien gray alliance.  This is an off world influence that has predicated what Hollywood shares with the public… much truth wrapped in fictional tales using very close symbolic references..

Hunger Games baby 1 txtThe last scene is where the disclosure takes place and is set to categorize this franchise as an Alien driven series.  I was stunned to find the message spelled out in plain earshot. Jennifer Lawrence “Katniss Everdeen” speaks a dialogue that has no reference, says nothing specific about any of the film plot themes, and yet there it was to state what I feel is the Alien Agenda. Oh no, here comes the conspiracy theory.

The last scene’s dialogue where Katniss talks to her baby just before “The End”. Firstly, a description of the baby is, and people in blogs all over the place concur, that the baby’s head is twice as big as normal and that it appeared to be Asian. One person said it had black eyes. I observed all the above, but in addition to the eyes, they were all black and non blinking. Now, how does that message out that an Alien agenda statement is being made. Here’s what Katniss says after a lead in: “… one day I’ll explain to you why they came and why they will never leave…”  Then she explains how she deals with bad dreams and things by writing a list of good things she’s ever done for people and that it’s routine, but manageable for existence.

Hunger Games baby 2 txtWhat she meant in my opinion is that it is the Aliens that came and won’t ever leave.  There was nothing in the plot that lead her to say what she said for the audience to understand because it made absolutely no sense. Not unless one has studied the NWO like I have.

Ask anyone who has seen the film HUNGER GAMES – MOCKINGJAY PART 2 and ask if they thought the baby Katniss held had an over-sized head, appeared Asian, and had unusual black eyes. 

I observed that the baby’s head was proportionately oversized. I overheard a person leaving the theater who noted the same.  I’m sure people in the cutting room as well as the the oversight of the director knew it.  In other words, if that was striking and unusual, it would have been a scene to re-evaluate and re-shoot.  But, because they may have used a doll instead of a real baby (it never moved a twitch), there is little doubt in my mind it could have been purposeful to represent an alien.  The lighting created the illusion the eyes were completely black.  Subtle as it was, in most films, a baby of interest or significance is cinematically presented in full light exuding happy baby like illumination.

Ask anyone if they thought the predators released in the underground tunnels appeared to be sightless reptoids.  What we see is a representation of what the human transformation program is – the hybridizing of human beings with both species of aliens.

underground reptilian Alien compareKatniss killed off the PTB in the movie, and is the hero who if she wanted, could rule the people to sovereignty. So, who was in charge for her to say that they’ll never leave? I can say without a doubt until shown otherwise that the last book did not include that thought line.

Katniss also survived the onslaught of aliens.  In this feature, the aliens were depicted as the Alien of the Alien series.  This reptilian form is emulated throughout the sci-fi film industry’s conceptual think tank forums.


Mind Control

Peeta mind control 1The element of torture induced mind control is made evident with the character married to the protagonist.  “Love concurs all” is the running theme behind Katniss Everdeen’s success, however, she adopts the submissive attitude of subservience to the powers that be.  She gives Peeta the benefit of the doubt as to her and her children’s safety.

effie and h

Effie Trinket plays a role in which she doesn’t hesitate to select a child to compete in a deadly game.  She is noted as wearing the sign of a Monarch known to be mind control MKUltra.  These are women groomed to service the Elite and perform inhumane functions while pretending to do service work.  In the last scene, there is the long awaited romance in which she and Haymitch exchange a kiss.  Now, why is she glorified and why accepted back as humane individual?  In a world where there is an advanced technological society complete with medical remedies, why isn’t Peeta, an untreated victim of mind control, treated conclusively for the condition?

(Above and right) This character represents the MKUltra also known as a Monarch.  She is symbolically represented as such with the costume of monarch butterflies.  There a thousands of insects to choose from… why the Monarch?  Who then is she handling?


Why shot in Berlin?

Berlin wall iron blocksThe second to the last scene where the Capitol’s people are baited with the promise of food and shelter to their deaths as they cross through the streets toward the Reichtag-like stronghold of President Snow, we see the same I-Beam barriers as were placed in the no crossing zone between East and West Berlin of the cold war era.

“Greg, I saw the final Hunger Games movie to see that they did have an “Alien” agenda actually disclosed.  It took them until the final words of all four films to cap it off.  I was amazed because for me it was easy to catch, but for anyone else impossible to differentiate the intent.  What she said made absolutely no reference to anything that happened across all four films.  Here’s my article which will bore you to death, but show exactly why they made that franchise, Lee”



daniel craig vista

James Bond’s new installment is an obvious salute to the NSA which is actually the NWO central intelligence agenda.  However, what is hidden are three important thematic clues that point a strange finger at an Alien Agenda.  The octopus etched into the ring doesn’t show it, but the after market products do – an alien head and its alien eyes.  This is seen across several films including Disney’s PLANES.  Juxtaposed is the human skull face masks adorned by Bond and those observing the day of the dead ritual in Mexico City.  A big difference showing who is actually going to kill who.  An observatory setting is observed in the intelligence hub in the middle of a Moroccan no-mans land and finally, an element that has zero to do with the film plot – a meteorite. Unless, of course, one thinks in terms of global mass extinction.

spectre DustyTypically in Bond films, the adversary shows James bond how James will meet his fateful end.  James is usually strapped down for this event.  But, his gadget seems to be at hand and uses it to redirect the awful death against the villain, alien eyesBlofeld. But here in the 24th installment of the franchise there is a very big shift in protocol.  Once we see the meteorite that created the villains outpost isn’t to be useful at all… it’s thematic purpose is masked.    It’s representative impact is only applicable when considering this is really a movie about Project Bluebeam – the faked alien invasion.  Most movies made today show the destruction of buildings and cities, large engineering structures such as in SAN ANDREAS and recently projected on the Cayan Building opened in 2013 in Dubai, Saudi Arabia.  In this film there is no lack of destroyed buildings.  But, it is a reflection of meteors devastating our infrastructure in disguise as being a scheduled engineered demolition.  What is in store for us with a film coming out in 2016′s IRON SKY?  Last time it was a new WWIII meteor shower led by the Fourth Reich based on the moon.

spectre symbol is alien ringAn observatory complex in addition to a global intelligence hub in a crater? Why did the Blofeld show James Bond a lethal meteor without using it somehow to kill him?  Most Bond films use esoteric methods in torturous ways and this would have lead to a unique form of death, but instead in SPECTRE resort to a robot drilling into the skull technique.  Previous James Bond movies always had scenes in which the diabolic use of some arcane method ends up ending the villain’s life to the appeal of the audience.  In Spectre, neither the bond girl nor does the the evil villain die.  That’s because, Blofeld represented the all seeing eye of Horus which never did!  His character was George Orwell’s whole intended message!  Big Brother is Alien.

blofeld's eyeIn summary, SPECTRE indicates that the the first scene in which James Bond partakes in the dress of the Day of the Dead among the parade participants is indicative of the end game played out by the NWO’s desire to destroy humanity. In this film, they show us what their weapon will be – a meteorite.  This global mass extinction theme is embedded in several films including IRON SKY I in which the Fourth Reich based on the moon haul big boulders into the earth’s atmosphere “Weapons of Mass Destruction”.  What, not who, is actually behind this?

crator data center Spectre txt

The Vatican mans Mount Graham Observatory with their astronomical associates, Jesuit priests, in their ongoing tracking of Nibiru and its entourage of debris.  If I have this correct, the several types of observatories featured in the film SPECTRE show us their different types of observational practices above and beyond observing our every move on earth.


On June 10, 2013, the Saudis celebrated their building Cayan “Infinity” Building which represents twisting DNA using a video exhibition depicting the Alien Invasion.  Not one researcher had reported this until now 2 1/2 years later.  Lead NASA rocket scientist, Wernher von Braun. warned us about the last stunt to be pulled over our eyes will be fakery, however, isn’t what I feel this to entirely be.  The building projection shows us that Aliens are behind the take over of our world.


What do non Egyptians in a completely different land have to do with pyramids, aliens, meteors, DNA structuring and the destruction of cities? 

Pyramid cropWhy not show us Earth’s beauty; pastures, mountain ranges, flowers and sunsets?  The whole of the peninsula and perhaps the city Dubai itself is earmarked to be the actual NWO headquarters.  This explains them puppeting the United States to having decimated all the countries surrounding it.

saudi protectedOn August 1, 2015, a similar 3D video projection mapping on the Empire State Building showcased Kali and Shiva performing the illusion of genetic transformation while at the same time demonstrating that the planet is being sterilized, extermination of all life including microorganisms to elephants, the world flipping its poles and a thousand points of light representing that many targets of engineering structures being evaporated.

Hoover Dam Cern 1

Why were flying saucers, aliens, city destruction by meteors and a blue beam so important to the Saudis?

The Cayan Tower was inaugurated with fireworks accompanied with laser light display on the tower on June 10, 2013, and become the world’s tallest 90 degree twisted tower.

Hoover Dam was used as a projection screen to show that it is to be retrofitted with either destructive power incorporating CERN proton collision technology or service as a STARGATE.  Or, both.  The trucking company, Freightliner, was exposed for backing this collaborative public announcement in a display of theatrics they have refused to address to the public.  Their instructions from the concept engineers are held under lock and key.  In other words, if you asked them what you just saw, their lips are sealed but for deception.  But, they are eager to gloat about how they won a Guinness World Record for the show with all the technical wow.  They will not explain what it was we saw.  The Empire State Building was an August 1st, 2015, disclosure of mass extinction using the gods Kali and Shiva to prove their point about our fate.

“We dunno what we made, but it cost alot…  pretty weird, huh?” – Freightliner




magnetic bowls cropcircle


Does this crop circle explain the PRIMER FIELD theory of magnetism?

torus 4

CERN primer fieldCan a CERN diagram (European Council for Nuclear Research) be related to the above pictured Crop Circle?  If so, will it help the Flat Earth Theorists with more evidence that our world is indeed a flat disc based on a Primer Field?

(Above) The doughnut shaped torus field is an emf expression that surrounds the earth and living organisms.  This stable electromagnetic field may also be the companion force now understood as a Primer Field.

Experiments demonstrate that opposing electrical fields in the form of bowl shapes arranged as illustrated create a plasma field that can be compressed from a spherical shape into a disc.  If our world formed this way, then it would not be surprising that a unique compression took place as seen as a universal model that shaped our galaxies as well.

What concerns me about the Flat Earth theory, Earthica, is not the fact it may be flat, but flatearthers making a fanatical stink about it without the smoking gun evidence. They require reasonable proof.  I’ll find your proof if you wish – just say the word” – Lee B.

CERN primer field 5Not surprising will be the skeptics who disprove the flat earth concepts claiming lack of convincing evidence.  While many questions arise as to the importance for proving the theory, the argument is that it seems nothing of value benefiting mankind would avail.

flattened earth space view

It is assumed that because CERN is developing destructive technological devices against humanity, perhaps there should be meritable reason to establish a framework by which the “Powers That Be” attempts to refute this case for flat earth complicates their hiding of the truth from those of us outside their circles of secrecy.  A solution to this issue is to support the flat earth theory regardless of one may believe for the reason, it could test “science” forcing it to yield and expose itself as propaganda.


Astonishing laboratory experiments demonstrate proof that forces other than the torus field are at work

Published on Dec 17, 2012 In this first of three video series argues that the currently accepted theories established by the scientific community are not exactly correct.  The whole of physics, astrophysics, mathematics and conceptual out of the box fantasies by our entire industry of science is shaken to its core with this fundamental theory defining the forces governing all matter. (Note) The author of this video does not directly advocate the Flat Earth theory in his documentation.  The inclusion of the documentary suggests scientific evidence that supports the Flat Earth theory.




Chase-Logo 3d cropThe Chase Bank Logo has been argued by occult analysts of symbology to resemble the Swastika.  The center square is a Freemason occult geometric shape.  Based on my ongoing study of ancient civilizations including pyramids and the relevance of them to corporate interests, I had remembered one particular episode of Gilligan’s Island titled “The Secret of Gilligan’s Island” (season 3, episode 25).  My use of what I refer to as Hollywood “tells” seems to never fail me with solving the mystery of secret society codes.  I had felt there was more to the secret of Gilligan’s Island in which invariably the answer is quite simple.  The secret lies beneath the apparent story told in its script.  It had to do with a double sided image on a stone tablet.  This is the Sumerian reference.

Science delivered the illusion of fear and hope

Russel Johnson

“Well Skipper I happen to know a little about hieroglyphics and spent two years on an archaeological expedition in Egypt.” – Professor

the-first-stone-analysedThe problem was to find what the illusion actually represents.  I had to remove the memory imprint that it is a swastika proclaimed by conspiracy theorists by viewing the object objectively.  I reflected back to what I had seen on television and in film because there is a magician, priest or scientist in every occult media delivery.

Russell Johnson’s role was to represent the secret society cult religion rooted in false science.  Of the seven castaways, The Professor was the most trusted ‘figurehead’ who called all the shots, kept them under control and forever cordoned off from reality through use of illusions.

I recalled its correlation on the tablet Gilligan had chiseled an image on a stone tablet intended to convince cave people to migrate to a ‘place of paradise’. I had covered occult messages of Generation X and in fact that very episode of Gilligan’s Island.   Regarding the show’s themes and methodology, it is embedded within Gilligan’s dreams during his sleep that NWO doctrines were presented in encrypted as a schematic.  In his dream the castaways lived as cave dwellers, an object of primary focus had an element similar to the Chase logo in which one of four lines is angled from a square broken piece of a slab stone.  It represented something more valuable to the interests of corporate banking than a reference to the Third Reich although it is deeply affiliated.  Having seen this with the on the broken pieces of the tablet once glued back together and the fact that Gilligan had drawn three pyramids, I knew it could be one thing – Khufu.

Chase’s logo is eight sided, so how is the logo similar?

The Professor played a television version of “Indiana Jones”.  His character was designed to be the hero of the castaway collective.  While the skipper played the role of security and the “police state” and Gilligan representing the dumbed down society, it was the Professor who made the ultimate decisions to which they all depended for survival.  He administered the mental psyops to both the viewer and characters alike in which for every episode, he illustrated ‘facts’ that resulted in fear.  He then presented the resolve which would pacify the collective as well as satisfy the viewer.  He claimed responsibility for his misjudgements in science, however, was invariably redeemed in part with the fact that Gilligan (the people) was mostly to blame while the others were just as guilty by proxy.

khufu 8 sidesThe logo Chase Bank adopted as their symbol represents the great Giza Plateau pyramid Khufu. It is the largest of the three pyramids that align precisely with the belt stars of ORION and happens to be the only one that is eight sided.  Because of this, the Chase logo represents the sides as an octagon although the great pyramid’s four obvious sides are concave two paneled faces.

The outer mantle was covered with highly polished limestone casing blocks to an accuracy of 1/100th of an inch. The ancient Egyptians gave Khufu the name Ikhet meaning glorious light.

Chase logo khufu composite 2The Chase Bank logo’s four lines extend out at angles which match the same angle from the square interior as crease lines of two sided faces of the panels.  I have drawn the missing lines that show the obvious edges of the pyramid form.


The Secret is an Anunnaki Temple – Khufu

Only Gilligan can interpret

The prop maker on the set design staff had to follow a pattern predicated by upper decision management.  Because the episode’s subtle theme dealt with a mystery, “The Secret” is stated on the tablet itself, but never addressed in the script.  It happens that Gilligan chiseled his design portraying three pyramids which do not exist on the island – let alone a visible mountain or volcano.

only-gilligan-can-interpret pyramid angle crop

The tablet shows one of four edges of the broken piece ‘design’ as a perfect angle from the center.  It is as if it would come to a point.  What we are shown is a pyramid in plan view of a flat topped structure absent the capstone.

The jigsaw cuts were most likely deliberately arranged to obscure the architectural configuration, however, it is obvious a stone tablet will not be likely to result with a perfect square shaped center piece.  For the effect of realism, the foam’s edges were hand broken along the seams. (images are linked to a short video demo)

only-gilligan-can-interpret1 crop with lines

only-gilligan-can-interpret3 crop


Why on Gilligan’s Island? After all, it is only entertainment

This brief screen shot shows the island paradise before the tablet is broken by the chief Thurston Howell, played by Jim Backus (below).  The back side always faces the viewer, however, the drawing is shown only for a few frames.    On close observation, there are specifically three geometrically shaped ‘mountains’.  These most likely represent the three great pyramids of Egypt.  The probable reason the seams are darkened and that the paradise scene not shown not only shows that the tablet is repaired, but for what they represent as an imprint emulating all the characteristics of pyramids woven throughout entertainment media.

drawing 3 pyramids txt


breaking tablet

gilligans island no pyramids 2


An owl named X

Library and dollar molek

X the OwlOn the contrary.  Gilligan’s Island was a clever vehicle for underlying messages. It was a way to introduce the reverse of American ideals in which our parents of the Boomers generation and before understood the principles America was built upon. The media psyops was designed to negate the goal of severance from tyranny.  It was the method to indoctrinate Boomer offspring beginning in approximately 1962 in order to imprint a set of principles in which case with Gilligan’s Island – imprisonment within the US borders. These would become the ideals established for the common people under a New World Order construct where freedom is futile.

king and queenGeneration X was then born.  This crossover in television was accompanied by companion programs which included Bewitched, I Dream of Jeannie and many more.  Surprisingly, Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood (article) was singularly the most powerful of them all for the reason it’s primary goal was to groom “GenX” as slave laborers and introduce the idea that European Aristocracy was back in vogue.  The series was aimed primarily at preschool ages 2 to 5 beginning in 1963 with it’s origins nine years previously in which the characters ‘King Friday the 13th’ and ‘X the Owl’ were already created.

Egyptians required slave labor – GenX TV promoted factory work. 

Characters portrayed in “Neighborhood of Make Believe” is designed to augment belief systems.  X the owl represents MOLEK

Mr. Rogers talks about work

Roger's and his trolleyNot surprising is the initial installment of the set for Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood.  Transportation to “Neighborhood of Make Believe” uses the iconic railroad system with the Nazi Germany’s logistics that has not changed in 70 years by which human lives are destined to their fate.  He often discussed what was going to happen in Make-Believe before the next fantasy segment was shown “Let’s pretend that Prince Tuesday has been having scary dreams…” Imprisonment or death is the reality.  All that has changed is the tern concentration camp to FEMA quarantine facility.  They were “made to believe” that they were being taken to a safe haven just as GenX took those field trips for indoctrination by grooming pre-American ideals.  How is this related to the premise of Gilligan’s Island?  Life of confinement under the condition of hope.



Each episode of Gilligan’s Island had a separate element of the NWO paradigm agenda.  The Secret of Gilligan’s Island involved a derailment of the Sumerian tablet inscription observations made initially by a Soviet born American researcher, Zecharia Sitchin, who first decoded the tablets that tell the story of ancient off world beings.  This was information considered esoteric by the powers driving the disinformation protocols in which damage control campaigns to distort these efforts were initiated.  The purpose of the character played by Russell Johnson “Professor” was to re-educate children as to the official away from the alternative record by presenting outcomes using fiction in after school programs. This was an effective way to discredit occurring research at the time by experts attempting to decode ancient written languages that revealed a possible alternative ancient historical record.  A companion article describing the correlation between pyramids and volcanoes can be found here:  Virgin Sacrifices involved euphoria mushrooms

Excerpted and updated from Gilligan’s Island “NWO Blueprint



[vimeo 143471544 w=640 h=380]

Have you ever wondered about the shape of a volcano that it appears from a distance to be a pyramid?  This may be the case.  While geologists have formed their opinions, so too has Dismantle The Beam Project.

Volcanic pyramid energy machines

visible-portion-hoover-dam-stargate1 the ancient metropolis formation theory of the Grand Canyon is correct, then perhaps most all if every one of the mountains we conclude as natural forming may not be at all.  If an Alien race, or multitude of them, created a global star map reflecting the celestial star patterns of the heavens, then volcanoes too must be pyramids energy engines using natural subterranean heat as their fuel.  These conical shaped constructs differ from the four sided pyramid.

Above:  Studying Hoover Dam with the consideration that it may be an intended pyramid structure.  It would not be a full four sided pyramid, but 1/3 of a conical formation that relies on a body of water as diamagnetic forces with its paramagnetic constitution of quartz giving it the fundamental components for being an aetheric energy machine – for some purpose.  This study concludes that Hoover Dam may be a stargate.

They must be pyramids nonetheless?

It is understood that the occult uses the film industry to showcase their stories in riddle form.  While the general audience assumes reality based on selective science disseminated through the educational system, the volcano that a character in the movie AFTER EARTH must climb to save his life has an underlying meaning.

ant hill dam compareHoover Dam may be 1/3rd of a conical modern day pyramid constructed to work as an energy machine other than generating hydro-electric power.  That remains to be determined, however, new evidence proves it to be the case.  Ants create an electromagnetic ring field around the crest of their ant hills making an EMF address that they identify as their unique homing device to lead them to and from home.  These are interesting trivia notations, however, may be important to a yet to be discovered purpose for ancient volcanic mountains dormant or active.


Were people forced into volcanoes, or did they go willingly?

It is quite possible that folklore has somehow deleted the main ingredient as being the integral element for the practice of human sacrifice by inducing a young young virgin into an erotic state of mind whilst being thrown, or voluntarily thrown to their death.  Reminding ourselves that the powers of the illusionaris, the secret societies and their Satanic methods posing as priests, ask us to decide for ourselves our fate.  We are allowed to make our decisions although plainly coerced or deceived into them.  The bio-chemical aspect cannot be excluded in these diabolical self serving practices of the voyeur who prescribes the mushroom to the gullibility of the youth.  The occult induldges in so many ritualistic events using nightshades and a myriad of natural occurring poisons.

virgin sacrifice 1How, not why, were virgins compelled to be sacrificed? Did they commit themselves to suicidal dives into volcanoes?  Or, were these young ladies forced as commonly assumed through speculation without reasonable scientific or written historical facts?

MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERAI am inclined to believe they volunteered for there may be a viable answer.  It was customary to do this with virgins who had never experienced intimacy to have the ultimate feelings of ecstasy – an orgasmic experience.  A young girl would not have second thoughts based on the love for an eligible young man for starters.  This coupled with the extraordinary magnetism of religious doctrines, they would submit to a power such as a deity or God.  There is a mushroom that to women induces an orgasmic feeling, but does not create the spontaneous arousal in men.  In fact, it has the opposite repulsive effect and reaction.  This mushroom known as one of a variety of the Dictyophora mushroom species.  It grows on lava flows that are 600–1000 years only grows in high altitudes.  This means that there is a correlation between virginal sexual sacrifice and volcanoes.  What if beyond that, there’s a relationship with the volcano doubling as a cone shaped pyramid?  What else did those Mayans do on top of their pyramid temples?

No way!  A female aphrodisiac symbiotic with a monumental phallic looking cone pyramid?    Or, way…

MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERASex has been a staple metaphor in religion all over the world and in history.  I won’t even go into the Catholic Church to delineate word origins such as the “seminary” “seminal” chambers and what “peni-tance” this and that relate to.  It’s so obvious.  With the definition of this smelly fungus as follows:

DICTYOPHORA is a genus of stinkhorn fungi closely related to those of the genus Phallus but distinguished by an indusium that hangs like a skirt from below the pileus)

The phallic symbol is wide spread as well as the reproductive system, its parts, and the list is seemingly endless.  But, nobody has ever related this mushroom to the ancient practices, or acts of sexual reenactment without the sex in a ceremony as epic as a human sacrifice…. why the volcano and nothing else?  A pool drowning a cause for this sensational group activity?  No.  It has to be a volcano and under the possible influence of an intense feeling of rapture, euphoria and how ever one explains it. (source)



“We need to have the conversation our governments can’t” – James Donavan (Tom Hanks)

What struck me the most was the smash cut immediately following an elementary classroom viewing a nuclear response film and what to do, “Duck and Cover”.  This scene is followed by the teacher and grade schoolers reciting the Pledge of Allegiance with their hands covering their hearts.  I hadn’t thought of this for some decades other than in passing, but when I saw the scene, it truly rocked me as to what we’ve become.  Desensitized from our allegiance… few show the reverence as seen in Bridge of Spies at contemporary ball games.  We can’t wait for the clock to start ticking.

What we see

“The question Bridge of Spies wants the viewer to consider is the same one that could have been asked during the Cold War era: “What does the United States of America truly stand for? Are we willing to uphold those constitutional convictions even when we feel threatened by outside forces?” Rotten Tomatoes review

IMDB – In the cold war, A lawyer, James B. Donovan recruited by the CIA and involved in an intense negotiation mission to release and exchange a CIA U-2 spy-plane pilot, Francis G. Powers that was arrested alive after his plane was shot down by the Soviet Union during a mission- with a KGB intelligence officer, Rudolf Abel who was arrested for espionage in the US.


PTB preparing for WWIII grooming the masses “bridge relations”

“In order to understand our own times, we need to be able to understand earlier periods as well. Bridge of Spies provides a reasonably accurate portrayal of the case, but its portrayal of the late 1950s—designed by Spielberg and a team of writers who include the Coen brothers, Joel and Ethan—appeals more to the prejudices of our own time than it would the reality of the world back then. The image of an intolerant anti-Communist citizenry and a hopelessly evil U.S. government has been popular for decades, and we seem eager to believe it. Perhaps that makes sense: in a post-9/11, post-PATRIOT Act, post-Snowden world, the idea that the CIA might be out to trample American ideals in order to track an upstanding citizen, supposedly in the service of keeping us safe, is completely feasible. But a half-century ago, despite the very real excesses of the CIA abroad, Americans believed more deeply in the Constitution and the American criminal justice system than they do today.” – David Kaiser

Tom Hanks, James Donavan, could care less about the adversaries concern for five human beings in an arbitration regarding multiple injury lawsuit against his single client, but when it came to an American doctrine that everyone counts, he managed to salvage a poor soul caught in the political/war crossfire which to our government was unnecessary except for himself and an altruistic conscious.  My question is who does Tom Hanks serve in real life to flip flop when it comes to true human ideals.  You and I sitting in the audience watching applaud when we reach the end and the outcome is positively reinforcing to all, but what about the five motorcyclists either killed or injured in the accident discussed at the beginning of this film?  Those poor souls considered ‘causualties of the corporate world’ happen to be you and me.  What we saw in the movie were militants and spies with human feelings, but without regard for all human life.  It’s about selection.  This includes Donavan (Hanks) whose character shift ‘bridges’ into transitioning into being an American spy… learning from experience and a natural at it.  This is his job as an actor for the Elite class to convince us that there are special people deserving of a chance, even if they’re doing their job as a spy, and that we’re not.

The secret societies who control the propaganda messages from Hollywood who arm both sides in war use Tom Hanks as the poster child to bridge relations between the US and Russia.

Visual Imprinting – Is there a Nazi message hidden in plain sight?

Liesl and fiance compared to assistant 2Tom Hanks’ legal assistant is also a poster child of the Aryan look bringing in the Nazi youth movement in an apparent nuance staging of infiltration.  That one was quick to my eye, but not easy to catch for the average analyzer of Hollywood’s ulterior task of type casting characters.  When the assistant carelessly barges into the Donavan home interrupting supper without an apology, the eldest daughter who happens to not only be stood up for a date, but beautiful, is completely ignored by the young single man.  This has been a standard treatment in most all spy films comical and serious that goes way back to the days of epic film making – most notably The Sound of MusicLiesl, the eldest of the Von Trapp family daughters, is completely abandoned by her Aryan fiance for his allegiance to a cause.  Hollywood has demonstrated this iconic, or stereotype, of young men with insensitivity in both films. 

Additional techniques of the media psyops agenda

hitler interstellar 'Brand'

morgan-fry-compare4Piers Morgan was placed in the US as a media psyops agent 9 days following the Gabrielle Giffords shooting replacing Larry King as an advocate against our the Constitution.  His job was and continues to enchant US citizens to relinquish their rights to freely bear arms.  The film V For Vendetta was a campaign to ease Morgan into the hearts of Americans by an association with Stephen Fry who played the same character role as a media man friendly with the anti government character role of the protagonist.   Burghart Klaußner’s character in Bridge of Spies is an effort to relate the latter as an imprint called “deceptive engineering”.

True message from Abel?

rudolf abel self portraitThe Russian spy, Abel, ingratiates Donavan with a gift.  As Donavan’s job is complete, he receives the gift that turns out to be a painting Abel creates from his mind without the use of a photograph.  This says two things.  First, Abel has a photographic memory, catches all that is seen and said, and is the epitome of a true collector of information indicating to Donavan that he carries more intel than one would expect, even while jailed before being set free.  Second, that it means to the general audience he merely is showing his gratitude.   To craft a realistic rendition of someone takes time to complete.  It means that Abel began the painting from the moment he was incarcerated to the moment he was traded.  It shows that he calculated every move the Americans made.  If you experience this film, note that Abel must use a mirror throughout an entire process to replicate his own photo realistic impression of himself.

Example of what is seen in an East Berlin office.

Why couldn’t he have done this from memory as with Hanks?

square compass

The point of this is that a spy must have the ability to out think, decode, make sense, and calculate their moves and the outcome of their actions.  It’s what I practice and this movie helps to validate myself as an in-faith investigator.  My background happens to be in art and design.

The Mark of the Beast

Behind the desk of Harold Ott (Burghart Klaußner) in East Berlin hangs an enormous image banner depicting some sort of emblem with a compass as its focal point.  No rhyme nor reason to it in real life other than the stage seal stamped as a reminder to the NWO their agenda.  Striking, as it is the mark of the Freemasonry.

Toning down water boarding

toning down water boardingWater boarding has been an interrogation practice since time began.  This scene in which the downed U2 pilot, Powers, is punished with a bucket of water is a diversion from the truth.   The point is, the entire film and recent movies within the past decade have all been kind to Russia and its demeanor.  This is mainly to convince Americans that it will be acceptable to buddy with them against the Chinese in a world war.  The analysis of War Horse may help to exemplify the dynamics.




I took in Robert DeNiro’s “The Intern” and for once, get to see a no frills wholesome family movie without the baloney we typically have to sit through. From the beginning, I was already trying to analyze what would happen next to find myself overly conditioned to think the worst. For example, I’m thinking Robert DeNiro was going to go toe to toe with the prospective CEO of the company he was interning for and get the position as a climax event of the plot. That never happened. I was delighted to realize that sometimes it’s best to sit back, relax, and just enjoy any moment I’m in.  But, I’m a conspiracy theorist at heart and so….

Starting a new job can be a difficult challenge, especially if you’re already retired. Looking to get back into the game, 70-year-old widower Ben Whittaker (Robert De Niro) seizes the opportunity to become a senior intern at an online fashion site. Ben soon becomes popular with his younger co-workers, including Jules Ostin (Anne Hathaway), the boss and founder of the company. Whittaker’s charm, wisdom and sense of humor help him develop a special bond and growing friendship with Jules.


about the fit

I decode films for the method by which they’re delivering a message, imprinting ideas, and that they’re directing people’s motivations through fictionalized inspiration. THE INTERN is no different although, again, I enjoyed a for the most part wholesome experience.  Hollywood filming can be indoctrination at it’s most subtle yet notorious form.  Regarding the film,  I’ve concluded a basis for an analysis.

Basically what they’re doing is posturing woman dominance in the world of corporate structure because the movie plot was all about women making top decisions edging man to the subservient side. It was about stay at home daddies and in this case one who cheated on the wife. It included the idea that this nation is completely service based in which we not only provide for the needs of a material society in need of the material under slave circumstances, they glorified the slaves in scenes in which were not real… sweat shops made to appear appealing and attractive as a career.

They staged DeNiro as, Ben Whittaker, a motif of the Illuminati power position in a way that was much like the Howells in Gilligan’s Island.  No, I’m not against women by a long distance… I point out what the the industry is doing as far as the shift from the patriarchal to the matriarchal. It’s a move synonymous with the placing people at heads of agencies such as that of Janet Napolitano, Hillary Clinton and the rest into power positions.  An evil one is a person you’d never suspect…

hitler interstellar 'Brand'

Regina Dugan headed DARPA and now Google with Al Gore as senior adviser. Is she on your side?  I didn’t think so.  They’re evolving a mind set under a higher class of women to demonstrate an illustion that they’re in the same class although as the higher level “CEO” working woman.  Anne Hathaway’s character in the film INTERSTELLAR was all too similar to Adolf Hitler which revolved about the principles of Project Paperclip.

(Above) Anne Hathaway’s appearance was no mistake the likeness of Adolf Hitler in the film INTERSTELLAR.

There is a scene in which Jules Ostin played by, Anne Hathaway, is under duress about having to submit to hiring a CEO, a husband who’s cheating on her.  Taking a business trip with her “intern”, the two end up in the hotel room together laying down on the same bed in an intimate discussion. A 70 year old and a striking woman who is  at the moment, vulnerable.  What does that tell us? No sex or intimacy occur, but the message is perhaps a trusting message that one may allow the powers that be into your own bed as if it is safe to do so.  The movie was about respect, appropriate behavior, and manners.  Minus the particulars, the suggestive scene promotes the age beside mannerisms, “telling secrets in bed” which on the surface seems innocent.  This has nothing to do with thinking prudish… it has to do with the mechanism by which the secret societies operate and con people into divulging themselves while being indulgent.

When he objected to a line of relentless questioning from interviewer Emma Brockes, De Niro was unhappy with a suggestion that Tribeca, home to the New York film festival he co-founded, had been overrun by bankers, and Brock’s question about how he avoids falling into “autopilot” mode on set was an action ironically opposite the theme of the film THE INTERN.  This clearly demonstrates the actual real life persona switch of the genders in which DeNiro would not submit and in all fairness, refused to partake in an event that he felt was inappropriate.  His advice/action off and on screen held power.

eyes wide shut male slutMany such scenes from film and television are written similarly, but it was in EYES WIDE SHUT (left) that Kubrick descriptively with purpose illustrated how sexually motivated a man can be.  Men are using bold self assured approaches which are absolutely inappropriate in society, especially against women. It was when Tom Cruise and his wife attend a party in which she’s alone and approached by a an elite guest tries to sweet talk her into casual sex knowing full well she’s married.. and to whom. It actually made me uneasy.

I did enjoy the The Intern.  I even got emotional believe it or not.  I’ve learned to appreciate that which is meant to be not so innocent.



PIXELS 2015 239110 is 9/21 9/11 Ground Zero

sandy hook dark knight risesIf one were to conclude that the map of Gotham City rolled out on the war room table in the film THE DARK KNIGHT RISES is conclusive evidence that an operation was to take place at Sandy Hook – from one operation linked to the next, then perhaps this frame grab from the movie PIXELS is no joke.  The frame shows a score tally of 239110.

23-9 9-11 Ground Zero

Many countries read dates in reverse to Westerners.  They read as 23/9.  In the screen grab below, we read the score that includes 9/11 which was an event that occurred in the U.S.  The score represents tomorrow’s date from this posting that is synonymous to 2001′s September 11 catastrophe.  What does the number “0″ depicted in the elaborate score represent?  “Ground Zero”




At first glance, “Rocket Man” might not seem like a song worthy of very close critical attention. Catchy and fun, yes, groundbreaking and original… maybe not so much. “Space Oddity” by David Bowie, after all, had accomplished the whole space opera thing quite adequately three years before Elton John.

Bernie Taupin and Elton John“Mars ain’t the kind of place to raise your kids
In fact it’s cold as Hell
And there’s no one there to raise them if you didn’t
And all this science, I don’t understand
It’s just my job, five days a week”

It is said that where the music of the mid-to-late Sixties was defined by themes of political activism, the Seventies were defined by loud, flamboyant, meaningless pop.  Their greatest idols would be those most adept in turning music into froth, fantasy, glitter, and pantomime.”

Bernard “Bernie” Taupin

Bernie Taupin was an English lyricist, poet, and singer, best known for his long-term collaboration with Elton John, writing the lyrics for the majority of the star’s songs, may have had an outside influence that spawned the lyrics for the song Rocket Man.  The short story from Ray Bradbury’s ILLUSTRATED MAN “Rocket Man” seemed to be Taupin’s inspiration, however, there are elements of the lyrics that make absolutely no sense for the reason, they are contradicting.


“Cold as Hell”

I was brought up to believe that Hell was a burning purgatory.   The story by Bradbury illustrates what Mars is like.  The father who is asked what it’s like to be a space traveler answers that it’s nothing much.  But, then expresses the feeling that when one is out there, one doesn’t want to return to earth and once here, doesn’t want to leave and does despite the feelings.


“All this science I don’t understand?”

How is it possible that an astronaut lacks a science background?   What it means is that the future call to Mars will not require the educated.   And, it won’t be a privilage to be a part of the future space program although that is what it will be propagandized to be, appealing.   Disney’s job is to make Mars appealing to the children of today so that by 2020, some will want at any cost to travel to Mars using film plots as bait.

The Bradbury story shows that the astronaut, or Rocket Man, is at the age where the son is 14 years of age.  By the year 1994

“Son, don’t ever be a rocket man”

Ray Bradbury’s story indicates a bleak future for mankind.  There is no description as to why the father must make daily trips in space.  He does tell what he can without disclosing that his job may be for nefarious reasons to his son.  The mother understands and by this time, can care less about her husbands return.  She confides with the son that the father is a living dead person.  The son seems to not anger.  I found this peculiar as if Ray Bradbury is describing the truth about an emotionless society where truth and deception is the mode of existence.


Disney’s ‘Mars Needs Moms’

Wiki:  In 1967, Taupin answered an advertisement placed in the UK music paper New Musical Express by Liberty Records, a company that was seeking new songwriters.  Around the same time Elton John responded to the same advertisement, and the pair were brought together, collaborating on many projects since.

The box office dud, Mars Needs Moms, was an animated movie for children about aliens of Mars needing human mothers to help with their genetics program.  This coincides with the line “…And there’s no one there to raise them…”.  Aliens are not considered an entity to be a “one”… humans are.  Aliens are ‘its’.  The fact that the inspiration for the lyrics by Taupin have little to do with the actual story, but focuses on what may be the human reproduction factory on other planets such as Mars is a point of contention.

In 1971, journalist Penny Valentine wrote that “Bernie Taupin’s lyrics were to become as important as Elton John himself. Not just in their atmospheric qualities and descriptive powers, but in the way he handled words to form them into straightforward poems that were easy to relate to.  The giant sunglasses were to represent the sun shield of a space helmet, the extravagance of the space cowboy in “Rocket Man”.


“It’s lonely out in space on such a timeless flight”



1. Independent of time; eternal: the timeless struggle between good and evil.
2. Seemingly unaffected by time; ageless.
Taupin intermingles three concepts during a time when the drug revolution of the 60’s and 70’s played a role in the formation of lyrics to music while at the same time science advanced to the point disclosure of future agendas were to take place.  A known fact that music groups had secret society influences, it seems that Taupin is no exception.   One can form three opinions about the song Rocket Man.  One, that it’s perpetually lonely when trapped in the daily routine of drug addiction, two that there is a reproduction project taking place on Mars based laboratories and, Three, based on the films today that entice children to want to take a trip to Mars that they will is inevitable..


“We will fly people to Mars by 2020” –  George H.W. Bush

George Bush, before leaving office, proclaimed many things.  “Order out of Chaos”  was one.  The other “tell” is that NASA hasn’t ended their space program.  They retired the Shuttle program, but the suspicion that a secret program is and has always been underway.  If Captain Kaye told the truth about his military service for 17 years on Mars, then it checks out.  Bush said that in five years from now of this posting that humans will travel to Mars means that it can’t happen by magic overnight.  It means they are in the developmental stages or already have been traveling to Mars and other planets plus Earth’s moon.  It’s simply a matter of official public disclosure when it’s time to employ lemmings into the space program and the delivery of human commodities.  Factory farmed humans, slave labor, military personnel and so forth.

Bradbury’s story indicates that the father when a boy in 1997 could very will have had a son ten years later, Doug in this story, in 2006 and that by the 2020, the story Rocket Man takes place.  This is the same year George Bush proposes that we will have an active space travel program to Mars and beyond.  Was Ray Bradbury influenced by the visions of the occult?


What does “Zero hour nine a.m.” mean?

It could mean a few things.  It could indicate the average time people have to punch into work.  It could also be a media entertainment clue embedded in a song that would be popularized pointing a finger at 2001’s ground zero.  The north Trade Tower was hit 15 minutes before 9:00am and the second tower shortly after.   It’s anyone’s guess.


Bennie and the Jets

Hey kids, shake it loose together
The spotlight’s hitting something
That’s been known to change the weather
We’ll kill the fatted calf tonight
So stick around
You’re gonna hear electric music
Solid walls of sound

Hey kids, why don’t you plug into the faithless
Maybe they’re blinded
But Bennie makes them ageless
We shall survive, let us take ourselves along
Where we fight our parents out in the streets
To find who’s right and who’s wrong

Taupin, in one string of verse, talks of six profound concepts unknown at the time the lyric was produced into a song featured on the album, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, in 1973.  It’s meaning may be perceived in different ways, however, I suspect that announcing to kids that, why not, adhere to the principles of those that have no faith.. in God perhaps.. that it was an invitation to draw the innocent over to the evil side using drugs, Bennies to lose track of time and sensibilities.  Today, children are raised with decrepit and violent video games in which most of the scenarios involve merciless killings.  The design and intent is to ultimately condition the offspring to end the lives of their very own parents.  The song is asking that a fight brew in public… a war cry leading to revolution against our own citizens.  Out goes diplomatic debate and in comes a brawl to prove humanity of our ancestors is not accepted by the secret society’s intent to have us destroy ourselves.

The reference to fattened cows has deep roots with the occult as sacrificial black magic practices.   It is understood and disclosed that the solid walls of electric sounds will be broadcasted by the 100’s of thousands of repeater cell phone panels blanketing the world.

Sherlock Holmes struggles with memory loss as he tries to remember the particulars of the last case he solved and the reason why he retired his career as a detective. His last days are spent near the White Cliffs on the ocean shore outside of London as we knew Homes. There, he tends to honey bees primarily for the Royal Jelly in a vain attempt to restore his failing memory. His last effort for memory salvation is a rare plant known only to grow in Japan called the Prickly Ash. Here in North America grows the tree form, but in freshly bombed out Hiroshima, it’s a small herbal plant that in the film seems to be the only living thing in the aftermath of a charred out nuclear blast zone.

MR. HOLMES is a new twist on the world’s most famous detective. 1947, an aging Sherlock Holmes returns from a journey to Japan, where, in search of a rare plant with powerful restorative qualities, he has witnessed the devastation of nuclear warfare. Now, in his remote seaside farmhouse, Holmes faces the end of his days tending to his bees, with only the company of his housekeeper and her young son pervasive prodding, Roger. Grappling with the diminishing powers of his mind, Holmes comes to rely upon the boy as he revisits the circumstances of the unsolved case that forced him into retirement, and searches for answers to the mysteries of life and love – before it’s too late.

Mr Holems finding prickly ash 2

Is the movie MR HOLMES thwarting our intellect with deception?

Yes. The clue is that the film is a faithful adaptation of Mitch Cullin’s 2005 novel “A Slight Trick of the Mind”. What it’s doing is tricking the mind of the viewer.

In the film, Sherlock Holmes admits that the healing effect of both royal jelly harvested from his bee hives and the prickly ash he brings back from Japan did not work. Mr Holmes and RogerHe attributes the restoration of his short term memory loss as well as the memory of his last case to the house keeper’s son, Roger, who helps Holmes invigorate his memory. In the final scenes, Sherlock Holmes memory block is unlocked as he vividly remembers the circumstances of the case therefore finishing his memoir in the form of a story.

After having practiced the craft of investigation throughout my career as a crime analyst, it’s important for me to realize that I cannot exclude evidence as I observe them. I’ve proven that Hollywood film making and in the books they are adapted from are testament to subtlety with a profound effect of deception. The film Hunger Games in which Katniss Everdeen receives a synthetic ointment that heals third degree burns over night in truth comes from the bark of the “Miracle Skin Tree” called Tepezcohuite from Oaxaca, Mexico. I enjoyed this film more than most over the years with the notion that finally, I wasn’t forced into an investigation. Invariably, it turned into an investigation into an historical investigator and behind that, the psychological dynamics powered by Hollywood’s media psyops. A treatment for burns that works faster than Hollywood’s version”.

The audience is lead to believe that Mr. Holmes was accurate in saying that the natural remedy was worthless, however, his mental faculties brought back and the fact he is the world’s finest evaluator of mysteries to solve them, it is in the very last scene that he rejoices. This is a statement in my opinion that he knows that the effect of the medicine from the Prickly Ash taken subcutaneously was the answer.

The miracle plant is only found at a nuclear ground zero?

Two years after in 1947 the cinematographers elude visually that fire still rage in the ashes of the devastated and still smoldering grounds outlining Hiroshima. This scene’s intention is to imprint in ones mind that the exotic plant is contaminated with radiation residue which does two predominant things. It suggests to the viewer that even if there is such thing as a prickly ash herb that it thrives only in Hiroshima and that it no longer is effective. How they accomplished this was by showing us that the Japanese client is not honest about his story which by guilt through association, that the story of the plant is also either a myth or untrue entirely.

Another question is why the name of the plant is exactly like the Prickly Ash tree of North America? The tree has healing properties, but not for reversing memory loss. Prickly Ash’s traditional use was to stimulate the body when it was feeling sluggish and that was the trait of a 93 year old aging man in Mr. Holmes. Not one mention of the world renowned herb, Ginkgo Biloba, or any others was mentioned. It would be obvious Sherlock Holmes would have tried them all. A reason that most likely occurred was for the film makers to keep any natural alternatives that do exist from the audience and any that could come to awareness a bad stigma.. or just create skepticism. Moreover, there may be an herbal remedy that truly is rare, but thrives in another part of the world with the same healing effect noted in the movie Mr. Holmes if indeed the effect did take place and not assumed to be induced by a young sleuthing protege.




Well well, we have new evidence that CERN is behind the development of technology capable of destroying one of the ten great engineering constructs of all time, the Hoover Dam.  Disclosure comes at a time when Hollywood disseminates yet another telling clue as to how the demolition will be carried through.

Hoover Dam Cern shivaA clever diversion is offered in the new film SAN ANDREAS showing that an earthquake could damage the biggest and strongest man made object created out of steel lattice work and gravity filled concrete.  It was over designed as the strongest indestructible machine ever executed, but will be ‘executed’.

The arduous task to prove the theory that the power elites earmarked Hoover Dam for demolition is finally delivered with the projected display by Freightliner on June 12, 2015 in which the event streamed around the globe.  OSK Marketing and Communications contracted SIAM Productions to produce the overall event.  SIAM contracted Creative Technology (CT) to deliver the occult “tell”.

Based on Jonathan Kleck’s original theory with minimal clues, the Dismantle The Beam Project study evolved having drawn from messaging delivered in the media and film as well as from Pentagon insiders.

A video presentation by Freightliner projected on the downstream side of the dam means absolutely zero to spectators.

Hoover Dam Cern 1A zillion concepts could have been used… breathtaking scenery, wildlife, anything the earth yields as natural awe is replaced with something completely out of the ordinary, but what is it?

It’s the explanation for what will cause the dam to explode, like a grenade, for when you observe the scene in the 2015 film, San Andreas, Lake Mead is completely filled to near capacity when by today’s measurements record near the lowest levels of all time.  The water intake towers are nearly sucking in air which was never a safety feature considered for the design of the dam.  Note that the dam explodes from the center, but not broken at the top which means that it did not crack from an earth quake.  It shatters from within.



2015 Hoover Dam “Smoking Gun” CERN!

The smoking gun video demonstrates that it has been the Hadron Collider project all along spearheaded by the The European Organization for Nuclear Research known as CERN which is comes from the name “Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire” 


The video to the right adds credibility to the notion that Hoover Dam was a pyramid inspired engineering construct.  The pyramid has been placed within several videos presentations including the Dubai Infinity Building 3D Mapping projection.


In the case of Hoover Dam, the PTB created yet another movie SAN ANDREAS to fool people to think the failure would be due to an earthquake. Unless the fault is underneath the dam, it was built to withstand an earthquake due to the fact The San Andreas and the fault near Douglas Arizona are nearby. That dam was over built, and now that lake Mead is practically empty exerting no pressure against the upstream side of Hoover Dam, its clear that nothing but a bomb within can demolish it.


The film Transformers 2007 show cases the location of the alien power source at Hoover Dam.  The etched diagram on a pair of spectacles clearly shows a circular form with an intersecting arc of perhaps a larger circle.  This element is seen in a CERN Promotional video.
map on glasses2
The recent film SAN ANDREAS is the misleading excuse for it’s demise, however, I believe I matched the smoking gun evidence.  Please do take a view at what I suspect is the next neo 9/11. cern transformers 2007 arcs compare I don’t take this news lightly and wish that I could have debunked the conspiracy theory, however, that didn’t happen and action must be taken.  This news  Hoover Dam, Lake Mead officers getting 52,000 rounds of ammo is a hint of things to come regarding the area in Black Canyon.  There are just too many coincidental clues I believe to be actual evidence, not even circumstantial evidence, that this event will take place.  It is our duty to announce this globally.  I took steps to get on the nations top radio station in order to try.  I beg of you to take more than idle interest for the reason, if we knew before 2001 what was to happen and made a stink then, perhaps things would be different for the better today.

Why Hoover Dam?

“The  question for me is why would they destroy the Hoover Dam? What purpose does that serve? And why would they go to all that trouble to destroy it when they could just use a tactical nuke or something…?

The answer as to why the dam is earmarked for demolition is primarily about water with regard as to how a nation succumbs to control and the people brought to their knees. Paralyze the food industry and the people will do anything on dictatorial orders to eat.  The fallout residue that registers on a Geiger counter from a detonated nuclear bomb would prove that the dam was destroyed – literally an inside job which means a different form of destructive energy no person outside the circles of knowledge can identify.

stargate freemason disclosure on sweaterA stealth war fought within the borders in an unofficially declared war to power down a superpower, the United States, can be won by creating the infrastructure we see today. FEMA, DHS, Border Patrol on both our borders and the UN have positioned themselves to take over when the moment comes. Taking out the dam stuns the US of 1/4 of it’s food supply in Southern California’s Imperial Valley and Arizona along the river banks to the gulf. In one day, we would become dependent on outside sources for food thereby a nation of people under more control. The Great California brownouts orchestrated by ENRON was specific for testing what would happen when electricity from Hoover Dam would be cut off to see what would happen. this fact is not reported. Test runs just such as Jade Helm today are the same. All that we see are preparatory tests for when the actual crisis is executed.


Other movie scene references

In the film franchise HUNGER GAMES, many references to Nazi Germany’s 3rd Reich prevail as a common thread.  The plates shown to the right demonstrate clearly that no other place on Earth more closely represents details as close to Hoover Dam as this very short montage sequence as well as the back side of the $50.00 bill was the first visual reference to be available to the public. 

Train Pat Tilman diagram

Above:  Where is the dam?



Water intake and Hunger Games gun tower


The 2014 film INTERSTELLAR revolves around NASA’s retreat into obscurity as a secret program.  The theme is disclosed with the makeup and hairstyle of astronaut Anne Hathaway “Brand” shown to the right who similarly resembles Adolf Hitler.  Other films such as, Hugo, also makeup their primary actors in the same vain.  Hugo was an aspect of the Fourth Reich regime with regard to automation and transport by railroad among other ‘agendas’. 

hitler interstellar 'Brand'



The “Ulla” war cry of the Tripods in WAR OF THE WORLDS was made with a didgeridoo and computer effects. –  IMDB

I talk with Charles “Chuck” Ochelli of the Ochelli Effect about the trumpet sound anomaly.  People have recorded unusual and loud booming, or reverberating, trumpeting noises in various places around the globe.  A few UFO sightings caught on video also contain the subtle trumpet like sounds.  The question we ask is if the UFO captures are authentic or fiddled with to post as frauds.  The consensus, or my opinion, happens to be that they are authentic based on the totality of the video analysis.

Update:  Nov 21, 2015.  I met with MUFON’s chief anomaly analyst on 11-20-15, and asked what his opinion of the trumpeting sounds were.  His response was “In most instances I’ve evaluated were of the same classical music of trumpets blowing dubbed into the video captures.”

Experience for yourself the natural like sounds of world witnesses with video cameras contrasted, or juxtaposed, with the special effects incorporated in films such as JURASSIC PARK, WAR OF THE WORLDS and CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND.   Yes, perhaps the conditioning for grooming the masses using trumpet noises that will link Project Bluebeam, or the theorized “Faked Alien Invasion”, disclosed privately to Carol Rosin by Werner von Bruan began as far back as 1977… if not further?

A question raised is that if all of the trumpet sounds are indeed taken from classical music scores and NOT dubbed into UFO video captures, that the crafts or audio sounds that accompany UFO videos posted on the internet are intentionally broadcasted when military crafts are deployed.


The film industry gives us clues as to what is happening almost as if it is a Global Elitists newspaper.  In recent years, unusual trumpet sounds have been recorded in which the similarity to some movies are noted.  Three in particular are demonstrated in this video; War Of The Worlds, Jurassic Park, and the classic film Close Encounters of the Third Kind.  These similarities are not limited to film, but also occur in the music and video game industry.  The common link happens to be the 528Hz frequency.




I speak with Greg Ford asking whether Philip Marshall knew of the link between DEA agents he couriered as a CIA jet pilot to Columbia in 1993. During the hunt for Pablo Escobar, Marshall was a witness to the soldiers sent to train the Columbian task forces in which one was photographed as an alleged FBI agent on January 8, 2011 just after the shooting of Rep Dem Gabrielle Giffords and the killing of Judge John McCarthy Roll and four others. My question was whether Marshall would be an important witness if the Jared Lee Loughner case was reopened in lieu of a chance that evidence shows others were involved in the massacre.






“Poet,” by Simon Donovan and Ben Olmstead, East Helen Street and North Warren Avenue.

This sculpture ‘marker’ Is a 6-foot-tall head that glows blue at night.  It incorporates metallic cutout letters… perhaps the symbolic reference to Babylonian babble.

The task to survey as an investigation into Project Bluebeam has led me down a very winding road.  The two year study involving the proving and or to disprove the theory that Hoover Dam is earmarked for destruction was intriguing.  It resulted in finding out that just maybe, “Spark” “AllSpark” and “Sparks”, which was Jodi Foster’s nickname in a Stargate film “Contact”, has to do with the spark of life and various other things to Blue Beam.  It is still a mystery for the reason both are different black ops agendas, however, all that the secret societies do are tied into the same.  

It is located at the easternmost stop of the streetcar route.  It’s tilted back and the man’s head is tilted back looking upwards to the sky with a soon to be erected reader board as if it’s streaming the words.  The head is modeled after Tucson poet Richard Siken — Donovan is quick to point out that it is Siken’s bald pate and distinctive nose as well as his poetry that are behind the choice.  The bust is meant to be representative of all poets — and the flow of words.

Poet_sculpture_letters-7791“Blue LED lights give it that blue glow at night.”

Helen Street Stop Poet

Here’s an email to a friend I wrote:  “Charla, I poked around called not only the poet it was modeled after, but the two collaborating artists. Nothing came out of it, but I will bet you that if I dig deep finding the people who approved the piece, that I’d get the answer that it is a project Bluebeam reference. Now, they wouldn’t admit, but I’d be able to tell just by who it is I would have spoken to and all that. The questions I had answered were as follows:

“Pretty and calming is what they desire us to become so as not to revolt.  Like the fluoride in water and baloney sprayed from chemtrailing, it’s all about paralyzing us into submission. I love blue, but my choice is for a technicolor world to view.   They’re not treating mental states, they’re grooming humans to adopt blue as the hue of choice. Most films are beautifully filmed with color, but in the end product just one big 2 hours of blue with red and orange highlights and shades of grey. Prison color schematics.” – Comment
blue street lamps1. Is the ‘bust’ of the head pointing to any star like Polaris? The answer was, that it’s looking at an electrical marquee reader board that has poetry written on it.  The ‘reader board has not yet been installed.

2. Why the letters? Answer, poetry. But, I think it’s Babylonian by the nature of what Bluebeam entails… the onset of all languages being broadcasted during a faked alien invasion, etc. And, it probably really is pointing at an important star cluster beyond what it’s supposed to be apparently looking at.


3. Why blue at night? Answer, led lights match the Link Electric Rail-car transit system. I answered that myself only because that’s why the system changed and that the Rondstadt Center which is linked to the electric streetcar system was repainted.”.

Satanic ties


Aleister-Crowley-mago-negroThe poet the sculpture was modeled after, Richard Siken who, is from Tucson and writes about many things that would indicate to me that it’s part of the human genetics reproductive agenda and that’s why it’s there near UMC and the UofA.  He is bald.  The “Engineers” (Anunnaki?), and the Thurn from the film John Carter were bald.  In John Carter, there is the reference to Project Bluebeam “The ninth ray isolate”.

Above portrait of Richard Siken, the poet the sculpture was modeled after.  Why is his appearance similar to Aleister Crowley, a (sick) Satanist?

Why select a local writer who not only is unknown, but has the striking similarities of Aleister Crowley?  Hmmm?

(From Open Culture)  Perhaps no one single person has had such widespread influence on the counter cultural turns of the 20th century as Cambridge-educated occultist and inventor of the religion of Thelema, Aleister Crowley.  And according to Crowley, he isn’t finished yet. “1000 years from now,” Crowley once wrote, “the world will be sitting in the sunset of Crowlianity.” The self-aggrandizing Crowley called himself “the Great Beast 666” and many other tongue-in-cheek apocalyptic titles. The British press dubbed him “The Wickedest Man in the World,” also the title of the above documentary, one of a four-part BBC 4 series on famously sinister figures called “Masters of Darkness.” Crowley is perhaps most famous for his dictum “Do what thou wilt,” which, taken out of its context, seems to be a philosophy of absolute, unfettered libertarianism.

It’s no surprise that the particular treatment of Crowley’s life above adopts the tabloid description of the magician. The documentary—with its ominous music and visual effects reminiscent of American Horror Story’s jarring opening credits—takes the sensationalistic tone of true crime TV mixed with the dim lighting and hand-held camerawork of paranormal, post-Blair Witch entertainments. And it may indeed take some liberties with Crowley’s biography. When we’re told by the voice-over that Crowley was a “black magician, drug fiend, sex addict, and traitor to the British people,” we are not disposed to meet a very likable character. Crowley would not wish to be remembered as one anyway. But despite his pronounced disdain for all social conventions, his story is much more complicated and interesting than the cardboard cutout villain this description suggests.  Crawley called himself a poet.  His raunchy, hysterical poetry is frequently amusing. Most people found his overbearing personality unbearable. Crowley traveled the world conducting magical rituals, writing textbooks on magic (or “Magik” in his parlance), founding esoteric orders, and interacting with some of the most significant artists and occult thinkers of his time.

Neo Nazi rail system?

sunlink 1

Of course.  Cities are connecting their rail systems to Federal buildings, medical establishments, and suspected FEMA camps.  Tucson, Arizona is a prime example.  The blue head may just be the symbol for final extermination.

Richard Siken, the model for sculpture that has unusual ties to film characters such as the Thurn in John Carter, Gabrielle Gifford’s husband, Mark Kelly, and the list is seemingly endless, is not directly connected to the secret societal agendas.  The relevance is peculiar, however, for the reason why spend all that money on a local writer?  It is said that his features and his bust represents all poets. 

Tucson, Arizona, is the city which rolled out a very large program to install a two part ‘script’ as we called it during the Gabrielle Giffords investigation.  On the surface, it was about pinning the shooting suspect, Jared Lee Loughner, with the full responsibility psychotic mental issues and behind that, to do with removing our right to have weapons.  This was done ingeniously to push the Health Care Law and skirt around the inability to make Legislation that completely paralyzes our 2nd Amendment.  Ask anyone and they’re certain to say “he’s crazy”.  I’m not talking about regular folks reading the regular news… I’m talking about many in the truth movement.

kelly-alien-compareOne month prior to this catastrophic event that rolled into several other shootings – The Batman Shooter happened next – Gabrielle Giffords helped to spearhead a rail system that links all the now consolidated medical centers.  Almost four years later, a sculpture was placed at the beginning of this rail line.



A Neo NAZI “Project Paperclip” resurgence drives the film INTERSTELLAR

The film INTERSTELLAR tells the audience that human beings are the cause of the disintegration of society, the Earth, and humanity.  Interstellar’s cast of character’s within the new NASA that thrives secretly talks of “They” without making the reference to Aliens, or off world dimensional beings.  The trick was to assume that we travel to the future to change our destiny as if we are the cross dimensional beings.  The reality is that we must not allow “They”, actual off world beings referred to as ALIENS to achieve their goal… How “They” tell us Occult (hidden) messages is through having controlled Hollywood from its inception.


Click the marquee to the right to view the video.  The theme in the film HUGO is the division of the family in which young children are adopted out to the secret society’s adoptive parents for use by them to control and steer ourselves into slavery.  Hugo’s thematic plot line about the “Newman”, or synthetic human being ‘Robotics’ has it’s common thread across several films including the robot “TARS” in Interstellar.  Like the automaton in HUGO, similarities such as Robin William’s role in Bicentennial Man and many others

hugo-hitler-Brand compare


The ‘Machine’

Included entertainment programming regarding the transhumanism integration with A.I. is found in children’s cartoons such as The Jetson’s robot maid, “ROSIE”.  Target audiences are our children lured with fascination of the ‘machine’.  They integrate their entire selves into the mechanized machine.  Ironically, the motif of Hitler is threaded across these patterned plot stories in these ‘youth movement’ films

crew interstellarIMDB Warren D’Souza:  In the near future, Earth has been devastated by drought and famine, causing a scarcity in food and extreme changes in climate. When humanity is facing extinction, a mysterious rip in the space-time continuum is discovered, giving mankind the opportunity to widen its lifespan. A group of explorers must travel beyond our solar system in search of a planet that can sustain life. The crew of the Endurance are required to think bigger and go further than any human in history as they embark on an interstellar voyage into the unknown. Cooper, the pilot of the Endurance, must decide between seeing his children again and the future of the human race.”


“Can’t we just let it go?  It’s not hurting anybody”  –  Murph

Intersteallar Hugo DronesAnalysts and film reviewers are baffled as to why a drone ‘scenario’ was introduced in the film INTERSTELLAR.  The answer is that the common script, the thread that binds Hollywood film in unison, is that the children of our society are ear marked to be independent contractors as drone operators.  Our children are first groomed for as many as fifteen years on video games.  They are conditioned to believe military drones and general robotics are harmless.   This conditioning is evident in the scene in which Murph asks her father to allow the drone its freedom when in reality, it’s nature is to invade our privacy, mark targets to be destroyed, and give erroneous reason why chemtrail veiling of our skies are necessary.




Ancient Civilizations hunter, Michael Tellinger, has shifted his efforts to doing the right thing with the Ubuntu Movement project he’s spearheading.  This enormous effort has taxed him in which he has offered his help to me while I push the search forth for an answer to Earth’s ancient history.  By finding more proof that the underground living quarters found by G.E. Kincaid in the first decade of 1900, I’m convinced that together, Tellinger and I will compile a complete story as to how the world’s “missing link” truly came about, thrived, and disappeared leaving us with the puzzle of life.

A slight problem prevails, however, and this video discussion explains that there are forces within the truth telling venues, particularly with a small time radio show pundit aligned with evil promoters of love and to be cautious.  I was surprised that Michael didn’t remember Michael Vara.. perhaps the odd broadcast of ill sentiment and low frequencies prevented Tellinger from forming a memorable experience.  I would suspect it is because Michael Vara has no interest and therefore isn’t a challenge to a guest… we love challenging hosts that ask the interesting questions, not the mundane.


Click image:  Michael Vara of LNM has flagged my Vimeo account of almost 100 documentaries I had made unrelated to this one so many times that they cancelled the entire account.  Vara, because he doesn’t want anyone to know that Michael Tellinger could care less about his show, let alone even remembering being on it, understands that media shills cause a “dangerous” problem in truth telling.  Vara, an internet media liar, will most likely flag this archive.  My recommendation?  Download and re-upload so that the truth be spread about latenightinthemidlands.
Tellinger Marquee


Why do I sound presumptuous.. perhaps downright vicious?  Well, Michael Vara, Sherri Kane, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, Ryan Gable, Mario Perales, an entire army of minionites are proposing a law suit against me with a non-compelling argument that I work for a government paycheck, am interested in shutting down their operation, and all kinds of ludicrous insinuations.  They are confirmed that I sniff glue based on a drunk driving charge?  It’s like being called a pedophile when caught urinating in an emergency making sure nobody sees on the side of the freeway, a bush or tree perhaps, but the cops seem to want to watch your pee pee and charge you on it anyway.  Vara and Kane would say that person, based on their charge, are working with the Vatican to traffic underage children.  It’s that bizarre.

Watch this investigative compilation (marquee ‘Mark of the Frequency Beasts’ below) accurately profiling Sherri Kane, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, and Michael Vara as to their insistence that provocateurs against their unfounded claims are ‘Trolls” is false.  They use slanderous and deceptive practices in order to guard against anyone learning the truth.  Sherri Kane, Dr. Leonard Horowitz and Michael Vara of 528 Revolution and LNM Radio Network, in their own words, illustrate the self-incriminating chaos generated through mass internet media.  Given their habitual deceptive practices, I have examined how they manipulate their supporters, advocates, and listeners by employing a barrage of disinformation, slander and deception.



Michael Vara had openly and on air invited that this video be sent to him personally so that he would post it directly to his site.  A truther would have done so, however, he instead had the video removed from my YouTube account.  He said as you will hear in the beginning, “…I’ll post anything you do because nothing you say can hurt me…” Obviously, while I never said anything harmful, it was what he had said and done that hurt himself. 


New Age Religion Media Trolls – “Troll Triad template for what’s to come”

I first contacted Sherri Kane and Michael Vara during my independent investigation into the false flag event known as the Safeway Shooting.  It involved Dem. Rep Gabrielle Giffords and Judge John M. Roll as key targets where one was sacrificed and the other murdered.  With six mortal casualties and 13 suffering gunshot woulds, it was a blow to the head that ended Judge Roll’s life.  A media psyops had been underway spearheaded by one Edward Chiarini who had set up a website that remains today as the most ludicrous crime investigations analysis there is.  I flushed him out as well as Mike Adams of with this new analysis of the Love frequency scam involving posers portraying goodnicks.

Sherri Kane-Dr. Leonard Horowitz-Michael Vara-Alternative News Lies-NWOCSIBy using their non-evidenced based theories and false listener/supporter statistics they refer to as, “528 Revolution” & “LNM Radio Network,” Sherri Kane, Dr. Leonard Horowitz and Michael Vara create the same masks of deception parallel to the 1939 classic movie, Wizard of Oz.  The goal of this report is to educate those who’ve become intoxicated with blind faith by allowing the Tri-Marks of Deception and Beasts to behave in heinous malevolent and covert ways. All facts, events and themes presented in this film are not intended to harm Sherri Kane, Dr. Leonard Horowitz and Michael Vara, but serve to educate their supporters and listeners to begin questioning their hidden agendas.


Sherri, Leonard and Mike realized that I meant business regarding truthing

They claim copyright infringement, but they’ll lose big time.  They post my picture, so why not theirs?  Babies.  All I did was interview people.. they instead call me names and insinuate I’m a cointelpro with guilt by association with others who are associated with others on down the line to ridiculousness.  Babies.

Dr. Leonard Horowitz lost three cases against the people who have given me absolute permission to post their copyright content after Leonard failed his suits.  Morons.  Vara posted and removed a video on top mine that he made realizing he incriminated himself on a multitude of levels.  Another moron far dumber than a dull bent nail.  Death threats, lies about his minions, lies about personally posting anything I do that can’t hurt him seems to be his status quo.  So, let’s get down to business evaporating these counterproductive individuals and clean up the truth movement.  Let’s rock!

Michael Tellinger works with Lee Bracker to solve ancient world history

Click image to play video:

Tellinger Marquee


The end result was finding that Sherri Kane had all along convinced Michael Vara that I was a counter intelligence agent working in support of the NWO when, really, they are in defense of it through the diabolical undermining of Dr. Leonard Horowitz.  Speculated as a ‘quack’, the doctor does not practice medicine and does not implement the knowledge passed to him through educational institutes, however, he utilizes the research people outside the conventional platforms have done, misconstrues it, and passes it along in his version to validate what is wrong.   Visit Dr. True Ott’s pages that reference the topic of frequencies:  528 is the Frequency of SATURN/SATAN — NOT OF CHRISTIAN “LOVE” 

To understand what the 432Hz frequency is in contrast to the 528Hz tone, visit  Why Christians and “Worship” Teams Should Tune all Instruments to 432 hz and Abandon 440 hz

Generational Monarchs from Daryl Hanna  to Maddie Ziegler

The MKUltra phenomena for Satanic grooming transfers to “Pris” of BLADERUNNER then Madonna, the girls of today’s music stars and to Sia and her media off spring, Maddie Ziegler.  The MKUltra’s torch is handed down the generational sequence X,Y and Z.  This video compares three generations of Monarch entrepreneurs in choreographed displays to the general masses of occult hidden messages.  The range of depth includes references to the Human Genome Project, “Birth of the modified human being” (Transhumanism), to pedophilia.


Superstar “Sia” has spawned the image of herself in a pedophilia landscape populated with an underage sexual surprise.  This video compares three generations of media Monarch installments in choreographed displays to the general masses populated with occult messages.  The newest and youngest inductee is used for the most severe message targeting little girls.  It is the reenactment of “Birth of Transhumanism”.   Sia passes the torch to 11 year old Maddie Ziegler of Lifetime’s Dance Moms. to continue the subliminal messaging carried forth through Gen Z.


(Transhumansim), to pedophilia.  From “Pris” of BLADERUNNER, Madonna to Sia and her media off spring, the MKUltra’s torch passes down the generational sequence X,Y and Z.


Bladerunner “Pris”


Lucy posterPris Stratton, a replicant, is only three years old.  She is the “basic pleasure model” (inception on Valentine’s Day), created for entertainment and thus a sex slave-object.  Her inception date for the futuristic film Bladerunner is Valentines Day, 2016.   Bladerunner takes place in 2019 which makes Pris toddler age.  This is psychological pedophilia.

Scarlett Johnansson’s role in the movie LUCY represents the new-age archetype, the androgynous goddess of artificial intelligence as shown in Omni’s 1984 front cover illustration titled “Techno Madonna”.

(Above) Featured on the front cover of Omni Magazine in May, 1984 was a design by Stanislaw Fernandes called Techno Madonna.  It represented a new-age archetype; the androgynous goddess of artificial intelligence. It is an integration of woman into the synthetic technological A.I. two years after the film Bladerunner.   She is perfect, like the entertainer Madonna and the updated version featuring Scarlett Johansson LUCY, except for the drop on her lip.. a symbol of the human capacity to err.  The superstar entertained us during the Superbowl with a ‘Roman Techno Show’ that had all the earmarks for a suspected Hoover Dam event.


Maddie Ziegler

In an interview, Maddie Ziegler who danced for Sia in the music video “Chandelier” and for the Ellen DeGeneres television sequence answered questions regarding her thoughts after recording Sia’s music video “Chandelier”:


“It was really different and weird for me

I like the whole dance. It was really different and weird for me, because I usually don’t, you know, be a crazy person every time. It was so fun to do and it was really out of the box and it expanded me a lot, because I’m used to competition dances where you’re like, Point your legs! But this time it was like, you just need to let go and feel it.”


“I didn’t really get the whole concept of it

But, I was obviously playing Mini Sia, because I had the wig and everything. All the tips and corrections I was getting was just, really use your crazy eyes and just be weird.”


“Do you like the song?”

“oh Yeah… I never got sick of it.  I still listen to it, which is so funny.  I’ve listened to some of her other songs too, but “Chandelier” is my favorite by far.”



A British savant has decoded the numeric system in which the secret code of numbers relates to the September 11, 2001 event regarding the WTC twin towers.  Daniel Tammet has tapped into the highest order of math there is.

The theory as to how both WTC North and South Towers were demolished by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth with over 200 other supporting experts is intriguing at best.  But, it is Dr. Judy Wood who feels that her empirical data demonstrates there was free energy technology implemented beyond general science’s understanding.  Both theories describe merited reasons based on sharp sleuthing.  However, the true occult meaning and its relevance of the number nine and double ones continues to mystify, until now.


Esoteric 9/11 is a continuation of the Dismantle The Beam Project’s desire to understand how the New World Order operates.  It is the intention of this information to offer inspiration to those seeking the resolve of the mysteries at hand.  To date, the proponents of truth regarding the catastrophe in New York continue to puzzle around the How and why showing empirical proof rather than other dimensional or real life observations.  It is by a complete consciousness that we’ll manage to solve the problem and somehow rectify what the secret society perpetrated upon the human populace.


1 is to Spark as Tower is to 9

Just as Ellie Arroway launches out on her way to Vega in the “Machine” Stargate, the countdown sequence displayed on the digital led readout is shown to go from 11 to 9 seconds. 

Contact 9 stillA fundamental rationale may be described by a mathematics savant named Daniel Tammet.  Nines and ones have nothing to do with “Emergency”.  In fact, AT&T in 1968 established 9 1 1 as the mental relationship for “peril” with an alleged intention  for masking its mathematical truth.  This numerical relationship will become the ultimate challenge for symbolism experts with deciphering the intellectual Alien agenda beyond normal human capabilities.  If it was intended that all human beings attain the capability that Daniel has, then it would verify the fact that there are benevolent aliens.


What Tammet described about the number 1 and 9

Daniel described the number 9 as tall buildings.  He described the number 1 as a flash, or enveloping light.  These are two elements of the meaning of 911.  He describes the rest of the numbers from 2 to 8 as having different characteristics, but it was the number 6 that was stunning.  He said that 6 is almost so small it has no body.  “It’s as if it’s a black hole”.  He has descriptions for as many as 10,000 numbers, all unique.  Daniel is not a conspiracy theorist nor wants to be.  His passion is what he focuses on and has the ability to learn any language within seven days.  He has no time for creating diversions or falsifying information that he has to offer.


This leads to the full potential of our consciousness

It is our fortune to have Daniel Tammet who at four years old, perhaps by chance or on purpose, was provided this information.  If it were by aliens, I’d like them to announce it and collect their credit as it is due.  I sincerely doubt that this is the case.  I feel as if this is what is most feared by all alien species dead set on their piece of the pie.  In other words, why would I have to step in to realize this information beyond Daniel?  If Aliens wanted it, they’d have whispered in his ear “This is what you need to do to stop the powers that be from killing your brothers and sisters”.

richard_gage_aiaRichard Gage is being set up to set us up.  If what occultist, George Bush, meant by “1000 points of light” refers to one thousand buildings will be destroyed at once, it will be quite the finale.  There have been many recent films depicting several tall buildings destroyed beyond repair.   A make believe alien invasion will the next false government investigative report.  It’s already been written.  Alien technology is shared to these people for it is they, not the Illuminati, that want us extinguished.  Daniel Tammet has tapped into that which only alien intellect can understand and that the Elites merely trust that which their masters have shared.


Hollywood “Tells”

Hoover SG1

Alice coilThere are two films that carry a similar theme regarding STARGATES.  Both Contact in 1997 and in Transformers in 2007.  The similarities are logical, but both stories very different.  The element with parallel meaning is the word “Spark”.  In Transformers, the dangerous unknown cube contained at Hoover Dam is referred to as “All Spark”.  In Contact, Jodie Foster’s character role as Ellie Arroway is nicknamed “Sparks”.  Both films are about Stargates in which one works to transport a human being only once and the other is destructive.  Both serve one purpose… to be used only once.


Daniel Tammet’s disclosure leads to a full potential of our consciousness

The unique way in which Daniel’s mind interprets mathematical equations as geometric forms is key to finding the truth about the occult knowledge base.  They did not invent it, but are provided this information by outside intelligence from beyond this planet.  If humans were to access this information freely, then it would not surprise me nor would I submit to the belief that aliens of any kind are benevolent.  Otherwise, we would be given this ability naturally, organically, and with help by them.  It is our fortune to have Daniel Tammet who at four years old, perhaps by chance or on purpose, was provided this information.  If it were by aliens, I’d like them to announce it and collect their credit as it is due.  I sincerely doubt that this is the case.  I feel as if this is what is most feared by all alien species dead set on their piece of the pie.  In other words, why would I have to step in to realize this information beyond Daniel?  If Aliens wanted it, they’d have whispered in his ear “This is what you need to do to stop the powers that be from killing your brothers and sisters”.


Watch the original “The boy with the incredible brain” part II at the 7:20 minute mark.





Anthropomorphizing automobiles, trains, ships and now PLANES Fire and Rescue has become a Disney specialty.  In the film, an “animated adventure about second chances”, blankets any notion that life other than mechanized life forms exist.  In this film, even references to Smokey The Bear are absent.  No mosquitoes, flies, fish, birds, forest dwellers… just trees, canyons, and a river.  The only reference to forest dwelling is a bird’s nest atop a pine tree housing rubber band propelled balsa wood airplanes.


Areas riddled with disclosure:

• Corn Festival reference to Big Agra, Monsanto

• Big Chema & oil empire

• Push for agrifuel “Ethanol”

• No reference to Smokey The Bear and fire prevention

• Chemtrails and the weather modification protocol

• Ignored wildlife and forest regeneration

• Mass evacuation by railroad (to relocation camps?)

• Placing the Elite first over people and wildlife


Planes official siteAmong many other clues PLANES F&R offers, it is evident that a dystonian condition will exist and it will be formatted based on this film as one without concern for anything other than the thrill of putting out an Armageddon.  This is not a movie about preventing forest fires, but about the glamor of fighting them.  In the end, there is no mention as to how to recover the damaged park and very little is shown as to the regrowth.  No visual mention of new trees and vegetation or re-population of wildlife because there was none depicted.  During the fire fighting scenes, none of the personnel were killed as often occurs during real devastating fire events.

“The world wasn’t on fire, wasn’t it…” (indicates that the whole world may be ablaze)

“She left me for a hybrid”  (preference for transhumanism)


Mass Fire Prediction dates 2018-2024

piston peak 33There is a calendar set in motion beginning in 1014 for foretelling future superfire events.  The film’s marketing life span is 2014 to 2018 when it is suspected that the New World Order stakes an official claim to the globe, it is then that raging catastrophe will occur including the vast fires due to complete disappearance of water reserves.  Lake Mead for example is at an all time low for lack of natural winter snow in the Rocky Mountains.  Water tables are lowering because of the drought conditions. Although PLANES F&R target market is the 4-7 year olds, these children are accompanied by their older siblings who will find interest in joining the ranks in firefighting.  The importance of this is not to fix the problem, but indoctrinate them into service that is highly regulated in a military sense.  Scenes in the movie depict this bureaucracy when no problem should exist… it ought to be about saving lives and natural habitat.  Instead, with no regard to the huge festival approaching, federal decisions decide the fate of the parks revenue.


Rockefellers and Monsanto

oil beer

How is the Illuminati involved?  Oil for one.  A Rockefeller influence in which the mechanical characters drink mostly oil instead of beer.  While this seems benign, there is a reference in the movie that the biggest thing to happen in the Park is the Corn Festival.  Now, why corn in a national park?  Why since corn is on the hot seat for it’s use with high fructose corn syrup yield that creates health problems?  Corn happens to be genetically altered from its heirloom relatives as a prospect for replacing fossil fuels.  A scene in the movie has one character admitting he takes a nip of his fuel in the morning to “get going”.  I don’t think it was gasoline he was referring to, but instead ethanol.  There were no references to fuel companies either.  Bottom line, they are promoting companies such as Monsanto for its invasive GMO corn.  It is as if this movie is about saving Big Agra’s corn interest.


About the cinematography

It was so realistic even when I viewed it in 2D that even I was impressed.  With the thrill comes the stinging disclosure of black government projects deflating the fun.  In the sky as Dusty flies in acrobatic style, real chemtrails are seen.  They look exactly like what we see in our skies.


Dusty Crophopper is D7, an insecticide and Alien disclosure

D7 explained

The insecticide D7 is a Big Chema promotional for their sterilizing product.  “D” and the #7 do not stand for the main character’s first initial and favorite number.  In the movie, Dusty is vehemently opposed to going back to crop-dusting which would indicate hypocrisy if he maintains the toxic symbol for death and the racing nomenclature “D7”.

The Qubec Pesticide Regulatory Act contains an interesting subclass application of pesticides:
(7)    Subclass D7 “Application in Forest Areas” covers the application of a Class 1 to Class 3 pesticide, using an application method other than by aircraft, in order to destroy or control animals, vegetation or parasitic diseases in forest areas, farm woodlots and other wooded spaces or spaces reserved for reforestation or the field production of plants intended for reforestation, and to eliminate or control plants on forest roads;

D7.jpg_140x140While this description is not in alignment with the dispersal method of fire retardants, the mere fact no organic insects and animals including fish are in existence in PLANES F&R.  Could the character Dusty’s job in reality have been to wipe out wildlife, thus ending his job for a transition into one where the extinction of forests are concerned?


Public relations deletes Smokey The Bear from PLANES: Fire and Rescue

When we decided to make ‘Planes: Fire & Rescue,’ our team of filmmakers made several research trips to meet the brave men and women whose job it is to fight wildfires,” says Bobs Gannaway, “Planes: Fire & Rescue” director. “Those research trips changed us and forever impressed upon us the importance of wildfire prevention. To have our character, Dusty, take part in the legendary Smokey Bear’s campaign to prevent wildfires and encourage safe outdoor fire practices is one of the highest honors we could have.”

Disney’s official website for the movie does not have a link for site traffic to view fire prevention protocols.. in other words, you can play and purchase toys and video games, but there’s no image of Smokey The Bear anywhere.

In conclusion, the Disney movie is about the exciting business of putting out fires just as we all are doing in our daily lives.  It has nothing to do with solving the world’s problems.  It addresses the superficial without rectifying the fundamental programs that create the problem regarding out of control fires.  If and when a weather modification movie is delivered to the theaters by Disney, I’ll have witnessed a miracle.


World’s mission control may transfer from Israel to the United Arab Emirates by 2016-18.. soon after WWIII

protective band saudi arabian peninsulaThe game of RISK is being played out before our very eyes in which the Saudi Arabian peninsula is being protected through the desecration of surrounding countries.  Currently, Israel is the operational mission control responsible for world problems to conduct this maneuver.  A prime example is with the 2001 event that took place in New York.  Why is it that futuristic cities including Dubai and others that are following far advanced than anything being built in the United States?

Why is it that our cities are in the process of dilapidation while they thrive?    The primary countries that border it have been taken over through war like occupations and the countries of East Africa have been poisoned with destitution, famine, and destitution for decades.  Once the New World Order is in place, it seems all operations will be centralized there with Israel acting as the North Western Mediterranean Sentinel.  Dubai is positioned diagonally South East on the land mass.

the-palm-jumeirah-dubaiUpdate:  Jan 12, 2016 – A Foreign Intelligence Service report states that Rear Admiral Rick Williams of the US Navy’s Carrier Strike Group 15 dispatched a notice as to why Navy security and intelligence personnel had been sent from Camp David to Dubai as he termed “Obama house hunting mission”.  Vice Admiral Nora Tyson, acting on direct orders from her Commander-In-Chief, President Barack Obama, fired Admiral Williams stating her action was “due to a loss of confidence in his ability to command” because of “allegations of his misuse of government computer equipment”.  Admiral Williams identified the luxury seaside home located in the Palm Jumeirah development of Dubai at a sale of $5 million dollars and that a deposit was made by Washington D.C. public affairs company Podesta Group.  Source

palaces_ATLANTIS_2 Meanwhile, remember back when Egypt’s president was replaced.  This was not only strategic in areas we assume, but in those that aren’t assumed to have militaristic importance regarding logistics.  That is, the powers that be needed to have control over the Suez Canal.  Israel does not produce oil, but Saudi Arabia and its six countries, Yemen, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, The United Arab Emirates for the most part do.  The excuse to take Iraq since 2001 was clear that they were protecting their product, but more so to continue setting up the real estate barrier for the Saudi Arabian land mass.



This is the set up for world domination in that a complete continent evolve for this purpose.  Who’d ever think that there was more than seven continents?  Well, there now is an unofficially declared one.  Once this is accomplished after having WWIII pitting China Against Russia with the US, the region known as a no contest zone, Saudi Arabia, will emerge as the most invincible nation of the entire planet.  Ever wonder why the Bushe’s were so cozy with The Saudis?  Wonder why so many zionists followed Obama into office?


Cities under development are:

King Abdullah Economic City (KAEC) in Rabigh

Prince Abdul Aziz Bin Mousaed Economic City (PABMEC) in Hael

Knowledge Economic City (KEC) in Medinah

Jazan Economic City (JEC) in Jazan


Since 2006, the Saudi government undertook the 10 x 10 program in 2006 to enact reforms and promote targeted investments in order to position Saudi Arabia among the world’s ten most favored investment destinations.  The US is not one of them, obviously.  And yet, we pay to war against its surrounding countries?


This plan has been in existence for many decades.  It is no wonder films that patronize the land such as LAWRENCE OF ARABIA came out to set the tone of admiration.

“A young intelligence officer in Cairo investigates the progress of the Arab revolt against the Turks in World War I.  In the desert, he organizes a guerrilla army and–for two years–leads the Arabs in harassing the Turks with desert raids, train-wrecking and camel attacks. Eventually, he leads his army northward and helps a British General destroy the power of the Ottoman Empire.”


Turkey now in alignment with Israel was the last bordering empire to control in order to secure the Saudi Arabian Elites from world harm.  It had to be done before the invasion of Iraq.  This was also true with Pakistan and was done with the removal through assassination of its president Benazir Bhutto’s father.  She of course met her fate upon returning from exile.  Apparently, the democracy Pakistan had was not what is served to United States Citizens.  The Bhutto family had altruistic intent very dangerous to the secret societies and in fact were killed very similarly to John F. Kennedy’s reason for being marked.  They were against the NWO.


Luc Besson is inducted into the secret societies Hall of Fame for “LUCY”

When the film The Big Blue came to the United States, I was completely blown away by Luc Besson’s directing style.  The story was me.. a person who loves to swim and hold my breath for as long as I can under water.  When Luc created his director’s cut version, he did away with the intellect of the great editors of sound and content to make a flop.  If one sees this movie, it must be the original theatrical release.  Unfortunately, it is only available in VHS.


From that point on after filming Le Grande Bleu, Besson may have been inducted into the Illuminati hall of fame for film making in which he’s not making beautiful love stories, but those with the most impact when it comes to telling and showing occult messages.  Lucy happens to have those signatures.  The story hits on matters of trans-humanism and integration of human beings into the machine, or technology of artificial intelligence.  The computer model of the next route evolution takes.  “From evolution to revolution.” as stated by dialogue coming from Morgan Freeman.


“Ignorance brings chaos, not knowledge”

Lucy’s character played by Scarlett Johannson is the embodiment of decades of scientific evolution for that revolution in which it is our destiny according to them that we genetically modify, or morph, into self-proclaimed gods.  Lucy says, “I am God, watch me kill these guys.” and at the end of the film when she integrates into an old fashioned mainframe computer, within a second of Morgan Freeman’s query as to where she disappeared returns a text to his phone showing “I am everywhere”.  This happens after Lucy goes back in time to pass all knowledge to  “Lucy” in her very ancient habitat depicted as the missing link.

“I am God…”

Lucy-2014-Movie-ImagesJust before reaching maximum human intellectual brain capacity, or 100 percent, she says “Ignorance brings chaos, not knowledge”.  George Bush said something like that when he announced to Americans that there is Order out of Chaos.  In this film, there’s so much chaos that in the final scene, order takes place when the spark of intellectual life is passed on to the beginnings of mankind.  When seen in reverse, it is actually about the retardation of the human mind through what is best known as the dumbing down of society to make way for the supersoldier who will take drugs to enhance the speed at which they think, feel less or no pain, and have zero remorse for those they inflict pain, incarceration and mostly death when engaged in war.  Well, we see that happening on our soil without an official declaration.  It’s happening now.

“We will be worthy of your sacrifice”

(Spoiler) Lucy travels back when the missing link “Lucy” was alive and reaches out to touch her.  At the point of connection, Lucy, or Lucifer, installs all the knowledge that will impact human being to their final destiny – self destruction at the aid of the alien race, Reptilians.  The reptilians happen to be the serpents depicted in the Holy Bible.

mich5This is the beginning of the matriarchal movement by the New World Order regime.  They are doing away with a male dominated era showing us that women preside over them.  The sacrifice of Lucy to transform her into a deity of control and deceit is exemplified here with indiscriminate killings of male figures in order to reinvent the human race back to “Lucy”, the missing link.  She spares the life of one woman and there are no women killed, women attacking women… there isn’t a thing aggressive regarding an attack on a woman… except for Lucy of course.  She takes this knowledge and gives creates a ‘Do over’ at modern man’s beginnings. 070828_lucy_bcol_1p.standard

Are all men ruthless?  Look at what she did to the hapless chaps that didn’t do a thing to her.  I’m not clear on how accessing more of the brain allows this to occur. It has Lucifer’s intent written all over it.

This is a movie about domination over all humans because when men are neutralized by death, sterilization, and incarceration, there is less success of the society surviving for the absence of reproduction.  But, because of science and technology, there’s plenty of sperm in sperm banks and there’s the genetic programs who take the opportunity to fiddle with the DNA of that sperm.  It is called the human genome project.

There are the montage scenes showing us propagation… animals mating in the wild.  Without human men to mate with human women, what is the resolve?  The resolve comes from science.  It is clear that women can be artificially impregnated with altered genetics.   At this point, there is no such thing as evolution.

“From evolution to revolution”

The alien enterprise has a single objective.  It is to control all human beings from the top down.  All that you experience is a result of the work by alien intentions for their dominion over the resources of this world we call home.  The film describes time in a way that is a clue by which the Reptilian and Zeta Reticulans (Grey Alien) have battled stealthily against that which is in their way.  We are in their way.  But we were necessary to do the heavy labor – the dirty work in the 3rd dimensional plane they cannot function in.  It is why our atmosphere has been modified and at some point, the planet sterilized for their survival on the surface.  They are mining this planet and planning to snatch every soul in mass during the mass extinction of man.  This is the description of Professor Newman’s quote from the film Lucy, “From evolution to revolution”.  Newman, incidentally, is the sign of the revised (revolutionized) human being into something that we are not.  It is the separation from of man from earth.


Where have we seen a real life attempt at creating an antichrist?

(Below)  The person person pictured below has been identified as a CIA agent using biometric verification methods.  He was involved with the Pablo Escobar assassination in 1994 as a DEA agent.   After two decades, both being the same man have yet to be officially identified by name by the Pima County Sheriff’s Department and acknowledged by the NSA. 

Joe Zamudio comparison

The Gabrielle Giffords shooting that occurred the first week of the year 2011 made its fashionable false flag debut in which a convincing case against Jared Lee Loughner was established.  Not one person you meet will say the event happened any way other than the media’s presentation, therefore, the Manchurian candidate is the only one at fault.


This idea is even set in the mind of the skeptic and is why mind control is so effective. It is why no person can see it for what it really was. I however, am the one who found the actual operations personnel who took the other shots and the one who with circumstantial evidence bring Joe Zamudio to court for assassinating Judge John McCarthy Roll by bludgeoning him on the head with a billy club.

It was speculated that Gabrielle Giffords was sacrificed as part of a plan to create a superhuman who had “miraculously healed from a mortal head wound and would become the antichrist”  Revelations 13:3.  The genomics program involving human beings at the University of Arizona in concert with UMC took part in an experimental cryogenics procedure performed on Giffords in which she was placed under the influence of suspended animation for the removal of practically her entire left hemisphere brain tissue.


Giffords did not personally agree to sacrifice her life for a cause against the people.  If she did, she would not have survived only to change her views on the Constitutional right to bear arms against Government.  This is a reversal of all that she had worked for protecting our rights.  She was sacrificed as a lamb by secret society members, primarily corrupt elected officials who both partake in the Freemasonry and paid positions as public servants.  They physically removed her left hemisphere, the logic processing area that was destroyed by a bullet and then placed her right back into a decision making forum.  She continues a campaign announcing that it is to lay down your weapons.

background memorial wgifford picture .

Thank you for your sacrifice 2

(Left) A peculiar card was left at the UMC Hospital outside in the midst of the votive candles and get well wishes people left as a memorial.  It was written in such a manner that it contrasted all else that was placed at the memorial.  The written message had repeat elements to something Morgan Freeman said in the movie “…we will be worthy of your sacrifice”.  The card at the hospital read,

The similar words shared by both the card left behind in 2011 at a hospital and the dialogue from LUCy are inter connected..  Gabrielle may have been earmarked to be a US based antichrist that would help reign in the New World Order paradigm.  The script that permeated the media all through Giffords recovery was the notion that it was nothing short of “miraculous”.  This comes directly from the Bible verse.
Your commitment to democracy came with a heavy cost. Thank you for your sacrifice for us.” 

In the note, Gabrielle Giffords is being thanked regardless of her being receptive to the fact she’d been shot.  It has a sick tone in which she involuntarily contracted to sacrifice herself “with a great cost”. The card has been determined to have been written by a self-serving manipulating organization.  A dialogue exchange in LUCY has Morgan Freeman, a mason himself, telling Scarlett Johannson:

“I just hope we [us] we’ll be worthy of your sacrifice [for us]” – Professor Norman “Lucy”

The character, Lucy, was LUCIFER… an antichrist who was sacrificed for the sake of science.  It’s all about mad medicine, transformation, and the dehumanizing of the masses.  This is the quietest war ever perpetrated upon people in world history.  A mental psyops of mind control by psychically oriented aliens. It is the Reptilian species that the film LUCY makes reference to and the Reptilians are the serpents.  Incidentally, the Zeta Reticulan Greys are equally a part of this psyops.  We see them depicted in such films as MARS NEEDS MOMS and WAR OF THE WORLDS. .

A board certified psychologis writes:

“[Lee] not 100% consciousness, but 100% waking consciousness for anti-christ…” – NYS Licensed Psychologist

“Doctor ____,  I don’t understand what you meant by the difference between waking and not waking with regard to an antichrist.  Remember when I talked to you about pain MEMORY trauma being unconscious negative memories?  It resides at the synapse, not at the DNA level.  An invisible force field that keeps the brain from feeling emotional pain as well as the physical.  It is not the modification of the Cell itself, but the nervous block between neurons.  If you viewed the film LUCY, note that she lacks remorse and everything else,  I describe her as a match according to the sociopath doctrines:

Lucy (to Professor Norman)

“I don’t feel pain, fear, desire. It’s like all things that make us human are fading away. It’s like the less human I feel…”

This leads me to question many things.  First, when Lucy reaches 100% consciousness, in an instant she jettisons into the ether and no longer is in a human form, therefore, she’s “Everywhere” and requires no sleep in which the unconscious is tapped.  She’s tapped into both.  Mike, look at the word conscience.  Con means something in reverse and or to spin someone negatively as in Con Man.  Science is attached  You know that definition.  Reversescience.  The film is attempting to convince me that it can create God through genetic manipulation using chemistry.  If you put your logic to this, what they are really saying is that they are arriving at science, not the reverse (conscience) and telling you straight out that they’re creating an antigod or antichrist (Christ or God consciousnesses).  So, to see this right, they are creating 100% “Mad” science which is the antichrist.”





Before It’s News seems to be a website where breaking news is brought to the public and considered authentic journalism.  While many contributors work especially hard to bring fresh news to the world, I’m one to also show the solution.  According to BIN there is no discretion as to what is valid and not.  Find out who is behind the decision making, what the general policy is, and how ludicrous and highly dangerous it really is.  This video demonstrates how serious the personal denials and non logic from one person permeates the masses who assume that true decision making and care is taken regarding dissemination of intel.  I’ve been censored countless times by BIN.  I’m nice till I can’t be nice.  This is one case of telling the truth as revealed by the unethical ones.  I didn’t flush them… they did it themselves.


“Just go somewhere else.  Go to Godlike Productions.” – Chris Kitze

Click on the image to view video:



Understand who the Health Ranger really is and what he was positioned to do for 10 years (Long version video): Mike Adams Exposé


The analysis of the Hollywood film REAL STEEL reveals a common thread trait that has remained intact for decades.  It happens to be the overall basic feature characteristic style and form of a robot’s head that has its origin found on Mars.  On Mars, a photograph clearly shows the head of a robot lying on the ground with the same look as all animated film robots do that portray fighters, fighting for others, or are militaristic such as THE IRON GIANT and C3PO of STARWARS.  Meanwhile, robots noted in BICENTENNIAL MAN, and even in old movies including the TIN MAN of the WIZARD OF OZ are modeled more human like because they are servants, not soldiers of war operated by our video gaming indoctrinates of today.  The company to watch out for, BOSTON DYNAMICS, that is represented by CYBERDYNE SYSTEMS, in the second installment of the franchise, Terminator Judgement Day, is the real life company creating terminators for our Military Complex.  You think they won’t use them against US Citizens?


In the video that accompanies this article, take note that the art director when speaking to the design of the boxing fighter robot in the film REAL STEEL says that he had no preconceived ideas about the design for the robot.  This simply cannot be true when I clearly can make out the common traits that are basic although slightly unique in style, the foundational design follows ‘rules’ that go back decades in science fiction film making involving robot head design.


I recently came across the infamous quote by FDR’s wife, Eleanore.

In an instant, I had a momentous moment of clarity.  The following quotation by his wife comes from a man deeply engrained in the Secret Societies and it is by no chance that the meaning must have an occult side.

“Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” – Eleanore Roosevelt

This sounds plausible on the surface.  It even is a seemingly soothing proposition.  That is what it is designed to do.  It is a verse that confrims one’s notion that gossip should be kept at a minimum and that a focus on great ideas is paramount to self-fulfillment.

To know why there is a flip side to her famous quotation, we must learn the basics of our 32nd President and 32nd degree Mason.



Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd President (1933-1945, was born at Hyde Park, New York, January 30, 1882. He was initiated in Holland Lodge No.8, New York City, October 10th, passed November 14th and raised November 28, 1911. He received the Scottish Rite degrees in Albany, New York, February 28, 1929. He was a member of the Grotto (Poughkeepsie, New York) and Tall Cedars (Warwick, New York. He was “Right Worshipful” having been accredited the representative of the Grand Lodge of Georgia near the Grand Lodge of New York September 22, 1930.

Stansbury Lodge No.24, Washington, D.C. made him an Honorary Member November 21, 1919, when he officiated at the Masonic laying of the cornerstone of its Temple.

He attended Architect Lodge No.519, of New York City, February 17,1933, where he raised his son Elliott to the Sublime Degree and made an address in which he stressed the importance of Masonic principles to this Nation, and his faith in the Americanism of the Ancient Craft.

In essence, FDR was a Free Mason who belonged to a 32nd degree lodge having attained that level of degrees.  No wonder he was our 32nd President.  An architect of the New World Order, so too was Herbert Hoover who over saw the engineering of Boulder Dam that was named after him even when it was highly controversial.

Let us now take a close look at each of the three components of the quote.


Great minds discuss ideas

“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.” Eleanore Roosevelt.   My interpretation of this quote is that because the forces that bring us to war and destitution must have someone bringing faith to survive it.  The people adopting this faith soon develop immunity to experiential torture, pain and suffering brought about by secret society Elitists.  You’re being taught to accept your child returning from combat in a crippled condition when it wasn’t a fight for freedom, but for the gain of a husband who benefited from that occupation and rape of another people and their land.

I have great ideas all the time.  They go nowhere unless a great event happens and that I talk to and about people.  What they are trying to say is that to be somebody, one must have a great idea.  The reality is that if looked at as secret society dogma, it is the idea that a One World Governance takes place.  It is no wonder that members of this society are held with high esteem because of their prominence.  You’re not supposed to know, but they are thinking of a great idea that excludes you from any of its benefits.  What they want is for the average mind to….

Average minds discuss events

In this way, whatever big project you’re employed to be involved with is usually ‘for the greater cause’.  Whatever is shown on television is an illusion that some event will or has taken place and that it is important for you to pass on to your children.  Today, events that take place are what we see routinely in the news.  All bad.  Those events are designed, and usually staged, for the grand ‘Idea” which is the agenda by these so-called ‘Great Minds’.   Where ever you turn, people discuss the fashion of the day, week, and year without implementing solutions to reversing the damage.  By design, the events we share in conversation are soon forgotten for the next fashion of the moment.  We all forgot the Banker Bailout which pretty much was trillions of stolen money given to a few beneficiaries off shore.

Small minds discuss people

The bulk of the mass has been indoctrinated into the modality of gossip.  The media has played a major role with the setting up of social conditions to get people talking about others.  Because nobody knows how to implement the fix, the default is to talk about the problem and because “I’m not at fault, but the entertainer who said that and the politician who did this to us” is the best we can do, it’s no wonder we’re kept at that level.  Eleanor is telling us who we are right in our faces and we take it because, we’re also lead to believe that so long as we gossipers think in terms of satisfying their big “Ideas”, that it keeps us from being completely small minded.

If the people who we are taught to be so great are in fact terrific, and that we ultimately vote them into power positions witnessing the great ideas being nothing more than weapons of our demise, just what then is a great mind?  They’ve failed us, but made their plan work.


I think of ideas, events and people equally.

I do this to solve mysteries and back engineer the New World Order’s agenda.  It means that Eleanore is telling me to avoid being a free thinker.   When limitations are placed on the method by which my mind operates, then no matter what big idea I have is meaningless unless I look at events that take place and the people who mastermind them into existence.

Her quote is designed to create the illusion that a person not in a power position has power.  Nobody wants to be average and nobody wants to be small minded, therefore, when the New World Religion is in full force, we’re all going to be taught that edging God out is for the best and that we can now consider ourselves God.  The “I Am” consciousness will evolve into the “I Am God” consciousness.  People will be made to believe that because of that, they have all these ideas empowering them as one with a Great Mind.







Lee Nevins Bracker





       Kincaid’s nerves shot as the sound of a cat cried outside. Something must have scared it because it raced from where it had been. Perhaps another cat jumped the hotel pool area wall and became territorial. He shuffled from where a complimentary pot had been brewing and with great care, he placed his coffee next to the laptop. On the screen was a transparent star chart of the Hunter Constellation, Orion, taped over the display of a scanned image of a topographical map of the Grand Canyon. He was digital photo manipulation challenged.

I visited the Festival of Books to find Elizabeth Gunn who had spoken on two panel discussions regarding mystery and crime writing.  I told her who I was and what I did.  To my surprise, she was excited enough to invite me to speak about the Loughner case for their rather large meeting group.  I felt that I needed to begin sharpening my pencil once again after two decades in between novels.  My first fictional tale was published in 1991 and my next sometime between now and 2015.  I think I have enough material to write for the rest of my life.

       He fished through his pant pocket for not less than a minute before picking up the phone.

      “Main campus library. How can I help you?”

      “Hello Maggie? I may have left my flash drive in one of the computers in the map room.”

      “Ah, Kincaid. I have it. Did the topo of the Grand Canyon help?” The librarian knew the drive was important.

      “It’s of no concern. You can throw that away.. I don’t need it. I just wanted to know if I had left it. Thanks Maggie.” He lied about the importance of the drive. They were listening.  Looking at the monitor, Kincaid thought about his father who had named him after the mysterious archeologist, George Kincaid. The Smithsonian Institute will not acknowledge that a G.E. Kincaid ever existed. Even after the 1909 Phoenix Gazette article chronicled the archeological discovery of the Grand Canyon’s under ground citadels filled with Egyptian artifacts; the institute had clammed shut. His father routinely explained to the boy that the belt stars of Orion matched the pyramids of Giza. “People from Africa, Kinny, would come here using subterranean tunnels,” he would say. It never occurred to Kincaid senior that Orion matched the Kaibob Plateau as well. What he did know was that his boy was keen and would follow in his footsteps and become great.

       Kincaid proved that all of the monuments of the Grand Canyon are not at all natural, but intelligently built. Whether it be by aliens, humans, or both was not his business, however, flipping recorded history and all of the geological sciences on their backs was. More importantly, it was shaking up his peers at a major conference he looked forward to. It was his way of retaliating against his teachers humiliating him by saying he was a poor student. So it seemed at the time, he took their taunts more serious than the school bully. The day before, he had interrupted a panel of experts discussing lost civilizations. Uninvited, he tried to show proof that a river did not arbitrarily carve the features of the canyon. Instead, it merely removed the soft silt of the Great Deluge from the once magnificent ancient city. Orion’s stars proved that. In this case all of them lined up to the severely eroded stepped pyramids, towers and temples thought to be natural buttes. If only the tourists knew.
The phone rang. “This is Kinny.” The voice on the other end was not thrilled. Kincaid hung up and dialed another number. “Ehn, I’ve just been warned.” He immediately hung up.

      Kincaid’s heart raced. That dark roast wasn’t helping to calm his nerves and he opened the balcony door to breath in the morning air. Where a decorative planter had been undisturbed the previous day was tipped over this morning. “Shit.”


      The problem was not that Kincaid had jumped a stage to prove that geology is a complete lie to thousands of people. The issue at hand was that he unveiled a one hundred year old secret held by the Smithsonian. The secret society’s desire that it not become public was now breached. Kincaid’s discovery was an offshoot of a more important investigation into a potential planned catastrophe further west within another canyon, the Black Canyon, on the Arizona Nevada border.

This actually took place.  I attended an Open Minds IUFOC conference in which David Childress (yellow) and two other panelists were discussing whether aliens existed or not.  I paced back and forth in disbelief when they talked about the pyramid finds around the world with the exception to my discovery that the star pattern of ORION matches the monuments within the Grand Canyon.  I wasn’t liked very much by the organizers, technicians who had to edit me out of their taping and so forth.  The following morning, I sat with David with my computer in which he wasn’t the least bit interested.  David Hatcher Childress is considered the real life Indiana Jones.  Based on this quite shocking display of disinterest, this simply is furthest from the truth.

      Just as he picked up his phone after going back in through the back door, the same number displayed. “Yes?”

      “I heard you jumped the stage last night”

      “I did no such thing. I put my foot on the edge and reached as far in as I could to hand off my laptop to Childress sitting in one of those couch potato recliners. They try to make those panel discussions look so living room cozy. He wouldn’t take it.”

      “David you mean…?” Blue said laughing.

      “…And, this morning when I explained to the world’s top pyramid hunter what I was trying to show him the day before, which he wouldn’t dare look at, was an embarrassment in itself. He was eating alone, I sat and pushed my computer over his way. You know what he said? First off, his reaction was, “mind passing me the salt?” It wasn’t until later this morning I pulled up an interview he did on Noory’s show regurgitating old history about the Egyptian underground dwellings that the Smithsonian pretty much covered up. All he did was repeat tired news as if he discovered it himself.”

      “Kinny”, the voice said, “you have to be discrete with these guys. They don’t want to retract their books, DVDs, and rewrite their articles on account of you. Can’t you move on?”

      Kincaid reached for the coffee now that he wasn’t overexcited from the adrenaline rush. Talking shop with his trainee helped. The fear of the ‘spooks’ snooping around the hotel grounds after scaring the cat dissipated. “I think the damage control protocol is being set into motion. They’re outside as we speak.”

      “You’re going to have to go under cover. You’re bugged for certain. They have most likely been tracking you and now you’re more under their microscope because of Hoover Dam. They could care less about freaking cities built by aliens in canyon visited by ignorant site seers. You’re the most unusual crime scene investigator this world has ever known. How you do it is extraordinary. You are not just a pyramid hunter, Kinny, you’re Edgar Casey.”

      “The Hell if I am.. I don’t commiserate with off world beings to get the answers.” Kincaid looked around for what next to do. The warning call was still on his mind.

      Well, teach, right now you have to hide in plain sight as Kerry taught you when you first called her about the British Petroleum chess move. Don’t hide, but get off grid so that you can have peace at night.”

While I cannot disclose BlueSphinxDNA’s identity, I can say that this person is very real and quite special.  My investigation into the MILAB abduction that took place in the middle of May 2013 partly resulted with the defection of all of the supersoldiers from Lorien Fenton’s Supersoldier and Mind Control Summit for 2014. 

      The voice on the other line was a supersoldier code named Blue Sphinx dna. She was the only one who knew not to attend the Super Soldier Summit the year before in Henderson, Nevada where a mass secret military division abduction program took place. MILAB. She was unaffected by their mind control which was why she knew better. Kincaid met her only by phone after exposing and solving the abduction in which seventeen people were drugged and taken in the night for mind control reprogramming and DNA experimentation. Their relationship was a symbiotic one in which she taught him all there is to know about supersoldiers and he taught her the rest of what it means to be a soldier. This time Kincaid needed her guidance. He didn’t cover the back alley crimes in which forensics and laboratory analysis came in handy for solving murders. No. Kincaid was a world class national news crime case solver. The next nine eleven he predicted twenty years after the World Trade Center towers were destroyed was foremost of concern and Blue Sphinx DNA knew it.

      “Blue, are you still there?”


      “I need you to hold important information. Ask Maggie. No sharing of addresses though. I’m going to let you figure out how to retrieve the data. No need to fly down, but you and I may have to converge at some point. I have to engage in action and so it’s not just talk about the conspiracy to kill Hoover Dam anymore. It’s time to go public about it. The data is my ‘life insurance’ or the torch you’ll have to carry if you know what I mean. Are you ready for a showdown?” Kincaid didn’t wait for an answer. He hung up and threw the phone in the garbage.

Barry Soetoro took an afternoon break from the debates held in Las Vegas to tour Hoover Dam.  I speculate that he is completely aware of what the structure does and what its fate is regardless of how the media presented his ignorance about its function and purpose.  If Hoover Dam is what I suspect it is, he too knows.

      The president had been in Las Vegas debating against his opponent for his second term. He claimed to have never visited Hoover Dam. The reports in the Associated Press played it off as if he had not known its electrical output was not used to power Las Vegas to make him seem American – oblivious. The truth of the matter is that he knew what the dam’s purpose and fate is. Why a president would not know this fact is absurd, thought Kincaid, but he knew of the president’s service within black projects while in his preteens on through his college years. The man spent his youth as a guinea pig in Project Pegasus. There were as many as nine time travel technologies in experimentation at the time. At the age of seven, he had already jumped back and forth in time and later, had gone to Mars along with Regina Dugan, the woman now running the NSA’s front social networking company most of the planet’s people are addicted to day in and out. Dugan was shifted from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency to work with Bill Clinton’s former Vice President and together staged the consolidation of all social networking websites for the National Security Agency. While idly chatting with friends, Kincaid mused over the nomenclature calling them instead, “The National Surveillance Agency.” That always eased his audiences. From the rear seat of the cab after leaving the hotel, kincaid contemplated a call to his old friend, Andrew. “Why not? He may have changed his mind.”


      “Who’s this?”

      “Kincaid. I’m using a throwaway because I’m running. Listen please, okay?”

      “No”, said the shallow voice after a deep pause.

      “Andy, I know saying what I said didn’t sit well with you and if you let it go, I have something important to do.” Kincaid wasn’t sure if Andrew Basiago would hang up or stay on.

      “It’s been over a year and you’re still hot on the Hoover Dam exploitation trail. Look, it’s not a Stargate, alright?  Get it yet….? Pegasus was about nine other technologies for teleportation.”

Andrew Basiago had asked that I help him with his presidential campaign.  I declined, but hadn’t said so when after I suggested that he still may be influenced by mind control.  I offered to help him with the deprogramming therapy.  As a result, Andy was terribly upset as I came off as insulting.  I don’t regret what happened as I am a truth teller, but I do know that unless he has a solid campaign coordinator and think tank, he will not be a successful contender against the powers that be.   The following exchange is somewhat a sequence that did take place as we discussed the possibility that Hoover Dam can be retrofitted to appear like a ring, or Stargate, using the Pat Tillman Bypass bridge.

      “Okay Andy it’s not a Stargate. Well, not the way I originally saw it. Even though the radius of the Pat Tillman Mike O’Callahan bridge span ribs match the radius of Hoover, it’s not how they’ll disassemble the bridge spans and add them to Hoover to create a Stargate circular ring. I’ve come to realize that they are actually going to make that concrete heap disappear like two buildings on Manhatten Island eleven years ago. Andy, I originally thought that they had designed the structure with the bridge on a drawing table almost ninety years ago and felt that they would convert the dam into a Stargate. Like anyone who understands the theory would assume that it would be used as a fancy transportation modality only for the Elites. I thought that for a long time until I realized that the dam itself is a stand alone bomb. Freightliner Trucking company projected that fact to the public and nobody knew better.  It’s CERN Andy, and it was designed to self destruct in a one time materials heist instead of a way to ship products around the globe. Simple Tesla concepts, Andy, and that’s a lot of steel. They want it all in a one time event just like with the twin towers to be re-manned into railway rails in China just like they did with the trade towers to create a neo Nazi railway system. You know as well as I do that the reason for luxury liner and ferry mishaps are by design. People will travel by rail once the other modes are eighty-sixed.

      You were on the president’s jump team as kids, were you not? But, that was over forty years ago, Andrew.. technology has changed in half a century. Honestly, I think it’s Pegasus only scaled up to epic proportions.”

      “So what are you saying, Kincaid?”

      Kincaid was raised his voice as the words spewed forth. “I’m telling you that it’s time to go public so that three years from now if the dam blows, they’ll declare Martial Law. They’ll do it two years after the 2016 election and is why you need to be elected so that doesn’t happen.”

      Andrew Basiago said, “Calm down please, my phone is chattering. I asked for your help in my campaign to run in 2016 and you said I was still under mind control. You said that I could use therapy.” Andrew wanted a pissing match.

      “No Andy, it’s not important. You know I’m the key holder of the protocol for undoing CIA mind blocks. My assumption was past history, and I’m sorry. I can still do the work for you and get you elected if that’s what Project Pegasus was really all about. They always throw Hillary into the mix as a diversion, but I wonder why they never considered Regina Dugan who was on your team in Pegasus?”

      “Dugan is DARPA even though she’s at Google. That runs the Military which runs the nation. She runs the technological world while Napolitano runs the death squads. In reality Regina has been the president’s president during his public’s sensory perception. I don’t always agree with you and I don’t with the conspiracy that Hoover Dam is earmarked for decommission though. Listen, why would they do this where only ten thousand people would be affected? Explain why again…?

      ”Food. It’s the nation’s food supply. If the water isn’t controlled, one quarter of the nation’s supply is wiped out in one day. Con Agra, Monsanto, and the rest take over the foreclosures and either leave Los Angeles and San Diego to rot. To fight a stealth war, the enemy cuts off the food supply and starves the people into submission. It’s not ten grand, Andy, it’s almost a hundred million Americans affected.”

      “Baloney.” Andrew Basiago had enough. He hung up.

      Kincaid thought, “So much for making a president.” If Andrew didn’t support the cause, then it was apparent he cared only to become a president running on his agenda and not the people’s. All the child participants of Project Pegasus had a right to run for president. The controlling powers that groomed him incorporated the mind control protocol very well and could make or break each dependent on if they would completely conform as a nation’s puppet spokesperson of massive power or not. The man could not shake it off. Kincaid knew that Basiago’s reputation would be rendered non existent for revealing he was part of a secret government project like that. He would be a laughing stock if he uttered the word “Stargate” as a campaign promise that time travel technology in which products can be moved effortlessly without petroleum consuming cargo ships. “Nah, the average American has no clue and never will understand what DARPA really does with these otherwise beneficial technologies.”

      Kincaid was half way across the nation when the phone rang. “Kinny, are you there?”

      “My connection is a little crackly.. I’m flying to Washington to meet the president. I’m going unannounced if you can believe that. Can you hear me now?”

      “My God. You’re not serious. You’ll disappear.”

      “No I won’t. I’m sure you’ll get the you know what I asked you to get. That’s my cyber poison pill. I need it in your possession before I announce myself”.

      “Yes I do Kinny.” Blue began to sob.

As a result of the independent investigation regarding the wounded congresswoman, Gabrielle Giffords, and the assassination of Judge John McCarthy Roll, I elected to go “off grid”.  I felt I would be safer if I disappeared while continuing my investigation.

      “Blue, I have faith that if I’m received poorly and shipped off to ADX in Florence or something like that, I expect you to carry the torch. The nine eleven in two thousand and one took more than three thousand lives. It was planned well before, but nobody did a thing to stop it. I have three years making it a point to expose this next one. That’s if they don’t dispose of me first. I’ll be made a mockery, but the logic stands alone. I may ask you to get Andrew Basiago elected president. You’ll do what I couldn’t. You’ll convince him and God knows I tried. He’s frightfully arrogant not admitting I’m right. So maybe you can change his mind. You have to deprogram him my dear. Please, I’m almost at the White House front door an a few hours.”

      “You’re really something Kinny. Had I thought you only to be a website blogger who’d ever believe it? Okay, I’m in. Either you live and we meet to work on this or you die and I die trying. You’re right mister.. and you would make a true president because you have a heart. Your mission is always people first.”

      “Hey hey Blue..” Now Kincaid drew a tear.

      Kincaid was crying for joy because for the first time, someone decided to go to bat for him. Blue was without direction when he introduced himself to her not even a half year ago, but in the short time molded her into something special. She was more than what she felt she could be. With or without him, Blue had learned from the most experienced crime scene investigator of the most unusual kind.

      “Blue? Are you still on?”


      “James Casbolt is my half brother.”

      “He’s the top echelon supersoldier, Kinny. How dare you say that knowing he savagely injured me.”

     “I’m the hidden one and not him either. I always have worked behind the scenes to fix what people like that broke. I’m also the one to set even my own brother straight. The MILAB abduction in Henderson, the British Petroleum thing almost went nuclear if it wasn’t for me, and I brought the real shooters to justice in the crippling of the Congresswoman. You can’t do that if you had been trained like we have. I’m on my way to save a nation by going toe to toe in the den of a viscous lion. This one gave trillions of dollars out and kept trillions more securely away in the hands of private interests after Bush left. He’s signaling World War III by pitting Russia against China to bring this country down. An Academy award winning space flick shows us that, and we need Andrew to secure the presidency in 2016 to stop that avalanche – a border lock-down is the result of a destroyed dam.

      “I always felt it Kinny. You somehow flew under the supersoldier radar.”

Blue put her phone on the bedside table. She looked at it for several minutes before brushing it over the edge where she knew the small bedside garbage container would be.



The End



The CHEMTRAIL program has dessicated our atmosphere, created a condition of global “dimming” and the opposite of what we see in Ray Bradbury’s inspired film adaptation “All Summer in a Day”.  Compared to two decades ago, it never rains with consistency.  Today, people wear sunglasses for style rather than to protect from a glaring sun and umbrellas, at least in the southwest, are used for thirty minutes in entire year.


Based on a short story by Ray Bradbury

When I was even younger I  noticed that people would forget what times were like as recent as the previous week. Without having the words to describe what I observed, I sensed the conditions of social engineering groomed by media mind control.  It burned in the back of what I felt to be a common sense oriented mind. In other words, I had premonitions way back since I could remember of times when what we expect and take for granted like our Sun is stolen.  Few people take notice and when told, don’t care but for a momentary thought or concern which diminishes within two minutes. Our problem with CHEMTRAIL programs that have dessicated our atmosphere, created a condition of global “dimming” and the opposite of what we see in this film adaptation, that it never rains with consistency, is what I felt thirty one years ago.

Teacher and Williamand written for television by Mike Konczewski., “All Summer In A Day” (IMDB) directed by Ed Kaplan was distributed by PBS (Public Broadcasting Service). The story of this early 80’s after school special takes place on the planet, Venus, where it hardly ever stops raining.  The plot focuses on a classroom full of young children who are excited to learn that the rain will stop on that day, but for only one hour.  One student is resentful of a new classmate from Earth who remembers what it’s like to see the sun, and when asked what it’s like, she tells them how glorious it is.  A viscous act of cowardice compels him to lock her in a closet.  She will have to wait seven years for the next opportunity to enjoy what she misses on Earth.

.I was Nineteen and entering my second year of University studies at the time of airing. What was striking to me was that I was riveted with fear whereas anyone other than my experience is that of entertainment… sci-fi and that’s it. I had a problem. The problem is with what a dialogue exchange that took place where, Margot, the girl born on Earth, says to the cynicism spewed from a Venetian student named William, regarding the relevance of the sun’s importance:


William steps on the foot switch turning on the sun tanning lamps.

                  (To Margot)
          There you go. Just like the real sun.

          No it's not.

          How do you know?

          Because I remember.

          No you don't, nobody remembers.

               (turns away from William)
          I do.




.Today, people mostly wear sunglasses for style rather than to protect from a glaring sun

Those residing In the Southwest quadrant of the United States may use their umbrellas for 30 minutes out of an entire year.

miniature setting of earthAll Summer in a Day was a highly memorable Learning Corporation of America contribution, however, and felt that with an update to the musical score and stitching the three part youtube segments together, I’d have something special to present for my BRICK WALL CINEMA outdoor educational internet broadcasting project.

To view a short clip of Brick Wall Cinema by following this link:





Elysium facial markings compare

Elysium was the place of the blessed inhabited by those who died for their country, those of pure lives, truly inspired poets, the inventors of arts, and all who have done good to mankind. It was a delightful region where souls could converse with whom they pleased. Elysium, a paradise for those who found favor with the gods. The home of heroes and the virtuous. Fields of the pale liliaceous asphodel and poplars grew in Elysium. This gave rise to the name of the place known as the Elysian Fields which were the final resting place of the blessed chosen by the gods – paradise or heaven.”




1.  a place or condition of ideal happiness.

2.  Greek myth the dwelling place of the blessed after death.

3.  a state or place of perfect bliss.

The film Elysium while in the form of science fiction is showing the audience that there is a “state” populated with people living in Greek style palaces.


Neil Blomkamp wrote a pro Obama Agenda movie

Elysium space habitatDirector and script Writer, Neil Blomkamp, brings you an Obama Administration Immigration Reform, Homeland Security, and the scandalous health care program to your viewing experience, retraining rather. Their effort is to groom you into the belief that affordable health care is Barack Hussein Obama’s true intention.. it is clearly not.  I’m not the only one expressing this prediction.


Jodie foster Omni compare

IMDBIn the year 2154, two classes of people exist: the very wealthy, who live on a pristine man-made space station called Elysium, and the rest, who live on an overpopulated, ruined Earth. Secretary Delacourt, a government official, will stop at nothing to enforce anti-immigration laws and preserve the luxurious lifestyle of the citizens of Elysium. That doesn’t stop the people of Earth from trying to get in by any means they can. When unlucky Max is backed into a corner, he agrees to take on a daunting mission that, if successful, will not only save his life but could bring equality to these polarized worlds.”

Above: Jodi Foster represents A.I. of Elysium.  New-Age archetype: the androgynous goddess of artificial intelligence” is the theme of OMNI Magaine’s May 1984 issue

Global Voices“Elysium centers its focus on a former convict named Max (Damon), whose deplorable health condition forces him to seek the services of a criminal political leader who also wants to get a hold of Elysium’s exceptional health care resources in order to find a cure for ailing earth inhabitants. Nevertheless, they will face Elysium’s rogue Secretary of Defense Delacourt (Foster), who relentlessly keeps inhabitants (or as the movie calls them, “illegals”) from entering Elysium at all costs.   As Elysium unravels, one would think that the main reason these “illegals” want to flee planet Earth for a more comfortable life in Elysium is paralleled to the reason why many immigrants decide to cross the border and find a better life in the United States (of course, the U.S. being the “Elysium” for all hopeful immigrants overseas). The movie also shows that immigrants go to Elysium to find better health care, but they need to become Elysium citizens in order to enjoy it. In real life, many undocumented immigrants face the same problem, as they don’t have access to health care.” – Robert Valencia”


There are 4 major points to consider when viewing this film.

“Homeland Security”?  This is a space station that is not specific to any single country.  Jodie Foster’s character originally written for a male character has a last name without a first – Defense Secretary (of a state) Delacourt.   The name Delacourt can be deconstructed as a symbol of a rogue ruling system.  A court run by the defense secretary of Elysium who uses a militia of today’s likeness – The Department of Homeland Security.  Because the film is paralleling the executive branches continued desire to flood the United States with Mexicans as well as South Americans for votes that would undoubtedly insure ObamaCare, one may view the secretary’s name Delacourt as “De la Court” which is a blending of two languages, English and Spanish.  This is ‘of the’ court system’s above the law actions emulating Obama’s out of control signing of executive order after order.  Delacourt’s ambition to operate above the president is a reversal when compared to real life political moves. Obama is a tyrannical dictator in which Elysium applies a fake Obama persona using the character President Patel.

1.  Immigration Reform in which free medical care is the primary concern of the poor, and, will do ……anything to receive it.

2.  The importance of Homeland Security even though it will not exist 141 years from today.

3.  The lure of free health care in lieu of the Executive Branch’s push to implement ObamaCare.

4.  The power of the police state on a global level.  Robots assume the responsibility of enforcing ……martial law as well as rule in judgement outside courts of law.


Underlying themes include:

Homeland security text

Matt Damon’s role as savior to the needy and destitute represents death to America and the transition over to the New World Order.

Elysium’s configuration is a combination of the five pointed star, or pentogram, within a circle representing reproduction.

The branding of an entitlement code (Mark of the Beast) on the forearm’s of the residents of Elysium correlates completely with NAZI Germany’s IBM number system tattooed on incarcerates within concentration camps throughout Europe and Germany.

Antiquated displays

The symbol Frey draws on Max’s hand as children.  She illustrates the human hybrid program drawing a circle (Elysium  = symbol for reproduction) with the letters F + M underneath.  This obviously indicates the mating of a female with a male using the first letters of each word.


Above:  141 years from now, computers from before 2013 are favored


Time seems to stop in 2013

The weapon of mass global destruction in which Earth is shown as a One Global Slum is revealed on this “CHEMRAIL” shooter.  The word closely resembles Chemtrail as in global particulate dispersion.  For nearly two decades, earth at this time has undergone a mass sterilization and atmospheric dessication due to project Cloverleaf “Aerial Plumbs” as coined by chemtrail expert Cliff Carnicom. 

ChemrailTechnology and product production has ceased to advance and by the year 2154 when this story takes place, Earthly objects are dated between 1970 or so through 2013.  We do not see consumer products of the future.  We see the same automobiles, kitchen appliances, clothing more or less, garbage, and items found in thrift shops of today.  Are manufacturers still making tires 140 years later?  Computer technology is a blend of DOS and maybe a little beyond, but not the predicted hologram imagery depicted in many previous films including THE ISLAND and Hunger Games (plus many more showing advanced computing that takes place more recently than 2154.  For an overview analysis of the Hunger Games, follow this link.

Elysium clearly shows the fate of humanity on earth sequestered under powerful robotic madness.  Today, we are abused with probation.. a tracking and monitoring system for those not yet incarcerated or recently released, and the merging of corporate law vesting the power of the judge and jury with these A.I. (artificial intelligence) entities.

Probation officerThe purpose is to reach the audiences who can only think in terms of contemporary concepts.  The selling point is today’s push for opened border health care at the expense of those who slave for the Elite corporations.  The high technology belongs only to the Elite and its militia with the exception that in this film “Spider”, the leader of a rogue band of thieves, have access to their technology.

In this way, the film can successfully promote free health care to the masses further depressing people by creating an air of submission.  Max submits to the dangerous order in which his life is risked for the sake of his job, otherwise, he’s a dime a dozen and easily replaced.

Cancer and radiation is a hot topic in the last few years with the chaos in Japan’s Fukushima’s highly toxic nuclear power plant contamination.  Who would not want free health care to help recover from radiation poisoning?  We all want to feel saved by medicine especially if it comes free, however, that is NOT the intent of Obama’s health care plan.  Thousands of pages of the proposal say so quite plainly.. when decoded by the experts and they have successfully proven its true intent to deny care TO EVERY ONE!

Nazi tattoo



Try this on for size!

The Helical theoretical model of how our solar system works is three dimensional as opposed to the two dimensional plane of the Heliocentric model.  It happens to the be the true model complete with vortexing, STARGATE (I add that), and that explains what black holes are and I’m adding that too.  Before I complete the model as a video representation, I’d like you to view an edited version of both djsadhu’s video renderings with music I chose in a preliminary cut of what our presentation on black holes is.


According to the American Heritage Dictionary, the Indo-Europeann root for black is ghel- with a variant form bhleg- or bhelg- which means shine, flash, or burn.  The Proto-Germanic developments of bhelg- are blakaz, which specifically means burned, and a variant form blaikjan, which means to make white.  The ancient Germanic meangs of black provide the immediate semantic source for both the literal and the metaphorical uses for black today.   The association between the Indo-European root and its Proto-Germanic equivalent blakaz is that the Indo-European root and is Proto-Germanic equivalent blakaz is that the Europeans used bhelg root for any thing light process like burning and the Germanic people used it to describe the process after an object burns.  In Old English literature, it suggests that the two forms were used interchangeably in which depending on the spelling means shining or dark.  This is the two faces of the sun. 

In this rendition, we see how the Helical model works with relationship to the Milky Way Galaxy.  Make sure you have your headsets or a nice sound system on a little louder than usual because you’re in for a wild ride:)  Click image below to play video.

Helical model screen grab

The sun travels at 70,000 km per hour with the planets in tow.. that’s Dr. Keshava Bhat’s model.  We see the back side of the sun, but not the front.  So, what does the sun look like from the front?  All the plasma is trailing behind which leaves a bald spot at the leading edge which means it’s quite possible that the sun appears black from a distance.  Since it is speculated that the sun is a STARGATE it means that the front end is the entry and the sunny side is the, well nothing exits because whatever goes in, disappears I suppose before going out the hot end.

Bhleg means “Shine, flash, burn…”

The word BLACK originates from the proto indo European root word BHLEG.  What if the leading edge of the sun is what our interpretation of the word black is today and the trailing edge, the bhleg side, is bright as we know it?  When looking at all the stars in the Milky Way Galaxy, it may be that the estimated 100 billion is actually half of the total count for the reason the others are showing their dark side.  A bhleg star passing behind a Black star is simply being hidden, not swallowed up, as the esteemed Stephen Hawkings suggests.


Bruegger's University areaA general manager allegedly agreed to a Pima County Sheriff’s suggestion, it seems, to remove me from a bagel restaurant. The management was delighted to serve me, or so it seemed because he was smiling until the sheriff ordered me to move as far away from him as possible inside the store as he sat to sip coffee.

None of this the management has the right to deny service.  They told me to never come back.  And for what?  I wasn’t dancing naked on the tables.  I was oinked at loudly by a pig though.  :)

And yet it also appeared that the manager who smiled and served me a refill of coffee waited until I made that initial meal and coffee purchase before barring me from returning in the future.  This is unjust enrichment in the face of discrimination with frivolous excuses.  Or, It also demonstrates the power of authority over all of us including those who operate business that the police direct our conduct from the acting management to the unsuspecting customer…….. who should always be considered right.

Why do people turn so easily?  I gave them my money!   What, do I stink?  Look at my picture.. I’m not that ugly.  I’m white I guess.. nobody who is white any longer gets anything in Arizona.  I can’t get AHCCSS nor a transportation card because of it, but everyone else can. 

This is very similar to what happened at another local restaurant.   In every attempt to find true answers as to why I am being 86ed out of these places, I pretty much get the runaround, but clearly it’s all about discrimination.  You see, I pay for my meals before ousted.

The other restaurant had not contacted me back either when I demanded an apology before posting an alarming to them evidence of fault.  Attorneys, I suppose, make sure their clients don’t make contact.  All I ask is to be able to return comfortably, because I’m not doing anything wrong, otherwise, citations would be issued.  The thing is this, people can be nice up until one little thing happens which negates the 99 good things when we’re looking at percentages.  I think I’ve made 99 purchases at all the Bruegger’s Bagels in town in the past 120 days and the one that really is important is this one.  It is because this visitation with a purchase was choreographed for a corporate interest when it didn’t have to.

Bruegger’s Bagels is a terrific place to eat a little something, get coffee, and do WI-fi work without a problem.  I think it’s better than Starbucks for the reason it’s quiet, less crowded, and the coffee isn’t jet fueled-like.  I liked it for quite sometime until today when I, a paying customer, was discriminated against.

I accept that accusation as I do get extremely tired after being up for days sometimes completing the work I do.  It’s not only computing, but I can’t sleep many nights for the reason my mind cannot allow it.  It processes information until solutions avail.   This is why I can do what I do – solve master crimes, solve ancient civilization mysteries, and the myriad of problems that I solve and am in the process of resolving.  I can’t stand it at times, but it happens and when it does, I’m walking on clouds.  And so, sometimes I do five minute power naps with my head resting on my arms on a counter top or table.


But, they waited until I bought breakfast before exiling me

The best way to handle the McDonald’s, Beyond Bread and so on issues that I have exposed on Dismantle The Beam Project is by creating a documentary that shows that people who are being more and more conditioned to authorize law need to change.  McDonald’s is the big one.  Karen E. Osborne who is the franchise owner happens to be the Maricopa County Elections Director.  It means she’s tied into corruption in Arizona and Pima County in which when I told her what I do, I then was completely ignored by McDonald’s Corporate customer service and legal team.  They know I’m dangerous to them.  And, I didn’t even know it at first.  Karen just didn’t like me working past an hour at one of her stores while everyone else can.  Beyond Bread is beyond me at this point.  I don’t even want to do what I’m doing and it’s just so yummy that I can’t resist.  I video taped there and in Phoenix as well me being discriminated against.  I give everyone of these people chances because really, I just would like to be left alone, buy their products, and not be swept out the door.  Everyone is always so pleasant until for some reason, there is a very bad apple that doesn’t understand.  Yes, Bruegger’s may lose credibility, but then why not?  Will you stand down?

I entered the Bruegger’s Bagels location on Speedway and Campbell where I go first before using the University library computers or do my research.  I sat with a friend and chatted.  He asked if I wanted a bagel.  I said “no thanks”.  He insisted and handed me a dollar and change.  I said “that’s okay”.  He insisted and I didn’t want to insult him so I took it for a bagel and cream cheese.  Turns out it wasn’t enough, I didn’t have pocket change, and so I decided to get a coffee and that bagel on my card.  I offered the money back to my friend.


Napping seems to be a crime when threatened to be jailed by sheriff deputies

While I fixed my coffee with condiments, I turned to one of the several Pima County Sheriff Deputies who frequent the store and of whom I talked with at times, had an apple sitting on the table and said, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away, aye?”  He was intense when he glared, “Don’t even talk to me.  Just go away..”  and repeated it.  I’ll give him credit for not swearing.  The rest of the cops in there were definitely not thrilled I was gracing their presence.


I sat, ate, and then said good luck to my friend.  And then

I was told never to return by one of the managers.  He threatened that if I don’t leave, he’d tell the deputies to arrest me for refusing to leave, loitering, and or trespass (which was the suggestion without saying it).  I said, “Why did you wait for me to spend money when you knew you were prepared to send me off never to return?” is basically what I asked.  His reply was, “Did you eat?”  Duh, of course I did.  I wouldn’t have eaten there if I’d known they were conspiring to turn me away.  He repeated this three times after I asked three times why they waited.  Oye vey.


I asked why he didn’t turn me away before making the purchase?

Obviously they didn’t want me there.  The reason, they needed to enrich themselves first.  this is premeditation and it is so business unethical it’s not even a question.  They didn’t want me there before I walked into that store, but were satisfied that an hours worth of pay for the day.   One customer is insignificant, but when one tells thirty others over the course of years when the topic comes up, the bad sentiment sticks with people.  Sure they’ll continue going to Bruegger’s for example, but the purpose of the article is to show that one voice spread over the internet in a prolific website that can and will infect their reputation nationally should be a concern.   I was not one to do this to without recourse.  The franchise owner, Shawn Carter, should be aware that this is important even though the bean counters will say don’t worry.  I have a radio show.  they don’t know that yet and I talk talk talk like the rambling of this article.  And, I’m global.

The point of this is that I’m not upset at any of them including the sheriff.  All of us rely on the police to satisfy our needs.  There are many points to make and in this case I clearly have a discrimination suit.  I’m wired.  I always have a recorder on.  I video tape the people and places I’m at so that I can insure that I’m not being monitored.  I’m respectful to people I become friends with and tell them that I am.  And then I’m done until I see something suspicious, but for the most part the establishments surveillance takes care of the time I frequent the places I go, and in this case, I accidentally had my recorder ON.

Usually in these establishments I don’t bother with the video camera or recorder for the reason, well, the sheriffs or detectives are there too, I’m doing work or talking with friends and I’m not out there interviewing people like it’s supposed to be used for.  In this case, I had just charged my audio recorder and tested it without turning it off.  So, I have the sheriff, manager, and my conversation with my friend on record.


What will happen is

that, because I’m not about law suits because that’s what I’m fighting against, is that this will unfortunately have to be added to the corruption documentary with regard to corporate theft and unjust actions.  I like the store, but things like this need to be exposed.  Nobody has any idea who I am and why I’m doing this.  It’s a shame for them, however, it is so valuable in reminding Americans that we don’t have to take orders.  That manager was ready to have one of his regulars, a deputy sheriff roll me up which means they have their own police force working for them in a privatized capacity.  That deputy has no idea that I investigated the Giffords case and has no idea that I was not at fault for anything, but for putting my head on my arms and asked to leave a single time.  What law says that is a crime?


The audio will tell otherwise.  The manager said I had been asked to leave several times.. a lie

The proof is I have witnesses.  I’ve told people I visit at that location what happens to me.  They see what happens and they know.  So, if this ever went to a suit, I’d win.

I belong to the Breakfast Club in Tucson, Arizona and there we discuss Constitutional Law.  There are constitutional experts and we are connected to the rest around the country.  Marshall Home who ran against Jonathan Rothschild is on my side.  Randall Santiler, Ron Lesnik and many more.  Any advice coming from them would help in an effort to battle Bruegger’s Bagels Restaurant in a case that would pretty much be another thorn in their side.

An article  “Worksheet asks children to remove parts of the Bill of Rights” spell-bounded me.  Thanks to Stephanie Sledge of, I verified in myself elements in the youth educational system that has had me in inquiring thought for years.

If you know my work and all that I have either rediscovered, solved, and beyond, you’ll know, that is if you believe that I have the true answers when my mind resolves them, that this new opened door regarding the education system is epic.

This means that I’m re-investigating a topic I’ve begun to cover regarding the educational system.  The NEO NAZI youth program

A coalition of GMO companies, including Monsanto, is trying to brainwash our kids into supporting genetically-modified crops. The “Council for Biotechnology Information” has written up and widely circulated the book Look Closer at Biotechnology, biotech propaganda in the form of a children’s coloring book, handed out for use in schools.

A young female student in Bryant School District in Arkansas brought home a worksheet that presented her with a scenario that referred to the Bill of Rights as “outdated” and that as part of a special committee she would need to throw out two of the Amendments.  The worksheet was handed out to Sixth grade students in a History class. According to the girl’s mother, Lela Spears, she has not received any government or civics classes and this was the first assignment dealing with the Constitution or Bill of Rights. The school district is participating in the embattled Common Core curriculum.


I attended a large classroom at the University of Arizona on October, 14 as an observer.  No, I didn’t ask permission for the reality of red tape and know that I wouldn’t have been allowed to sit in on a class.  In this realm, and I sat in the back corner of the auditorium, I witnessed the most spectacular event I could ever imagine.  It wasn’t a lecture.  It was the day of a test.  No lecutre, but instructions were given not to worry about specifics in their answers, but just to name the names of the ‘notable’ people involved.  Guess what, the names are all Saudi Arabian.  The students managing the hall passed out the test sheets and I was given one.  I had zero idea who these Arabians were!  They are not talked about in the news.. period.  I was stunned.  What I learned is that I should get a student educational loan so that I can open a new door into the mis-intel knowledge base that will show me more of the NWO blueprint.  That class, you see, was a subtle “Obamacare’ process by which kids in the young adult life are being trained to observe, respect, and obey Muslim lifestyles for the reason the NWO religion is Egyptian.  I learned that Egyptian alien intellect of the control of minds is rooted in that mindset and it just so happens to be named Muslim.  Look at it… women are controlled and men have all the power over them.  The stinky thing is that I see that, and I computed it in my head, that most of the students here at the UofA are women and all wearing black spandex sport uniforms.  You see red at the ball games, but when you watch people and see the style beneath it, the spandex, shorts which males wear, and so on are black.  The color is the fourth one we see in television, film, and the news.  Red, White, Blue… and black.  There are more women on this campus than the Australian ration of men to women.  Or, it’s the same.  The thing is, I’ve seen government advertisement after ad asking women to employ as FBI, NSA, and the rest of the alphabet agencies.  They’re not asking men.  It’s the women.

GMO giant, Monsanto, placed a booklet with third graders countrywide that teaches them that genetically modified food is ethical, important, nutritious as well as beneficial for the environment.  There is so much to decrypt, but I’ll spare the reader of this article.  It is because all my articles should be 4 to 5 hundred page books.  Project Cloverleaf placed a booklet showing our children not to worry about chemtrailing… that it is good for the Geo-engineering conversion of our planet.  There are literally thousands of ‘mental inserts’ perpetrated upon our publicly mind control educational processed children.  We can’t help but place our offspring into these daily communal training camps.  We need to go to our jobs to… what, feed them when they get home?  Bad excuse.  “I need to work to feed my family”.  Nope.  They have us all in reverse thought having trained us to use these excuses not think straight.

Look at the article worksheet‘ again.  The power elites have infiltrated our scholastic system so blatantly that know nobody will question what their children are being trained to do.  The sixth graders will become military age at 18 to 24.  That means that in the year 2018-2020 will be the exclusive overthrow of this country by our own kids.

Peg LuksikIntellects reading the links I provided and looking at how our children are being deceived, retrained to dispose our rights so that they will carry out atrocities beyond comprehension (the video game fanatics are the most lethal when it comes to real time, real armament, and really bad button pressing contracted to operate the people killing drones), are the actual drones we talk about.  Industry build remote controlled aircraft, satellites, and all the things we speak of that are Obama-pushed projects, so to speak mechanical drones, are not the only futuristic cannibalistic weapons.  It happens to be the diverted education of your child to, without being a 2/3 voting Representative in Government making the decision that your 1st and 2nd Amendment right is “Outdated”.

Before I say what this article is really about, I’d like you to review Peg Luksik’s lecture on education

Okay.  Now the big Operation is disclosed.  The article link and what I am discussing is about children being taught to  repel against the rights granted to Americans when it’s time the NWO takes full charge.

The challenge is linking the decomposition of the Constitution, Bill of Rights, the Amendments to something that is Biblical.  The Bible has pages upon pages of whatever, but the most important element happens to be the Ten Commandments.  What the Elites are doing is recomposing each and every one of them also to  mean something differently than what their true intent are.  Like the Commandments, our rights are being deconstructed and taught as something else outside the perimeters of their intent.

It happens to be all the rules whether it is religion or politics that are being changed

Here is an example of one of the Ten Commandments.  “THOU SHALL NOT KILL”.  Well, in this country it seems that any federal agent, even a nurse who draws a federal paycheck, has the license to kill without going to court for a judicial hearing in front of a judge nor peers of their age (a jury).  What they do now is conduct “internal investigations” into matters and those reports are the mainstay of justice.  We saw that plainly when the Trade Center Towers were destroyed.  The government’s statement on what happened stuck, people rebelled but were always dissected out of the argument, and what happened in Pima County when an innocent young man was shot with almost 100 rounds of bullets and the SWAT team that unleashed their entire clips were never brought to justice.. a court of law is where justice is served, A million people bought that story hook line and sinker as the right way things should be done.  This article is to show that all of us are being retrained not to understand how the Constitution works.  Bigger, what the Ten Commandments mean.

Another is “Thou shall not use God’s name in vain”.  Now, most people I interview asking what their interpretation varies.

You can have four churches bordering streets with houses within acre.  On a Sunday, people attending those churches will have four different interpretations implanted in their minds by one person projecting these ideas in their interpretation of the Bible, the Biblical commandments and so forth.  The question to ask is “Why after all these centuries nobody has learned the “the truth” from this book?  Each reverend, preacher, or whatever they call themselves have an individual opinions not based on an educational format that is cohesive and unified.  If it were, then those attending four different churches wouldn’t argue about a simple question about any line of text from the Bible.  They’d all say the same thing.

Most say that one must comply with respect by not putting the word God within a sentence where profanity exists.  This is the wrong perception of the commandment.  The precise  word used in the single line of text is “vane..” or vanity.  Any dictionary will say nothing about profane words in juxtaposition with anyone or any God is described.  The real meaning of this commandment is that no person should raise themselves above another by claiming that they are God, Jesus, or anything else.  It has nothing to do with exploitation using verbal abuse.  The point here is that children are being taught to view everything differently even though the word meanings are pointed, explicit, precise, and have meaning.  They are showed that words take on new avenues of thought as moral diversions.


Obama claimed that those who do not pay their monthly dues on their home that they are “Dead Beats”.  Here is the article: Obama: If you’re struggling to pay mortgage, ‘you’re just a deadbeat’


After the Gabrielle Giffords shooting

in front of a Safeway shopping market “Congress on Your Corner” event (also known as the Congress On Your Corner Massacre”), an election took place in which a man, Marshall Home, ran against an Illuminati.  The aftermath was just one of the ugly missions by the Elite that took place in the year 2011.

The man he ran against was Jonathan Rothschild.. an Illuminati

The killing of the last honest Federal Judge, John McCarthy Roll who went against the establishment’s effort to eradicate the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms by reversing the Brady Bill, was the beginning of events that lasted two years.  A script was played out involving many itmes; the two at the top were ‘Mental Health and harming our rights to weapon ownership’.  Local assassinations in Tucson, Arizona and then in Aurora, Colorado ending in a more notable case known as the Kindergarten massacre on the East Coast.

Click to enarge the document

RothschildWhat does Marshall Home have to do with Obama’s claim that Americans are Dead Beats if they don’t pay the bankers?

This is not the first time Obama has made this analogy. Speaking of the debt ceiling from the Rose Garden last Tuesday, he applied the same scenario to a car loan: “Think about that. If you buy a car and you’ve got a car note, you do not save money by not paying your car note. You’re just a deadbeat.”  A few people know this… the Queen of England holds your actual ‘note’ to your house and vehicle.  Your pink slip is pink, but the real note is of another color and held against you off US soil.

It is because Marshall had been instructing people on how to negotiate around the bankruptcy as well as business and home foreclosures that has become the mainstay of the scam on Americans for a decade.  Holmes, during the election process in which he was one four men running for Mayor of Tucson, served the Illuminati with a suit regarding the fact that he, Jonathan Rothschild, did not divorce his job as a law man, an attorney with a law firm, to become an official serviceman of Government.

The point of this article is to show a simple matter regarding what the president refers to as “Mortgage’

He said that anyone who resides in this country is a DEADBEAT if they lapse on bank payments for their residence.  The term Mortgage happens to be defined as mortal, or mortality… deadness… and what Obama said was just that; DEADBEAT.  He is beating the dead as in the term, ‘Mort’.  All of the terms used are hidden in plain sight when one understands the language and makes the connection.  What he said was true in the manner that only insiders understand, but also treasonous.  They laugh at us.


Oblivion water fusion converters

After contemplating all that is happening,

I feel while all natural resources are being gobbled up, sequestered… just plain stolen, it happens to be fresh water that the earth has that is being earmarked for a mass planetary harvest of a natural resource.


A Stargate is born

Pat Tillman arc structure 3

Hoover SG1And it is highly prized by alien beings.  It is H20, hydrogen with two oxygen molecules, that they want.  My years of research into the Hoover Dam issue I suspect is a STARGATE was an epic find, but the danger behind it is what I suspected.  Aliens want our water resources.  You see it in the papers or the television news in which national parks are being closed off.


The truth is, the weather modification program known as Cloverleaf (Chemtrails) is a process by which the atmosphere is being shut down.  It’s called dessication and simply means removing water from the planet.  This includes the atmosphere, the oceans, rivers and streams, underground water aquifers, caves, cisterns and if there is any water in Hollow Earth, then that too.

Could water be slated to be off world loaded.. perhaps to Mars, other worlds, or simply to anywhere in the world the Elites want it?

They are making a New Order out of this planet as they may have done, if it was done, to the planet Mars.


Water is a liquid crystal

Lake Mead low levelMy theory on Hoover Dam as a Stargate and Jonathan Kleck’s look into the fact they’ll destroy it blend together.  Once they complete the gate, they may blow the crest for water to flow downward, or go underneath flooding

the speculated underground DUMB, but really it is a way to get water to flow underneath and then up through the portal in which water disappears upward instead of downward, or both.  problem with water flowing over a part that is above doesn’t jive with the fact that Mead is at low water table levels.

One theory coming to me as a Hollywood ‘tell’ suggests that an incredible explosive device, man made or other, is nestled deep within the bulk of Hoover Dam’s immense amount of concrete.  If this is the case, then the whole darn thing comes down.  The 20 dollar bill that indicates two buildings on fire do not show them disappeared.  So, logic says that the whole dam goes just like both towers did.


Jonathan Kleck determines the destruction having folded the 50 note

SNC 4-21-2012_html_m6aa0613d


Does the film TRANSFORMERS tell us what could happen?


Transformers Borg cubes compared

In the 2007 film Transformers in which a cube of unknown origin is sought after by aliens known as the Transformers, or something like that, and that this rather ubiquitous looking object, a cube, is warehoused within the confines of a large concrete pyramid.  Hoover Dam was built in the plot of the movie to keep this weapon of mass destruction, so to speak, from destroying something as well as being found.  Megatron, a character in the form of an alien transformer, is also kept in Hoover Dam.


Could the cube in Transformers represent an explosive device that blows Hoover Dam from within?

Thing is, the trade towers were rendered to dust (Dr. Judy Woods), all of the concrete and steel.  This indicates that they’ll vaporize the dam, but then that destroys the crest which is part of the portal gate.  Hoover Dam, and really it is unimportant how much concrete is there.. just a figure, would turn to butter having been blitzed with scalar vector technologies.  These forces may have been used to bring down the World Trade Center Towers in 2001.  Two massive building ended up being a heap of dust brought down on what is knows as its own footprint.. a demolition term when destroying old dilapidated structures into one nice package remnants ready to be removed conveniently.



world trade tower dust